older guys with younger girl - who are over 18


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
ok I need to get this out into the open because I just fell that i need to let this out !!!!!!!! OK as you all know my husband is 52 and I'm 26 I'm short and kind of look 16 or 17 when we are together in public people just stop and stare like its some kind of show!!!!!!! especially when he kiss me I'm just so sick of little comments ohh he must of done something to her to get married to her ( meaning rape) or her family wanted her to be legal so she married American!!! ( I'm Mexican hes white ) or her family force her to get married to a old man and people ask him if I'm his daughter and when he says that im his wife they give him dirty looks I don't know why people don't understand that love comes in different ways

my husband is the most wonderful man on earth he take care of me love me for who I really am he goes out of his way for me buy me things even tho he don't have a j ob right now cooks drives me every moring to school I meet him on this chat line when I was 17 (3 months before my b-day ) I went on the chat line because I was soooo sick of guys just wanted sex and not a true relationship we became friends on the phone on he phone we never talked about sex it was always about school music and about his work or watching the laker game together and we dint meet until my 18 birthday with my mom and dad there in my house he never asked me to meet him alone or anything he knew about my pass relationships and how hard that was he knew about my promise to God when I was 15 that I would remain a virgin till I got married and to have sex the way that God intend to be because I saw so Manny of my friends get pregnant and leave school and I dint want to be a teen mom I wanted to finish school and go to collage when my mom meet him she almost died because she thought he was too old for me but my dad understood where I was coming form and gave him a chance he invited him to thanksgiving dinner with us and after the dinner he asked my dad NOT me if he was OK with me becoming his girlfriend my dad was really surprise that he even asked him and he said it was OK if I was ok with it ( and of course I was ) so we dated for a year and a half with every weekend him coming to visit me going to the movies and out to eat with my mom with us he never said why is she with us or got mad that she was with us if fact he love that we where so old fashioned he never had a relationship like that after a year the topic of marriage came up He dint now how to ask so we just talked about it next thing I know we got a engagement ring but I picked it out and it was a 2 heart ring my family tho it was a joke at frist but I dint know what an engagement ring was I picked it out because it symbolizes what our love was 2 heart as one we picked out the wedding date and began planing the wedding on Jan 4,2003 was the best day of my life I was married to the man of my dreams the man that was my life my everything the one person that didn't want me for sex only and saw the real person the real me that was inside which most people ralry see

sorry for the long post but i needed to get this out
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Congratulations!!!!! Just enjoy your time, your life, your husband, your happiness!
Who really cares what others think!
yeah it hard to ingore other when they call you husband names or tell us that imorral
Just don't give them more importance than belongs to them. You know better how you guys feel and are. Only because ppl call you a certain way doesn't make you, just do not give them that feeling! It's you and your husband who count in there, nobody else! If it's true love then that is so nice, focus on eachother, enjoy!
If those other ppl need their noses into your guys lives just know they are probably escaping that they do not have anything nice for themselves they could focus on... because if they had they could and would also focus on that.
ok, so im not gonna sit here and say i didnt cringe when you said u met him over the net...and the age difference is pretty wide, and your father being so open about it all

BUT after all that is said and done you're a grown woman now and have been married for some years. Forget what others have to say and live your life. if he makes you happy then dont let him go just because others dont like it.
ok, so im not gonna sit here and say i didnt cringe when you said u met him over the net...and the age difference is pretty wide, and your father being so open about it all

BUT after all that is said and done you're a grown woman now and have been married for some years. Forget what others have to say and live your life. if he makes you happy then dont let him go just because others dont like it.

we meet on a telephone dating service i lied and said i was 18

like i said when my mom and dad meet him i was already 18 so it was not like i was under age and they could have said some thing my dad new about all my ex boyfriends and knew maybe this was different that why he was so open about it becuse he kinew about the pain i whent thow

believe it or not my dad and him clicked right away there the same age and my dad after i got married got a girlfriend my age lol and now has 3 kids with her the youngest one 1 year old
congratulations!! dont worry what others think just as long as your happy thats all that matters! :D
If you're happy and you both love each other than what anybody else thinks doesn't matter. If they have to make comments like that and judge people then there lifes must be pretty sad, just remember that as long as you know in your heart what's true then nobody else can get you down... ever. :) :huggy:
Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You love each other and that is all that matters. I'm 21 and last year whilst I was 20 I had a thing with a 36 year old guy, so that is the same age difference as you and your husband and I look about 16/17 too. I met him in a bar. It didn't work, not because of age but because whilst he was happy to brag and show me his house with his swimming pool and his old modelling photos he failed to tell me he was still married (but seperated) and had a child. His wife (who he was seperated from) started sending me angry facebook messages, and I didn't want to deal with that especially when I didn't know the background of their relationship.. plus he lied by omission so I didn't trust him. So that was that. Age doesn't matter, what matters is the relationship between the two of you, if it works it works. Ignore everyone else.
ok I need to get this out into the open because I just fell that i need to let this out !!!!!!!! OK as you all know my husband is 52 and I'm 26 I'm short and kind of look 16 or 17 when we are together in public people just stop and stare like its some kind of show!!!!!!! especially when he kiss me I'm just so sick of little comments ohh he must of done something to her to get married to her ( meaning rape) or her family wanted her to be legal so she married American!!! ( I'm Mexican hes white ) or her family force her to get married to a old man and people ask him if I'm his daughter and when he says that im his wife they give him dirty looks I don't know why people don't understand that love comes in different ways

geez, sounds like some small town minds, what kind of people are they? your 26, its perfectly fine. you met him when you were 18. who cares what they think. and that remark on you being mexican and have to be ''legal to wed'' is racist of them sitting around and thinking that and giving your husband a nasty look because of it. im part mexican myself so seriously. ignore those fools, your happy...., tell them they have some ageism and racist problems. you dont need to put up with this.
if they live in this little world where they assume couples are only a year difference in age or they say remarks on interracial couples they need no concern from decent people like yourself. so free your mind.=)
Congratulations on your happiness and I hope you don't let the opinions of others bother you.

I am also 26 and my husband is 34. That eight years may not seem like a lot now, but it seemed like a lot at the beginning! When we first met I was 16 and he was 24 and actually a teacher (not MY teacher though!) and colleague of my mother's! :bugeyed We didn't start going out until I was 18 and he was 26. Now we've been together for 8 happy years, married for 4.5 of those years. :)

Age ain't nothin' but a number.... remember how many girls in their teens, twenties and thirties are in love with MJ :)

aweh congratz.

i like the saying that goes...

age ain't nothing but a number ;D

if you love him and he loves you... then everything is all ready all right.
Love is love and to feel and experience it, you don't need 'age'. If you love someone and if that person makes you happy you should be able to be together without having people stare at you or make stupid remarks. I'm happy that you found someone that makes you happy :yes:

Let other people talk, they'll always find something to talk about.
Age does not matter. My dad's first wife was 15 years older than he. He did not talk much about this but some time he said that now and then there were people scoffing them just like "oh, a boy with his mommy". :angry: Ok, that was in the 50s where moral standards were way different from now but still ... What I see from pictures she was a fine lady. After she died my dad met my mother who was 15 years younger then he. Both were not that young anymore when I was born, and they used to make my dad 10 years younger for me to protect me. They sensed what was going to come. When I was in primary school I often heard from school mates: "Oh, those were you parents? I thought those were your grandparents!" Yep, I have to admit I suffered from such remarks. Again, this was in the late 60s, early 70s, when it was hip to have young parents. Kids usually reflect what they see on adults.

People can be so cruel ... :(

Today I see those experiences as tessellae in the picture of life. They taught me to be very careful when it comes to judging someone without taking a look behind the curtain ...

marias21, if you and your hubby love each other - that's all that really matters.
my father was also 15 years older than my mother, and before he met her he had 2 failed marriages with women his age but with my mother he found stability and happiness for the first time in his life. he died when I was a teenager but my mother never remarried after that and I don't think she ever will, he was the love of her life and vice-versa and I'm not just saying it because they were my parents. when he died it was very sad, but he died surrounded by a loving family instead of dying a lonely man with bitter ex-wives. life is too short to waste time with age difference, social status or anything like that don't listen to people! they are so self-righteous you'll never be happy if you let others tell you how you should live your life
thanks every one for chairing me up i just felt i needed to get it out because i was so tired of people jugging me and him some times when im out in public so people can stop staring i go a different way then he dose and it hurt because i don't see any one calling Paul mccartney and his ex wife names or staring at them so i don't understand

my husband says it's because i have this " baby look" that why people cant really get that im older then i look but hes not worried about it and he tell me nether should i but i cant help it because i want people to see us as a couple not as a show if people knew how we me and him are together i beat h they would see that our relationship its like no other
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