Odd Sayings?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So I've been pondering the meaning behind sayings probably all my life. You hear them mainly from your elders and I always laugh thinking of the mad possibilities of how they came about.

This thread is where we can discuss and imagine where such sayings came from.

Here is an example of a saying:

"Woops a daisy!"

Now my analysis is that a man was strolling through a field with his shoe laces undone and he tripped. As he was falling toward the ground, he happened upon the very first daisy ever created and twisted and writhed in mid air dramatically to avoid contact and it dying, screaming "woops a daisy!"

He survived.

So did the blessed daisy.

So from that day forth he dramatically shoved anyone who walked within ten miles of a daisy.

So, yours?
Mine is......before back in the day when a parents gonna spank
their child.....

This is going to hurt me a lot more than its going to hurt you? :huh:
ok then? :lol:

My analysis..spank yourself and prove your theory?!

"You'll catch your death!"

My theory:

Once upon a time someone ran around with a large fishing net and they caught the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper, very offended, declared that day that humans will only have a short life span instead of never dying, adding "Now you'll ALL catch me one day!"
wow mines about spanking too... :lol:

Stop crying or i'll give you something to cry about!

:boohoo: :lol:

your face is gonna freeze like that?!!
How? if you arent in the cold?
Analysis...they didnt know what else to say
cuz the kid making the face got on their nerves? :lol:
Parent : Why did you do it?

Kid : Because I wanted to?

Parent : Don't answer me back!


Then why ask the question? :huh:
"You can't have your cake and eat it."


I know that you can be creative... but what else can you do with a cake other than eat it or pelt someone with it? Perhaps you can eat your cake and THEN have it. Vomit it back up and start the process again.
"You can't have your cake and eat it."


I know that you can be creative... but what else can you do with a cake other than eat it or pelt someone with it? Perhaps you can eat your cake and THEN have it. Vomit it back up and start the process again.

Honestly, I have NEVER got that saying!!
to have your cake and eat it to?
means you want the goodies and
all else that goes with it?
like when some woman I heard when I was
a kid told her hubby when he cheated on her
you just want to have your cake (his amore he cheated with)
and eat it too.......( have her and his amore on the side)
for shame!! :lol:
Oh :lol: I thought it literally meant you don't only want cake, but you want to eat it too. I always wondered what else you can do with cake :rofl:
Have the chick he's cheating with AND eat her?

Was he Lector, first name Hannibal by any chance?
Well he could of always asked his chick if he could nibble her leg now and again? Then he could have had a nibble of his 'cake'. May not be the same as 'eating' it exactly, but we can't always have everything.
"Best let sleeping dogs lie."


Dog : *Sleep walking* I am a cat.

Analysis... well... speaks for itself really doesn't it? Literally.
I know, I just think it's funny how 'lie' can mean laying down or lying. Just thought it would be interesting to consider a lying dog. (not the sleeping kind)

"Killing two birds with one stone."

Well yeah, you just pick up the stone and hurl it at another bird. Simple really? Hey you may even make it three if you repeat the process.
I don't throw them at hairy clowns though, like you do.


Hmm, can't think of more sayings. Need to ponder!