Olympic Torch to Vancouver (Canadians only)


Proud Member
May 25, 2008
To all you Canadians out there, have half of you saw the torch in your hometown yet? while the other half are you prepared to see the torch on it's way to Vanvouver? I'm asking this, because it's on it's way to my hometown today and I wanna see it. I found out it's gonna arrive around 3:45pm.
I just came back home, my dad and I went to town just in time for the torch and we saw it. Man it was worth it. You're never gonna believe this, but one of the trucks plays Michael Jackson's songs, no joke, it plays "Smooth Criminal" and "Billie Jean", those are the songs I only heard.
That is awesome... where do you live?

I saw it when it was in downtown Toronto a couple weeks back... Pretty exiciting!

I still can't believe it is still in Ontario! It has got to be longest, all over the place torch run in history... :D

Still super exciting... but come on - we have a few other provinces to get to! The Olympics are only 6 weeks away....

(woohoo juniors!)
That is awesome... where do you live?

I saw it when it was in downtown Toronto a couple weeks back... Pretty exiciting!

I still can't believe it is still in Ontario! It has got to be longest, all over the place torch run in history... :D

Still super exciting... but come on - we have a few other provinces to get to! The Olympics are only 6 weeks away....

(woohoo juniors!)

I can't tell you exactly, I can say is I'm from the area between Timmins-Cochrane area, check on TSN's SportsCentre, they can tell you.