Official Site of Taj : Photos of Michael

Bless. Must have been amazing to have Michael as an uncle. I hope they're doing ok with it all. :(
today is really hard , I can't believe he is no longer here to celebrate his birthday , I'm crying right now . RIP Michael we love you more.
I love this sentence : "The King of Pop isn't big enough for him... He is simply the Greatest Entertainer that ever lived."

And it is in his twitter too :

Poor taj.
Goodness, they must have amaaaazing memories
I hope they treasure them forever. The pics are sooo cute!
I hope they are all doing well too
I love this sentence : "The King of Pop isn't big enough for him... He is simply the Greatest Entertainer that ever lived."

And it is in his twitter too :

Poor taj.
I loved it when Barry G. said that at the memorial! I just lost it then....along with Al Sharpton's part of his speech when he said 'ain't nothing weird about your daddy, etc...'
i LOST it
The name of his website is cute. Nice pics, I know they are missing their Uncle DooDoo. God bless them.
I am sooo sad today. I believe it's finally sinking in. I can't fathom celebrating MJ's birthday without him being here amongst us. Gone way too soon :(
Can't imagine the heartache his family are going through. He's absolutely right...there'll never be another MJ. I'm so glad they got the opportunity to sing with their uncle. A piece of immortality, "Why" and "I Need You" are wonderful...they'll last forever. God Bless.
I loved it when Barry G. said that at the memorial! I just lost it then....along with Al Sharpton's part of his speech when he said 'ain't nothing weird about your daddy, etc...'
i LOST it

God yes, I think we all did. What a profound to say that he was tormented for being himself. If only those who mocked him had half the talent and love he possessed. He did deal with so much ignorance.
God yes, I think we all did. What a profound to say that he was tormented for being himself. If only those who mocked him had half the talent and love he possessed. He did deal with so much ignorance.

I have been trying to think some of things Michael could of done differently in his carreer and I really can't come up with anything. If he were to be different he would not of been Michael Jackson some people say that he should of done this or that . Well if he followed how people wanted to him to be he would of stop being himself.Most genious think outside the box that is what makes them a genious. People are the ones for MJ being so sad and anxious in his last days because like you said they were so ignorant.

Many of the things that Mike suffered for was because he was to trusting, with kids doctors, business associate and so call friends. Michael was just different in a good kind of way.
great pic and they're so cute^^
Michael is an uncle, so good, i want too^^
That's him with MJ in the first photo? That pic looks like so much fun! He's the kid but Michael seems much more excited hahahaha
Awww... So cute!
Btw, Taryll (the one with blonde-ish hair) reminds me of Prince Michael! :blink: