Old News But I just Found Out : Michael's Hair Turned into Diamonds


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Michael Is Forever As Hair Turns Into Diamonds

10:16am UK, Saturday July 25, 2009
A lock of Michael Jackson's hair is to be turned into diamonds to give a select few fans a unique way of remembering their idol.

The Jackson diamond will be created by the firm which made this blue stone

The star lost the hair when he was set on fire during the filming of a Pepsi advert in 1984.
Ralph Cohen, the executive producer of the video, scooped up some of the charred strands and put them in his pocket as Jackson was rushed off set to hospital.
He kept it for 25 years before selling it to John Reznikoff, who has amassed a collection of hair from famous historical figures including Abraham Lincoln, John F Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe.
Now the collector has teamed up with LifeGem to produce an exclusive set of diamonds from a portion of the hair. The rest will remain in his collection.
LifeGem founder Dean VandenBiesen said: "We specialise in creating diamonds from locks of hair.
"Our plan is to give people an opportunity to own a diamond made from Michael Jackson's DNA.

"We are currently evaluating Jackson's hair sample to determine how many diamonds can be created.
"This will be a limited collection and we anticipate great interest."
The company previously worked with Reznikoff to create diamonds from Beethoven's hair in 2007 and sold one of them on eBay for around $200,000 (£122,000).
Meanwhile, Jackson's former financial adviser has handed over millions of dollars of the King of Pop's money to his executors.
Dr Tohme Tohme said the $5.5m (£3.3m) was "a secret between Michael and me" and had been earmarked for the purchase of a "dream home" in Las Vegas.
Yes this is OLD and was discussed here when it first was being touted in 2009

The estate was made aware this and also another place that claimed to
have Michael's burnt hair and was selling pieces of it on a sleezy auction site.

This guy apparently bought a few stands of MJs hair from his Pepsi accident
certainly not enough there to create all this Madness over. Its all about profiting
off from the Burns inflicted on Michael during the Pepsi accident (SAD) :(

Its all discusting. This is from a very painful terrible time in MJs life
and is nothing to celebrate or Make $$$$$$$$$ off from.

This is NOT a strand of hair Michael generously gave to any one
Its hair that came from when he was severly burnt on his scalp
and was SOLD to the highest bidder : ................................(

Anything For The Money
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No need to apologise (hugs)
I thought you posted it becuase you wanted to discuss it
Its not your fault what they do
Thank you i did not know that:no: But at least Michael still shines on:yes: