Old diaries


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
My mom came to my house with a box of old stuff she'd found lying around, and in it were my old diaries.
I picked up the one from 1992 and couldn't stop smiling as half the book is about my fangirlyness about Michael :lol:

(Roughly translated)
Reasons why I love Michael Jackson;
He is cool. He's a great singer and a good dancer. He is so popular. The biggest star in the world and a superstar!! :punk: :lol:

It's filled with randomness like "Michael's mouth is cute" and "Michael is a good lover" (lol @ this as I was 11 at the time)

Oh well, onto the '93 one..

I also found my old diaries from 04-05 (the time I became fan) too bad there isn't that much about Michael that I expected.. I wish I could turn back time and write everything down, it would be sooo fun to read them now! :D Especially the day when I found my sister's MJ cd's.. damn why I didn't write anything then!
ive been keeping a journal since january this year, it rips my hear tout to read my entry for 6th march which id basially a big I GOT TICKETS!!!! followed by woooooooooooooooooooooow with so many ooo's i can't count. and the other days like " michael is in london, gonig to annouce concerts, sooo exicted" and michael went out dressed kinda like santa, made me spurt coke over the screen"

It's filled with randomness like "Michael's mouth is cute" and "Michael is a good lover" (lol @ this as I was 11 at the time)

Oh well, onto the '93 one..

Hahahaha, that's adorable.

Not too long ago, I was looking through a box filled with old papers, poems, artwork etc from when I was in elementary school and I found a crayon drawing I did of Michael Jackson. I titled it "Mikel Jakson".
It's so nice to reread old diaries. I also wrote when I was young and most of the diary was about Michael. lol! We can go back in time and relive those emotions and get back in touch mainly those moments. :)
aww bless you all! I got rid of my diary cos my mum read it when I was 14 (not good...........) I remember I had lots of things written about Michael and how I wanted to travel to Neverland and be his friend, I do remember telling everyone that as soon as we would become friends he wouldn't be sad anymore as I would take care of him...quite why I thought he was sad back in the early 80's I'm not sure, guess children pick up on more than we realise.
Gosh this thread is just making me realize that when Michael left, a part of myself as a child - the happiest time of my life - left too. :cry: