October 7, 2008 - News and Mentionings



Hurricane Chris - Eye Of The Storm

Sixshot.Com: You were just talking about performing overseas. Is there a big difference between performing over there and performing in the States?

Hurricane Chris: It’s a big difference. They don’t understand English. (Laughs) They don’t understand English so you better have a song that’s really hot. If they don’t remember it you’re going to be looking real dumb because the crowd is going to be upset. Another difference is that here in America you can be a big time star or a small time star. Over there, there is no such thing as a small time star. You’re movie star status and there’s no minimum to it. They look at everybody the same. Everybody is a superstar like Michael Jackson. You’re like Michael Jackson when you go overseas.

Full story http://www.sixshot.com/articles/12839/

Perfect beauty - according to a software program

Can we create the perfect face with a software program? A Canadian Web user has tried to find out.
With the use of "morphing" software, Pierre Tourigny fused the faces of around 30 girls rated 9.5 or 10 on Hot or Not (where attractiveness is rated on a 1-10 scale). By applying the same technique to various groups of girls, different archetypes emerged - the beauty, the "girl next door" and the beast - as well as a palette of go-betweens. But what about charm? It doesn't exist in the software.

Pierre Tourigny, 57, is the creator of the "morphs" and a statistical programming consultant from Gatineau, Canada.
I used morphing software which is found free on the internet and has often been used in cinema and music videos (for example Michael Jackson's 'Black or White'). Each time, I took around 30 people voted in the same category on Hot or Not and morphed them to create an average per category. Generally, morphs tend to be prettier than their sources because face asymmetries and skin blemishes average out.
Serious studies show that we find people with 'average' features beautiful. In other words, the most beautiful person's face would have proportions average to everyone else's. But it's not true. You can see on the images I published that with an average of the prettiest, you get a better looking person than with an average of the ugliest. So there must be a particular symmetry that beautiful people have, a symmetry that is nothing 'average'.

Full story http://observers.france24.com/en/content/20081007-beauty-software-cosmetic-surgery-hot-or-not

Hard-core fans ask: Has he moved?

Michael Jackson fans who have been waiting for days outside his residence at West Palomino Lane are wondering if he's beat it.
Fans have regularly been camping out in front of the home more than a month, since word leaked here that a long vigil by a group of British fans paid off when Jackson signed autographs at the home on Aug. 29, his birthday

The fans serenaded him that night and his security detail sent pizzas to the group.
Las Vegas attorney/food critic John Curtas, who lives nearby, said he drove by on Saturday morning and saw three young people with bed rolls.
About six weeks ago, Curtas saw a young woman carrying a wrapped gift wandering around the neighborhood.

"She said she was from Denmark and asked me if I knew what house was his," said Curtas. She was still there the next day, hoping for a glimpse of the pop icon, he said.
Two young men seated in lawn chairs were waiting across the street when I drove by shortly after noon Monday.

Both were from London, one of them said, and they had been there for five days, without a sign of any activity, other than two men who appeared to be working in the yard.
"I don't think he lives here anymore," said the Brit, who declined to give his name.
There have been rumors in the real estate community that Jackson was in escrow on another home.


Today in
Michael Jackson History

1996 - Michael Jackson began his first tour of Africa.

Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

Hard-core fans ask: Has he moved?

Michael Jackson fans who have been waiting for days outside his residence at West Palomino Lane are wondering if he's beat it.
Fans have regularly been camping out in front of the home more than a month, since word leaked here that a long vigil by a group of British fans paid off when Jackson signed autographs at the home on Aug. 29, his birthday

The fans serenaded him that night and his security detail sent pizzas to the group.
Las Vegas attorney/food critic John Curtas, who lives nearby, said he drove by on Saturday morning and saw three young people with bed rolls.
About six weeks ago, Curtas saw a young woman carrying a wrapped gift wandering around the neighborhood.

"She said she was from Denmark and asked me if I knew what house was his," said Curtas. She was still there the next day, hoping for a glimpse of the pop icon, he said.
Two young men seated in lawn chairs were waiting across the street when I drove by shortly after noon Monday.

Both were from London, one of them said, and they had been there for five days, without a sign of any activity, other than two men who appeared to be working in the yard.
"I don't think he lives here anymore," said the Brit, who declined to give his name.
There have been rumors in the real estate community that Jackson was in escrow on another home.


Well he still lived there a couple of days ago. :lol: Don't ask. It's just more of journalists making up more stuff because they're bored. :blush:
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

the obsessed fool in vegas cant stop talking about him
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

the obsessed fool in vegas cant stop talking about him

elusive, you took the words right out of my mouth. LOL!

And that's a BIG article from NORM, since it's only talking about MJ's fans and not MJ himself. That's the ultimate obsession in my book. He's not writing about the star, he's writing about the star's fans. LOL!
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

Well he still lived there a couple of days ago. :lol: Don't ask. It's just more of journalists making up more stuff because they're bored. :blush:

Come on Satyagrahi. LOL! How you gonna make a statement like that and then say "Don't Ask."

Well I'm asking. LOL! Have you been in Vegas lately and did you get a glimpse of MJ? Come on, spill the beans.
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

Well he still lived there a couple of days ago. :lol: Don't ask. It's just more of journalists making up more stuff because they're bored. :blush:

Yeah...spill the beans. Did you see MJ in Vegas lately?
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

Thanks Marie for the news and the pic of Mike and Nelson Mandela. :) Aww-ness. :)

Fans have regularly been camping out in front of the home more than a month, since word leaked here that a long vigil by a group of British fans paid off when Jackson signed autographs at the home on Aug. 29, his birthday

I am sorry but this is so not right. I cannot agree with fans coming to his home and doing this. I think this is wrong. I also think it is wrong for that obsessed bastard, eye patch wearing freak, Norm to be stalking Michael. Just leave his ass alone. If he didn't post where MJ lived at, these fans who have nothing better to do, would not be camping outside his house or sending him gifts. Just so wrong to me. The man did not make his address public for a reason. It is not right. These fans need to go home and Norm needs to get a damn life.
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

Billboard.biz is reporting that Sony/ATV signed a worldwide deal with Claudia Brant.

Ms. Brant is one of Latin music's most successful contemporary songwriters and her song "No Me Doy Por Vencido," is currently at No. 1 on Billboard's Hot Latin Songs chart.

She is a very attractive lady and I wonder if she received an "encouragement" call from MJ. LOL! Martin Bandier said that sometimes they have to recruit MJ's services in order to get a deal signed. I wonder if this was one of those times.

Can you imagine what it must be like receiving a phone call from MJ, because he would like you to sign with Sony/ATV. LOL!
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

Thanks Marie for the news and the pic of Mike and Nelson Mandela. :) Aww-ness. :)

I am sorry but this is so not right. I cannot agree with fans coming to his home and doing this. I think this is wrong. I also think it is wrong for that obsessed bastard, eye patch wearing freak, Norm to be stalking Michael. Just leave his ass alone. If he didn't post where MJ lived at, these fans who have nothing better to do, would not be camping outside his house or sending him gifts. Just so wrong to me. The man did not make his address public for a reason. It is not right. These fans need to go home and Norm needs to get a damn life.
I agree. I just could not do it. I guess that is why I have not met him yet and these kinds of fans do meet him. But again, do not stand in front of someone's home.
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

Come learn the Thriller Dance at the YMCA!
By Penobscot Bay YMCA
Sarah Whytock

ROCKPORT (Oct 7): You've seen it done in Michael Jackson's dance video. You've seen it done in the movies. You've even seen it being done by wedding parties...so here's your chance to give it a whirl yourself!
The Penboscot Bay YMCA is holding its first ever Thriller Dance! Bring your friends and family to learn the cool zombie moves! We will show you part of video and then our instructors will teach you move by move. This a fun activity for all ages!
The Thriller Dance will be part of the Penobscot Bay YMCA Spooktacular Open House, Saturday, October 18th at 12:00 pm.
The Spooktacular Open House, free of charge, will run from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Please visit our website at www.penbayymca.org for a complete schedule of events. See you there!
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

why are those fans setting up camp outside the mans presumed house? don't these people have anything better to do with their time?.....a bit stalkerish if you ask me. Everyone deserves their privacy and MJ ain't no different.
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

