Official DVD's, terrible ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think we must opprress to SONY, for DVD's. I'm watching and they're so bad. Audio level and audio mix is terrible. Forexample "video greatest hits - Black or white" Center speaker is terrible. MJ is not singing, like he is speaking. His voice is over the music. And video quality is poor. Too much noises on videos. Just "Dangerous the Short films" is good, but audio level is too low. I think they must release them with new technology; they're not suiting to Michael. MJ's DVD's must has best picture / audio quality.
i remember Video Greatest hits also on VHS was soo bad quality. Especially The way you make me feel.
i did not know it is also bad quality on DVD:no:
i wouldn't say number ones were bad bad at all, TWYMMF is bad for some reason on both His vol 1 and number ones.
:2cents:It may depend on when and where you bought you copy of the DVD. If you didn't purchase then when they were first released, it is a good chance you may have purchased a Chinese bootleg copy, That happens all the time with Michael's stuff. You just have to be careful and know that you are getting the real deal and quality stuff. Sorry guys, Next time Mike releases a DVD, make sure you get one right away and from a store with a good reputation. :yes:

i noticed number ones was bad bad quality.

Very true. The videos on them look like they there taken from old video tapes and just digitally transferred in to a cheap DVD recorder etc.

Apparently TWYMMF is supposed to have a grainy visual effect over the entire video. Probably why it looks like it is in such bad quality..

I don't think that's the cases. The colors on TYYMMF video are supposed to be sharp, with no grainy effect. I still have my original 1987 recording of the UK premiere of TYYMMF, and it's has no grainy effect and is much better quality than the version on the Number Ones DVD.
TWYMMF is never grainy shown on tv, and I used to have a new dvd player, and as long as it was unused, it played without grainyness, and than one time i pushed on the fast forward button, and the graininess, started, and since it's played like that all the time, on the both dvds i mentioned. and it's only that video.
TWYMMF is never grainy shown on tv, and I used to have a new dvd player, and as long as it was unused, it played without grainyness, and than one time i pushed on the fast forward button, and the graininess, started, and since it's played like that all the time, on the both dvds i mentioned. and it's only that video.

That's so weird DVD's aren't supposed to degrade in quality at all. Anyways I agree especiall History Vol.1 most of it is terrible, if the stuff wasn't so good you'd definately just never watch it. Thankfully History Vol.2 is practically Flawless all the way, and you can see Sony really put some effort in with this one.
TWYMMF definately has poor picture quality on both DVD's... but am not sure if it's just me but it's slightly better on the Visionary Dual Disc Single in my opinion, the background is still a little grainy with a few blips in the foreground picture such as the 'hairs' I think they call it when it looks like theres a small hair on the picture. It's mostly very clear though. But I do think the picture is miles better on Visionary. It's just a shame it's not the full length video on there.
The Number Ones DVD is a waste of time.

I wish Michael and Sony would finally release a 2 DVD set of all the videos and call it a day instead of making new dvds but with certain videos rearranged in order
My DVD's are original, not copy or etc. I bought twice. First one is from my country (PAL 25 fps), second from (new box set) called, "History I+II". They're not good. May be History on Film is much better. But not as good as Bucharest Concert. Audio levels are so low and audio mix is not good too. Especially Number Ones; says PCM sound; uncompressed audio format. But too bad. If I make them, I can make them better :) Also Moonwalker is terrible too. Playback speed, oh my god...It's not from Sony but, that's bad. Just Bucharest and The One DVD's are high quality.

The sound quality especially on MJ dvd's is really terrible, it is a little better on History Vol. 2 and also on the Visionary set but only slightly! The video image is noisy and full of artefacts although the film grain on TWYMMF is intentional. The sound and image on Dangerous concert is the best but there is no 5.1 mix and it is not in widescreen!!

BTW, I have only ever bought official products from reputable stores usually on the day of release so no bootlegs here! Also I have friends and family who also have the DVD's and the quality is just as bad. Unfortunately you don't tend to notice it if you have a normal TV, sound system. The more high end your gear the more the imperfections become noticeable. I hardly watch my MJ DVD's anymore because on my set-up the results are far inferrior to other music DVD's.

