Official News: Executors Approved TODAY

IMO this is good news for the kids.

Any record of the testimony in front of the judge? Were the Jackson family made to look like greedy people who wouldn't properly handle MJ's estate?
When it comes to money, I put nothing past no one not even exectors.
Well at least we know that Branca & McClain have a track record of making Mjs money work, instead of leeching off of him like certain relatives I won't mention.
IMO this is good news for the kids.

Any record of the testimony in front of the judge? Were the Jackson family made to look like greedy people who wouldn't properly handle MJ's estate?

It was just the paperwork that was signed and filed today. The judge made the order on Tuesday when:

- Katherine Jackson withdrew her objection to Branca and McClain being appointed executors
- the judge ruled that Joe Jackson had no standing to object to the appointment of Branca and McClain
It's great news for Katherine and Michael's children.
I'm so happy to hear this news. Michael knew they were the right guys for this job. I really don't think Michael's family can be financially trusted. Several of them depended on Michael to survive in life and would not manage his money well now if put in charge. I say good luck, gentlemen!
IMO this is good news for the kids.

Any record of the testimony in front of the judge? Were the Jackson family made to look like greedy people who wouldn't properly handle MJ's estate?
What testimony? Mrs. Jackson dropped her objections and today's proceeding was administrative.

I stopped coming on here because of all of the family bashing. It's just too much now. I understand that some of them have done themselves no favors here, but why lump all of them together? That's what bothers me.
I was very glad to see this happen. The only people who make money from fighting these things are the lawyers.

For those who are unfamiliar with this type of thing, the executors get a 'cut' or portion of the estate. Thats what they get for all their hard work. Don't kid yourself. It is a lot of work and there is a lot they need to do. It takes a lot of time and going through each and every claim; keeping track of all the expenses and assets.

I think they have proven themselves so far as doing the right thing and John Branca said his goal here is to make sure Michaels children are well cared for. John and Michael go way back and I don't think John ever did anything to Michael that would be considered wrong. He was always a good business man for him and this is why he was chosen.

To have a family member involved would just add to the confusion and I don't think any of them are great business people.
It was just the paperwork that was signed and filed today. The judge made the order on Tuesday when:

- Katherine Jackson withdrew her objection to Branca and McClain being appointed executors
- the judge ruled that Joe Jackson had no standing to object to the appointment of Branca and McClain
Thanks for the info. I had no idea how all of that was going down.

What testimony? Mrs. Jackson dropped her objections and today's proceeding was administrative.

I stopped coming on here because of all of the family bashing. It's just too much now. I understand that some of them have done themselves no favors here, but why lump all of them together? That's what bothers me.
I think you misunderstood why I asked the question. I'm not one to come in here and bash the family. In fact, I HATE seeing it, especially so soon after MJ's death. I just wanted to see if other people had the same idea of the Jacksons as the fans here do, and whether that opinion was expressed in open court, that's all. This is the ONLY place where I've heard such negative and hateful things said about them. Makes you wonder what everyone else thinks. :scratch:

All the family bashing and hatred thrown around here really brings me down more than anything. :( Hopefully that will change soon.