Officials find no crimes in Jackson leak probe


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles County sheriff's investigators have finished an inquiry into whether coroner's employees illegally leaked or sold private information related to the investigation of Michael Jackson's death.

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Friday no criminal violations occurred, though employees may have violated department policies.

Officials launched the probe after Jackson's death certificate was improperly viewed by at least a half-dozen employees who had no role in investigating the cause of his death.

Whitmore says investigators had done their due diligence and found no sign of employees illegally accessing or selling information.

A call to the coroner's office was not immediately returned.

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L.A. County coroner's office cleared in sheriff's inquiry into Michael Jackson leaks
'We didn't find any criminal wrongdoing,' a sheriff's spokesman says. But a county supervisor says the sheriff's review was 'very limited' and is awaiting the results of a separate county audit.

Los Angeles County sheriff's investigators have concluded a nearly two-month inquiry into whether county coroner's employees illegally leaked or sold private information from Michael Jackson's death investigation, a sheriff's spokesman announced Friday.

After interviewing coroner's staff and consulting with the district attorney's office, investigators from the sheriff's internal criminal investigations bureau determined that no criminal violations occurred, according to sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore.

"We didn't find any criminal wrongdoing," Whitmore said.

Results of the inquiry were presented to county supervisors and the county's chief executive Thursday, Whitmore said.

Whitmore said investigators "did their due diligence" and found no evidence that coroner's employees illegally accessed or sold information from the Jackson case, although they may have violated department policies.

Supervisors called for the inquiry July 25, after The Times reported that the pop star's death certificate had been viewed more than 300 times, including by half a dozen coroner's employees not involved in the investigation.

On Friday, Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas called the sheriff's review "very limited" and said that he is awaiting results of a county audit of the coroner that is underway.

"That should be the more telling report because it will be more thorough," Ridley-Thomas said, adding that sheriff's investigators could revisit the matter "if something else surfaces."

Craig Harvey, the chief coroner's investigator, previously said employees who inappropriately viewed Jackson's records were given a warning -- the proper discipline, according to county civil services rules -- and that no further investigation was needed.,0,549744.story
... nothing happened..., just some people saw private info about Michael and his death, and thats ok, and they can do whatever they want... with that...
what about selling their "stories"?
See, and this is why absolutely nothing will come of Michael's death!
See, and this is why absolutely nothing will come of Michael's death!

Yeah I have that feeling to I mean why aren't they doing something. My feeling is they don't really care and every day I get more angry. This is so unfair hearts are broken all over the world because we don't have Michael anymore and no one seems to care apart from his fans.

they also did not find any wrongdoing on SBPD part in 2003 , so no surprise.
like 100 employees viewed the reports right? fire them. if they weren't working on the case they shouldn't have been viewing the files..

fire them for being too d*** nosey. and of course they would say nothing was leaked.

like i believe pigs can fly. this is LAPD we are talking about.
Yeah I have that feeling to I mean why aren't they doing something. My feeling is they don't really care and every day I get more angry. This is so unfair hearts are broken all over the world because we don't have Michael anymore and no one seems to care apart from his fans.


you're right nobody cares
people are jumping up and down about tributes and new material but almost nobody is angry and making a big fuss over the word HOMICIDE on Michael's death certificate
where's all the media fuss over something as serious as this? where is all the anger? I don't see it anywhere because nobody cares
but of course I'm just another stupid fan complaining and wyning when I should be "grateful" for the respect and praise MJ is getting now when he's dead - whatever!!
Well, there are OTHER individuals who could've leaked the information... for monitary gain.

But, I'm not going to get into a debate about that. You all know who I'm talking about.
I'm not surprised, and it's not JUST Michael. Remember when NURSES at UCLA gave Farah Fawcett's medical records to the tabloids, and she was alive going through cancer treatment. They did the same thing to George Clooney...and what happened to them? They just got a little slap on the wrist (it was like temp. suspension WITH pay). No one cares about leaks when it comes to someone making money.
im laughing cuz the info everyone got wasn't from the lapd or the coronor...not w/ respect to this. yes it was veiwed inappropriately and it'llbe taken care of in house but it wasn't them who sold the info....take a wild guess....