Official Announcement from Heal The World Foundation (about lawsuit / Michael's Army etc.)


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands
Just saw this announcement from HTWF on their Facebookpage, very interesting...:scratch:

OFFICIAL HTWF Announcement
Today at 8:37pm

Dear friends and guests,

First of all, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your letters and emails of support, for your love and loyalty to HTWF, its mission and Mr. Jackson’s humanitarian legacy.
I also want to thank you for your patience with us in times when we could not give you more information about the lawsuit against us by the Jackson Estate Executors. Our silence and everything we have done has been to protect and preserve HTWF for Mr. Jackson’s humanitarian legacy and for the world.

Although we still cannot disclose much at this time, we are going to be asking for your support during our upcoming trial, as we fight to save HTWF and we hope you will follow the trial closely and learn the truth.

These past several months have been particularly difficult since Mr. Jackson’s death and in this time of our own personal mourning we have been attacked incessantly and aggressively by those that seek to take the charity away from the volunteers who have spent over a decade fighting to preserve it for him and the world.
We have been publicly slandered, falsely accused of things that are too terrible to speak of and a great damage has been done to the HTWF’s image with these outrageous lies spreading throughout the world, with no regard to how it will harm the Charity.

In the wake of an enormous battle ahead, we remain faithful and steadfast in our resolve to protect Mr. Jackson’s humanitarian legacy and the Charity that aims to make sure he is remembered for the humanitarian luminary he has been and remains today, immortalized in spirit.
We have not been able to defend ourselves yet, but our day is coming, the truth will come out in court and the integrity and love of HTWF volunteers will be evident to the world and so will the truth about those that have called us liars and thieves.
We want our members and Michael Jackson fans to know strait up, that they have been lied to by the Estate Attorneys and the reason is not for the sake of ‘protecting’ HTWF or Michael’s brands, as they claim, but for greed, for power and control.

As you follow the upcoming trial, please be mindful of a few things:

First, the Jackson Estate Executors do not represent:
• Michael Jackson's Character
• The Jackson Family
• Michael Jackson’s Children

The Jackson Estate Executors control:
• his monetary assets
• his companies and investments
• his earnings of his music and merchandise, etc.

HTWF is being sued by the Jackson Estate Executors, NOT by the Jackson family or any of its representatives, neither by Mr. Jackson in person or his posthumous representatives, nor any of his children or custodians of his children or their representatives.

When we learned just this little bit, we asked ourselves:
* So who is representing Mr. Jackson?
* Are these good guys?
* Are these guys going to do right by his name and legacy?
* Are these guys going to do right by the Jackson family?
* Are these guys interested in preserving Mr. Jackson’s humanitarian legacy?

Like you, HTWF volunteer staff did not know the answers to these questions when Mr. Jackson first passed away. After seven months of history with the new Jackson Executors in charge, we have the answers, and you will get them soon as well, as we go to court to prove our integrity and defend our honor. We will not only prove our integrity, but also our love for the cause we are supporting and our honesty in doing it. The facts to be revealed during the trial will answer the questions above to the world a lot better than we can.

The Official Launch of MICHAEL’S ARMY
HTWF’s past decade of developing initiatives and all of our work in preparing them for public launch was brought to a screeching halt at his death, and now with having this nefarious lawsuit against us, we have no choice but to fight them with everything we have, so as to protect the Charity and Mr. Jackson’s humanitarian legacy.

Michael’s ARMY is the Primary HTWF initiative, and was never meant to be launched without Mr. Jackson, calling out to his fans first and then the world to join him in battle against the great atrocities and preventable pain that plagues the helpless.

It is with great pain and disappointment to us that he is not the one to launch the life-blood of his humanitarian legacy, his HTWF and ARMY, but we feel that he would want us to rally his soldiers of love and harness their support against an enemy who threatens to bring down a great good for mankind and destroy its potential for human improvement.

