Omer Bhatti told a story about Michael

Because they had Genevieve in the studio, so they had to talk english so she could understand :)
Isn't Omar Norwegian himself? Why is he speaking English? :unsure:

its all in the eyes lol i guess his non denials of being mjs son got him the record deal at last!
i cant stand that kid. he never said one way or another but we all know its a lie. he has his own damn parents.... IDC about this kid and i dont care what he has to say about michael.
I'm from the same town as Omer, and my sister knows him. He was just a normal kid before he met Mike. And yes he has a good relationship with his parents. At least he had back then.
Did they autotune every single note that Genevieve sang?

So, seriously, what was up with all the giggling and "we grew up together" stuff when the interviewer asked them how they met? Did they really grow up together? How old was Omer when he and his family moved to Neverland? Was Genevieve really around Neverland a lot, enough that they could say that they "grew up together"?

Omer really ruins his credibility in my eyes with all the paternity BS. If he wants to be taken seriously, I think he needs to kill the rumors. Letting people suspect that he's the secret son of MJ makes him look like a joke.
I doubt Omer will kill the rumors. It is free publicity, and he is using it. I don't think he is MJJ son, but there are fans who do think so. :sad2:
Omer needs to rely on his talent, changing middle name can do so much. :scratch:

... Only they're not Michael Jackson. He's really comfortable having people second-guessing him, he thinks he's got that Jacksonesque mistique too. Really sad...

100% Agreed.
I think from a different interview or this:

According to a Norwegian fan on Amazon that watched the interview, Omer didn't give a yes or no answer when asked about Michael being his father. It seems that he is still enjoying milking the rumors.

The host said to him: "Ok, I`m gonna ask you flat out, are you Michael`s son"?
Omer just smiled and said something like, "you know, I don`t respond to questions like this. I don`t respond to anything the media says. They can say whatever they like. It doesn`t matter what I say, they will write whatever they want anyway" "And you", he said to the host, "have this from the media".
The host: "No, I got it from Joe Jackson" (smiles when he says this, cuz even here in our neck of the woods, we know that ol`Joe is full of
Omer doesn`t respond. The host asks what it was like when he heard about MJ`s death, and how long it was since he had been in contact with Michael. Omer says, a few days before June 25th, and he really didn`t wanna talk about that, he was fighting back tears, it seemed.
Host asks Omer if Michael trusted him, and O said yes. Host asked if MJ had many in his life that he could trust, Omer said no, almost no one and it got worse over the years.
From LSA:
Here's some of the stuff that went down....The host start off the interview saying:

Skavlan: "It's fantastic to have you on the show. All the Norwegians knows your name but we haven't really heard you talk. What we do know about you is that you knew MJ for almost 20 years and according to rumors you met MJ in Tunis. Your mom worked at Neverland and in the end you became one of his best friends, you do confirm the last part, right?....Omer smiles and says: Yes, I can confirm the last part.

Omer talks about how much MJ meant to him. "He was an amazing individual, even more amazing as a person than an artist",

They could sit at home for hours and just watch dance moves on TV and talk about dance. MJ introduced him to artists he wasn't familiar with like Frankie lymond (who's now one of Omer's favorites) and Fred Astaire. MJ taught him so much about dancing.

Skavlan: why do you think you guys got so close

Omer: Whe always had a special chemistry, as human beings we were very much a like and something I'm very proud of is that I introduced him to hip hop.

Skavlan (The host) looks at him like "Really you introduced him to hiphop"?

Omer: "MJ liked hiphop as far as the music (beats) but even though he liked several hiphop songs he hadn't really got into it."

Omer thought it had to do with the violent lyrics and all the gangsta rap back then. MJ thought hiphop music was just too violent....but When Omer showed him a documentary about 2 pacs life he changed his views and got a whole new outlook.

Skavlan; There are a lot of rumors about you, even MJ's father suggests that you are MJ's son

Omer: Media speculations is somethnig I won't comment on and will never do cause it doesn't matter what I say. If I say somethnig the media is going to twist my words and make it seem I've said something completely different. Everything I described I have no control over that whatsoever and I don't care, so they can continue to write stories and say what they want...but they won't get anything from me.

The host: but when I see you dance and I've seen you behind the scenes...I have to ask you...are you MJ's son?

Omer: (Smiles) I'm not going to say anything. When it comes to speculations I won't give you an answer....that's something for the media

What was your relationship like?

Omer We had fun together

Skavlan: You understand people are curious?

Omer: I understand people are curious (I would've been curious aswell) but at the same time when you have so little private life you want to at least have something to keep to yourself.

Skavlan: Did MJ trust you

Omer: Yes and I'm very proud of that.

Skavlan t: Could he trust many people?

Omer: No, fewer and fewer friends.

Skavlan: What went threw your mind when you heard that MJ was dead?

Omer: It's very difficult, I'm dealing with it every single day. I don't like to talk about it cause it's just too difficult.

The host: When was the last time you talked to him?

Omer: A few days before it happened.

Skavlan: Did you meet him that day?

Omer: I wish not to talk about that.

Skavlan: You have been treated as one of the family, you're part of the jackson you have a good relationship with his children?

Omer: Yes we are very close.

Skavlan: How are they doing nowadays?

Omer: They are doing just fine.