A new Thrillercast is available to download in the T25 section

Weird Al Yankovic :D
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

norm's doing his job...what's LAME is fans thinking that every place he goes to is neverland...sorry but dude is now in a neighborhood...singing and vigils (which makes no sense cuz he ain't dead or injured) is just uncalle dfor and if i lived in that area i'd call the law....it's lame.

u really thinkhis ass would stay there once his addie was published? god......it's not like the monte cristo house...at least dude waited till mj left ot put that on blast
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

Thanks Marie for the news and the pic of Mike and Nelson Mandela. :) Aww-ness. :)

I am sorry but this is so not right. I cannot agree with fans coming to his home and doing this. I think this is wrong. I also think it is wrong for that obsessed bastard, eye patch wearing freak, Norm to be stalking Michael. Just leave his ass alone. If he didn't post where MJ lived at, these fans who have nothing better to do, would not be camping outside his house or sending him gifts. Just so wrong to me. The man did not make his address public for a reason. It is not right. These fans need to go home and Norm needs to get a damn life.

I so agree with you about this post. There are fans, and then there are obsessed fans. Fans that stalk. It's pretty frightening....remember, the guy who killed Rebecca Schafer started out a fan. So did Mark David Chapman. Really. Not to scare - but just to drive home the point that one needs to be aware of when they are obsessed or not...
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

I can't beleive fans are camping outside of Michael's PRIVATE residence. The man deserves some privacy. I don't get what the candle lit vigils were for, but I know that if a group of people were making camp out the front of my place, I'll probably freak out and leave too. Now I'm not sure whether Michael's moved out of that residence, I'm not sure he was even living there in the first place, but the guy is 50 years old now, he has children. Michael's always complaining about how he can't go anywhere or do normal things, and we as fans should be able to understand that and finally let him llve his life.
Re: October 7 News and Mentionings

Yeah what the heck is up with the candle light vigils?wth?yeah I think they should have left MJ alone and let him have his privacy.
There are fans, and then there are obsessed fans. Fans that stalk. It's pretty frightening....remember, the guy who killed Rebecca Schafer started out a fan. So did Mark David Chapman. Really. Not to scare - but just to drive home the point that one needs to be aware of when they are obsessed or not...

Great point, Linda. I never sat well with fans camping outside anyone's homes.

Also, I do not see how it is Norm's job to stalk a popstar and post his address on his shitty blog so that obsessed nobodies can find MJ and bother him. MJ probably still lives in that house, we do not know and we should not know what he is doing that has nothing to do with his career.
Great point, Linda. I never sat well with fans camping outside anyone's homes.

Also, I do not see how it is Norm's job to stalk a popstar and post his address on his shitty blog so that obsessed nobodies can find MJ and bother him. MJ probably still lives in that house, we do not know and we should not know what he is doing that has nothing to do with his career.

I agree. Also, people congregating outside Michael's house can cause trouble for him with his neighbors if he has any. I don't think the other people that live around there would be too happy with folks hanging around on their street with candles and stuff. They are going to blame Michael for the campers intrusion of their space if that mess continues.
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^ Yeppers and that would not be right. Those fans need to go home and let him be.
I have to agree with Kate on Norm doing his job, he's been doing it for a while.

As for the fanatics, why won't THEY leave Michael alone?
Been a lil over a month since I joined, but I realize it's a very short time to catch up with things given the long history of MJ's career and this community. Who's Norm? Sounds like he's some shady media person....

Thanx for posting marie!