Without Mr. Jackson being personally involved and without his financial support to launch HTWF and its primary initiative, Michael's ARMY, now seven months after his passing, traditional fundraising, confined to the nonprofit sector, would not be sufficient for HTWF to accomplish its robust infrastructure or fight a monster with deeper pockets than ours alone, primarily because it was designed specifically for Mr. Jackson's participation, direction and support.

The first battle to face HTWF and its volunteers is a legal fight for Mr. Jackson’s charity, its brands and its other intellectual property.
Currently, guided by love and inspiration, HTWF belongs solely to HTWF Volunteers and his ARMY of loyal fans, HTWF members and all those around the world with no voice and in need of life saving help.

HTWF does NOT belong to, nor is under the control of the Michael Jackson Estate executors. For HTWF Staff and Volunteers, this is not business, this is about Michael’s humanitarian legacy and about saving and improving lives.
Therefore, we are going to battle and we earnestly request the support of everyone who believes in same goals that brought HTWF and its affiliates into existence.
HTWF is the last witness of Michael’s humanitarian aims and goals and its vehicle to accomplish them. We need your help to prevent the foundation from falling into the wrong hands or being utterly destroyed.

What can one person do?
Not much in this case, but MICHAEL’S ARMY UNITED in purpose, can prevail here and then we will do what Michael would want his ARMY to do and that is set out to battle other evils, with his spirit leading the movement, a UNITED FLEET to HEAL THE WORLD.


This initiative was meant for Mr. Jackson’s personal launch, for him to invite HTWF members and his precious fans first, even before it was launched to the general public.

Michael loved his fans sincerely and to HTWF they are even more precious, because they will lead his Army someday, to save millions of lives and march forward to the rest of the world, to save even more.

Michael’s ARMY will be a members’ only association soon and membership will be accepted by invitation only, not open to the public, like it is right now. Michael Jackson fans and HTWF members are the first invited to join, before there will be requirements to gain membership.

For now, we invite HTWF members and Michael Jackson fans to be among the first to join the Army and by doing just that, you can help us save the charity.

Michael’s ARMY was designed to be the lifeblood of his charity and to support nearly every initiative in some way. Without Mr. Jackson here to defend us, we need his ARMY more than ever, during our first great battle ahead.

HTWF currently has tens of thousands of proponents all around the world who also are Michael Jackson fans – this invitation is for them especially.

We invite you to join MICHAEL’S ARMY and do what you can to help us keep HTWF safe with those that recognize the value of this foundation, for future generations and for the sake of mankind.

The membership fees collected from Michael’s ARMY and the DEFENSE FUND account we

have set up for donations will go to our legal fees, and be vital to our capacity to defend ourselves for the duration.

The Estate Executors have Michael’s money and all the power of his estate to fight us and persuade the public they are acting honorably in attacking HTWF and trying to take the Charity from those who cannot match their resources, but they do not have Michael’s Character and they better be ready for a fight, because no amount of money or power is going to insulate them from the truth

In this exclusive invitation to JOIN the OFFICIAL MICHAEL’S ARMY the following apply to HTWF members:
* Opportunities in the ARMY that no other generation of ARMY members will have.

* You can join MICHAEL’S ARMY as a founding member, if you are among the first 100 to join. Later on, there will be serious perks for all founding members and your name will be next to ours on a special plaque for history's sake.
* As an HTWF MEMBER or a Michael Jackson fan member, you can join Michaels ARMY at the executive level, (Called the Commander membership) for the cost of the recruit level, for the as long as you wish to stay with HTWF and Michael’s Army as a donor.

The membership fees are:

* 1.95mo –for recruit

* 9.95 mo for field Officer
* 19.95mo for Commander

If you are already an HTWF Donor member or an Executive Donor MEMBER, you DO NOT have to pay ANY monthly fee for Michael’s Army. We will send out a special promo code to all donor members to join for free for
as long as you wish to stay with HTWF and Michael’s Army as a donor.

For those CURRENT donor members ONLY, if you decide that you want to support HTWF in its battle to save the charity, and DO sign up at the recruit level payment in Michael’s ARMY, then you will automatically become a founding member in MICHAEL’S ARMY for life.

We have set up a special Defense Fund Account, the page can be found on the website, for those of you who can afford to donate
any amount to our legal fund. It will be greatly appreciated, as this battle in total, will be impossible for us to afford without your support.

With my deepest gratitude,

Melissa Johnson,

President of HTWF

P.S. Due to the recent media scrutiny directed at us in connection to the lawsuit, you will not be able to view the details of the ARMY at this time, until you are an official member. In viewing the website as a non-member, many pages will not be accessible.

Wow what a surprise that its Branca and Co causing trouble.

Funny how Branca is always going against the grain with everything. Branca is always the opposer.

I will be interested to see how this pans out.

Thank you for this post.
this organization is using MJ's image, etc... without the estate's approval. Branca & Co are right in this lawsuit?
this HTWH is not the foundation created by MJ. It was closed a long time ago.
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There is really no reason why The Estate should stop them using an image of Michael. Its really pathetic and petty.
As an HTWF MEMBER or a Michael Jackson fan member, you can join Michaels ARMY at the executive level, (Called the Commander membership) for the cost of the recruit level, for the as long as you wish to stay with HTWF and Michael’s Army as a donor.

The membership fees are:

* 1.95mo –for recruit

* 9.95 mo for field Officer
* 19.95mo for Commander

sums it up. as marc says the estate has every right.
There is really no reason why The Estate should stop them using an image of Michael. Its really pathetic and petty.

theres been confusion already where some fans think this is the real heal the world foundation when its not. thats one reason to start with
There is really no reason why The Estate should stop them using an image of Michael. Its really pathetic and petty.

By law, you need the approval when you use image of someone. In this case, anyone can make money except the estate. The estate is the legal representative of MJ and must proptect everyting related to him.

Heal the World Foundation created by MJ is dead. These people are using the foundation and the image for the own gain.

Others estates file similar lawsuits in these cases. Nothing different here
I just don't know what's going on with this charity..
I just find it odd that there are so many bootleg products out there right now making money off of Michael's image without approval, and a charity, is not ok? If this is just a front to make money for themselves, ok I understand, but if its legit, then I dont see what the problem is.

Just have to wait and see how this pans out as I said before really.
As an HTWF MEMBER or a Michael Jackson fan member, you can join Michaels ARMY at the executive level, (Called the Commander membership) for the cost of the recruit level, for the as long as you wish to stay with HTWF and Michael’s Army as a donor.

The membership fees are:

* 1.95mo –for recruit

* 9.95 mo for field Officer
* 19.95mo for Commander
sums it up. as marc says the estate has every right.
Yeah. I wonder where the money form the membership fees is going.

Or have they said? do I contribute to this charity or not?...OR..we dont know yet? do I contribute to this charity or not?...OR..we dont know yet?

why would you. if u want to contribute to a charity give it to a proper well known one.

this is the very reason the estate are going after the charity. fans want to donate to something cause its called heal the world although it has nothing to do with mj.
By law, you need the approval when you use image of someone. In this case, anyone can make money except the estate. The estate is the legal representative of MJ and must proptect everyting related to him.

Heal the World Foundation created by MJ is dead. These people are using the foundation and the image for the own gain.

Others estates file similar lawsuits in these cases. Nothing different here
True. Not just estates but living persons whose images are being used without permission file too. This is not the end of the world nor a huge conspiracy. I say they should go after each and everyone who uses the Michael Jackson brand and image without permission.
why would you. if u want to contribute to a charity give it to a proper well known one.

this is the very reason the estate are going after the charity. fans want to donate to something cause its called heal the world although it has nothing to do with mj.

Thank you Elusive....I want to contribute to 1 of Michael's charities I am just not sure which one's are still legit to be donated to..
theres been confusion already where some fans think this is the real heal the world foundation when its not. thats one reason to start with

true. I too wanted to donate and thought that it was real but then realized it wasn't mainly due to the membership fees. I'm happy to see they are taking action.

