Obama makes killing of Florida teen (Trayvon Martin) personal


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama weighed into the controversial killing in Florida of black teenager Trayvon Martin for the first time on Friday, pledging to "get to the bottom" of the shooting and telling the parents "if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon."

The 17-year-old was shot dead by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman, 28, on February 26. Zimmerman, a white Hispanic, has said he shot the unarmed teen in self-defense.

The case has made headlines and prompted rallies protesting the police's handling of the shooting and what black leaders call a pattern of racial discrimination in the Florida town of Sanford and elsewhere in a country that now has a black president.

Obama called the shooting a "tragedy" that should touch every parent in America and said it made him think of his two young daughters, Malia and Sasha.

"My main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon. I think they are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves and that we are going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened."

He was responding to a reporter's question at a White House event to announce his nomination for the presidency of the World Bank.

Obama said he did not want to comment on the specifics of the Martin case, but "I can only imagine what these parents are going through."

"I think all of us have to do some soul-searching to investigate how something like this happened. And that means we examine, the laws, the context, what happened, as well as the specifics of the incident."

Source http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/23/us-florida-shooting-obama-idUSBRE82M0QF20120323
(Reporting By Ross Colvin; editing by Christopher Wilson)
Re: Obama makes killing of black Florida teen personal

Minority youths are unfairly targeted, especially if they fit a certain "type" as per status quo prejudice, what else is new?

I don't see Obama speaking out against that despite the fact it happens every day in places like NYC and that the main perpetrators of such prejudice are government agents such as the NYPD (see "stop and frisk"). Granted, that doesn't end in shooting, but still--it's the same concept of unfairly targeting someone and violating his rights because he fits a certain "type."

Overall not impressed with Mr. Obama or his words.

Condolences to Trayvon's family, it's unfortunate their son had to die because of some psycho's prejudice, and that said psycho remains free to this day.
Re: Obama makes killing of black Florida teen personal

That father of the "psycho" is a retired judge and his mother is a court clerk.-_-
Re: Obama makes killing of black Florida teen personal

Remembering MJ in 2005, I say innocent until proven guilty. I will always stand by that statement in honor of MJ.
Re: Obama makes killing of black Florida teen personal

Remembering MJ in 2005, I say innocent until proven guilty. I will always stand by that statement in honor of MJ.

He admitted to shooting him already, and Trayvon was unarmed. Even physically it becomes clear Zimmerman would hold an overwhelming advantage over Trayvon due to his size and weight. And Trayvon was unarmed. Also, Zimmerman showed erratic behaviour with his constant police calling, so yes, he's rather nutty in my humblest of opinions.

He has not as of yet been arrested because of Florida's "stand your ground" policies, but it is obvious given the fact Trayvon was unarmed and clearly no match for Zimmerman on a physical level that Zimmerman thinking he was under any sort of danger was completely devoid of logic.

If Trayvon were white (and female) and Zimmerman were black, he'd already be arrested. They'd find some "evidence" to prove his guilt. That's the way things work in the U.S. If you're rich and white everyone cares. If you're poor or a minority, no one gives a fig.
Re: Obama makes killing of black Florida teen personal

That's the way things work in the U.S. If you're rich and white everyone cares. If you're poor or a minority, no one gives a fig.

I think Thats is a false assertion to make about the U.S. - If no one cared there wouldn't be such a out cry in the U.S. over this and there is an investigation ongoing. Just because this cities police department dropped the ball doesn't meant the justice system for Trayvon will fail. That city doesn't have the last or final word. We have fail safes. Now FBI and other higher arms of the law are involved. Now I'm not saying that Justice is always served correctly because I'm sure some negligence goes unchecked and doesn't receive the attention Trayvon's case has. I also do recognize that some don't care. but to say everyone or no one is unfair.

The justice system here served Michael well twice, Once in his in his own case and the Murray trial. So its not all wacked. We just have to wait and see how well they serve up Justice for Trayvon based on all the evidence. It keeps changing in the media so we don't have ALL the facts in or correct yet. Myself I feel Zimmerman should be charged and held accountable and taken to trial. It does seem very incriminating against Zimmerman according to the media. But then again it was VERY incriminating evidence against MJ from the media. They were proven wrong. The US citizens (The people) are watching closely to make sure this is looked into very carefully so justice can work as it should. The officials are taking this very serious. Including the president. It wont be swept under the rug.

Im not saying there are no abuses based on race and ones abilities to afford good attorneys becuase
it very evident that goes on. but even poor white people dont always recive the justice they deserve.
But I dont know if there is an over all better justice sytem any where else.

They Don't Care about US! MJ fans want Justice4TrayvonMartin

^I'm sorry. I'll amend my statement: no one important cares. And prejudice like this happens all over the U.S. every day, like I said earlier, and law enforcement and government agents are some of the biggest offenders.

And there is still discord over whether or not Zimmerman should be arrested, discord which would not exist if the victim's race [gender, socioeconomic status] were different.
Has it been mentioned that the Sanford Police Chief has "temporarily" stepped down?

http://articles.cnn.com/2012-03-22/justice/justice_florida-teen-shooting_1_shooting-death-justice-department-investigation?_s=PM:JUSTICE said:
Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee announced Thursday he is stepping down "temporarily" as head of the department, which has been criticized for its handling of the fatal shooting last month of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer.
"I am aware that my role as a leader of this agency has become a distraction from the investigation," he told reporters. "It is apparent that my involvement in this matter is overshadowing the process. Therefore, I have come to the decision that I must temporarily remove myself from the position."
...Lee's decision came a day after the city commission voted 3-2 in favor of a nonbinding measure of no confidence.

City Manager Norton Bonaparte said Thursday that he would like an independent review of police action in the wake of the shooting.


"Temporarily", huh? Good one.
Great that the Chief so generously martyrs himself for the 'good cause'- nice try. Hopefully that's the first step in cleaning house.