It is the greatest dissapointment for me personally as fan of MJ's to have sub-quality DVD's in terms of sound and video quality. SONY or MJ or whoever has to do omething to rectify this. Good quality DVD's or even better yet Blu-Ray's would be the easiest way to convince people of his greatness and would be the greatest thing for fans apart from seeing him live!!!
I don't think the people owning 'lesser quality imports' is a part of it as it is clearly identifyable by the packaging where it comes from, by the style 'the chinese ones someone spoke of are different to the US and European versions' and Sony items usually state on the back of the cae and disc where it is manufactured and pressed. For example I live in England so the majority of my items state 'Made In The EU'. I actually found the Moonwalker DVD to be of great quality, as opposed to my thoughts on the others I mentioned previously. Lv x
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My DVD's are original, not copy or etc. I bought twice. First one is from my country (PAL 25 fps), second from (new box set) called, "History I+II". They're not good. May be History on Film is much better. But not as good as Bucharest Concert. Audio levels are so low and audio mix is not good too. Especially Number Ones; says PCM sound; uncompressed audio format. But too bad. If I make them, I can make them better :) Also Moonwalker is terrible too. Playback speed, oh my god...It's not from Sony but, that's bad. Just Bucharest and The One DVD's are high quality.

Moonwalker DVD terrible? Which version do you have? Because mine is very sharp. I have a playstation 3 connected with a MONSTER HDMI cable to my Sony Full HD LCD screen. It looks almost flawless!
Yes I agree, the HIStory Vol 1. (especially) and 2., and Number Ones dvds are definitely lacking in quality.

The Dangerous Bucharest concert and Moonwalker are better imo.
Yeah i noticed the quality on HIStory vol 2 during the megamix is abit grainy,its a shame really you would think that SONY would make more of an effort with the artist been Michael Jackson,but seriously they need to start releasing some new and never before released material there are so many concerts,interviews and even candid footage that could be released and would surely be a money making project.
Moonwalker DVD picture quality is good, but sound is bad. It has playback speed problem. I think they made a mistake when they transferring video to PAL 25 FPS or. It's faster than normal AUDIO CD versions. And also video is fast too. Playback speed must be slower. I don't know NTSC versions.

And you know everything changed. Techologh is different than 10 years ago. We use new LCD/Plasma TV's. My DVD player can make upscale for Full HD LCD TV. Bucharest Concert Number Ones looks awesome; but the others looks like VCD not like DVD :) They must transfer them again with new technologies. If I can make them at my house, they can do it in their studios :)

And if they add DTS sound, would be amazing :) He's King of POP and there is no other Michael JACKSON (and I think there will be not); everything must be perfect :)

Thriller 25 Billie Jean - Thriller - Beat IT DVD versions are better than the others. Videos transferred really good.
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Well, I watched BAD in my VHS, and the quality of my VHS's BAD, was well, BAD and when I watched it on my Histtory DVD, BAD looked much better, even GOOD! :)
Oh come on! Don't complain about LPCM: in your Video Mixes, you used LPCM audio, everything sounds good, but in the part of the Bucharest92 audio (BJ's ending part) sounds like a MP3 128kbps quality (or less) xDDDDD

I thaught "that's so rare, because DJ OX really cares about the audio/video quality" xDDDDD

Any way you improvements are awesome, excellent job :)!!

I must reconize that you actually imporve amazingly every clip in that videomix with A W E S O M E quality

Congratulations :)!!!!!!!

P.D.: I recommend you to buy NTSC DVD's, because of the highet frame rate quality (no pulldown, of course) ...

The video of Bucharest 92 DVD 29.97 (no pulldown) has an amazing real motion, much better than 25fps (PAL)!!!!!!
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All these petitions never make any good. Waste of time really, but :lol: I just signed this one too, like I do all the others. BUT even though I sign them I still know deep down inside that they are no good.

Sony never sees them and even if they did, nothing would happen.
Guys, sony is just trying to make a quick buck, they do not want to take the time and make it perfect because it will cut into their profits, yes that is right I figured it out
Michael gets 70% for video content, Sony gets 30%. How do you feel?