I just find it odd that there are so many bootleg products out there right now making money off of Michael's image without approval, and a charity, is not ok?

fyi - the estate's official business partner is also suing a lot of companies/ people that sell bootleg and unauthorized products. see below

Michael Jackson Business Sues Phone Book
Posted Dec 10th 2009 7:01PM by TMZ Staff

The following companies have just been sued by Bravado International Group -- the company that has the rights to distribute shirts, posters and other things Michael Jackson -- for allegedly selling bootlegged stuff in violation of the copyright:

Jin Cha, OK Sportswear, EZ Sportswear, Chang Oh Kim, Chuck Kim, Eden Sports, Justin Ju, Sy Sports, Susan Lee, Susan Yoon, Lee's Family Inc., Green T Corp, Kyung Sook Ma, Cesar Igiesias, Bling Bling Inc., Kauh Un Lee, Arthur Berman, Wacky Planet,,, David Ahoubian, D&T Distribution, Paris Fashions, Clothing Island,, Print Liberation, Jaime Dillion, Nick Paparone, Dr. Jay's, Inc., Maggi Fashion Wholesale, Mansour Rokhsarzadeh, Azizi Afshin, Afshin Azzi, Bargain Wholesaler,,, Top Brands, Wholesaler, Ahmad Jamhour, Oz Communications,, Otto Suarez, Olga Lyons, Shop Rumor, Anooshk Zakarian, Esther Lee, Keum Sportswear, Chang Song Lee, African American Dollar Store, Edna Clement Swan, Jack Leiberman,, Skreened, Daniel Chrstopher Fox, Shiekh, Shiekh Shoes,, Daniel Lassoff, Shaky City Blues, Mario Ontiveros, Main Collection, Main Sportswear, Su Young Cho, MB Sportswear, Choung Choe, Right Thang, Hyo Jang Yoon, Buy Merchant,, Craig Mentham, Steal Deal, Abraham Davood, Michael Davood, Ebby Davood, The Wild Side, The, Kingsley Syme, Kingley Symes, Setup Site, Harrington Outlets,, Sour Candy, Shoe Blanace International, Yak Shoe, Wholesale Situation, Jason Aref, Julio Aref, Watch Time, Aziz Ali, Unishow, Gary Chen, rena Chen,, Jian Zhu, Gravity Trading.... AND, Tony in Chong.

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Thank you Elusive....I want to contribute to 1 of Michael's charities I am just not sure which one's are still legit to be donated to..

heal the world was closed years back so anything using that name is false. if u want to donate go for one of the major ones that mj supported or donate to the unicef page created in mjs honour something like that.that involves a well known charity
Michael Jackson Business Sues Phone Book
Posted Dec 10th 2009 7:01PM by TMZ Staff

The following companies have just been sued by Bravado International Group -- the company that has the rights to distribute shirts, posters and other things Michael Jackson -- for allegedly selling bootlegged stuff in violation of the copyright:

Jin Cha, OK Sportswear, EZ Sportswear, Chang Oh Kim, Chuck Kim, Eden Sports, Justin Ju, Sy Sports, Susan Lee, Susan Yoon, Lee's Family Inc., Green T Corp, Kyung Sook Ma, Cesar Igiesias, Bling Bling Inc., Kauh Un Lee, Arthur Berman, Wacky Planet,,, David Ahoubian, D&T Distribution, Paris Fashions, Clothing Island,, Print Liberation, Jaime Dillion, Nick Paparone, Dr. Jay's, Inc., Maggi Fashion Wholesale, Mansour Rokhsarzadeh, Azizi Afshin, Afshin Azzi, Bargain Wholesaler,,, Top Brands, Wholesaler, Ahmad Jamhour, Oz Communications,, Otto Suarez, Olga Lyons, Shop Rumor, Anooshk Zakarian, Esther Lee, Keum Sportswear, Chang Song Lee, African American Dollar Store, Edna Clement Swan, Jack Leiberman,, Skreened, Daniel Chrstopher Fox, Shiekh, Shiekh Shoes,, Daniel Lassoff, Shaky City Blues, Mario Ontiveros, Main Collection, Main Sportswear, Su Young Cho, MB Sportswear, Choung Choe, Right Thang, Hyo Jang Yoon, Buy Merchant,, Craig Mentham, Steal Deal, Abraham Davood, Michael Davood, Ebby Davood, The Wild Side, The, Kingsley Syme, Kingley Symes, Setup Site, Harrington Outlets,, Sour Candy, Shoe Blanace International, Yak Shoe, Wholesale Situation, Jason Aref, Julio Aref, Watch Time, Aziz Ali, Unishow, Gary Chen, rena Chen,, Jian Zhu, Gravity Trading.... AND, Tony in Chong.

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:bugeyed I had not seen it. Speechless......
Wow what a surprise that its Branca and Co causing trouble.

Funny how Branca is always going against the grain with everything. Branca is always the opposer.

I will be interested to see how this pans out.

Thank you for this post.

Well, they are being PAID to protect MJ's image & legacy. Duh!!!! What do you want them to do, collect their fee and do nothing?

That is the whole purpose of creating an estate: grow the assets for the beneficiaries, protect MJ's image from unlawful use...

Originally Posted by Dangerous Incorporated
I just find it odd that there are so many bootleg products out there right now making money off of Michael's image without approval, and a charity, is not ok?

FYI: Bravado, who has the exxclusive rights to MJ merchandise, is suing a bunch of conterfeit merchants ...because of bootleg t-shuirts, name it.

What a shocker...someone making claims without any facts.
Hey all,

I have access to all the court files, if there is a demand I can post an overview. What Melissa Johnson does is very dangerous. She is trying to get ahold of all the Michael Jackson trademarks claiming that it's all for charity. She registered everything from "Thriller" to "Make The Change". The Michael Jackson Estate has no option but sue her, unless the copyright office will approve her registrations and she can do anything with these trademark. In this case even the official companies must ask for approval from Johnson for any related releases. It the Estate loses this round, that will make tough everything.

Does it sound good? Anyone who has doubts about this lawsuit, ask Johnson why she needs hundreds of trademarks of MJ's, and what does it do with his charity? As well ask yourself about what's more legitimate: the Estate set up followed by MJ's will or a fan who MJ never knew.

MJ's legacy was built up by professionals, lawyers, agents, musicians, etc under his control. And must be kept alive by such professional after his death in my opinion.
LeslieMJHu - I would like to see an overview :)
Anyone know why (Michael's) Heal the world foundation was closed?

This is what Wiki says -

The original Heal the World Foundation was a charitable organization founded by entertainer Michael Jackson in 1992. The foundation's creation was inspired by his charitable single of the same name. Through his foundation, Jackson airlifted 46 tons of supplies to Sarajevo, instituted drug and alcohol abuse education and donated millions of dollars to less fortunate children, including the full payment of a Hungarian child's liver transplant.

Failure to file yearly accounting statements saw the charity lose its tax exempt status in 2002. A different organization, with no relationship to Michael Jackson's foundation, incorporated in the state of California under the same name and applied for new tax exempt status in 2008. [1] [2] [3] The Jackson Estate is currently taking legal action against this organisation for unfair competition and trademark infringement [4]

Hey all,

I have access to all the court files, if there is a demand I can post an overview. What Melissa Johnson does is very dangerous. She is trying to get ahold of all the Michael Jackson trademarks claiming that it's all for charity. She registered everything from "Thriller" to "Make The Change". The Michael Jackson Estate has no option but sue her, unless the copyright office will approve her registrations and she can do anything with these trademark. In this case even the official companies must ask for approval from Johnson for any related releases. It the Estate loses this round, that will make tough everything.

Does it sound good? Anyone who has doubts about this lawsuit, ask Johnson why she needs hundreds of trademarks of MJ's, and what does it do with his charity? As well ask yourself about what's more legitimate: the Estate set up followed by MJ's will or a fan who MJ never knew.

MJ's legacy was built up by professionals, lawyers, agents, musicians, etc under his control. And must be kept alive by such professional after his death in my opinion.

That sounds wierd. Yeh I'd like to see please.