o2 memorial 31st Aug?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Winchester, Uk
My mate just told me that her mate has front row seats to a memorial for mike at the o2 on the 31st Augest, I was really shocked when she said that because i havent heard any news of it and dont believe it myself but she said she had front fow tickets for beyonce (was it standing?) - She said her cousin works for the event organisers.

If this is true im outraged they are already passing around tickets internally before the event has even been announced- what about the fans?

I currently dont believe its true at the moment tho as 31st Aug is a monday and 29th Aug (mikes b'day) is a sat and a much better day but then again monday is a quiet day and they know they will sell out anything to do with Mike no matter the day

has anyone else heard anything?
doubt it all front rows will be on viagogo for £1000! ( i bet i aint far off.)
i know i dont know if its true its just what i heard and i want to question her mate in person and find out fi she is lying or not but guess we just have to wait and we will find out
ask here where she bought the tickets ?
and how much were they ?
ask her where you go to get tickets ?

Call her on it .... she's bluffing

I doubt it
I havent seen any thing of that nature
and Fans would be the first to know
just cos she had front row for beyonce doesn't mean anything. It was seated, and i also had front row, i was just lucky to get them 2 weeks before from released production seats. Seems a bit odd to me, especially since they said they wanted to do it on his birthday!
I know but 29th should be the date and will be more meaningfull

Yeah i need to interrogate here urgently and hopfully wont need to resort to torture :lol:
I was planning on going down to the o2 on MJ birthday to celebrate it even if theres nothing happening that day im sure it will be worth it, anyone interested of joining me?
I was planning on going down to the o2 on MJ birthday to celebrate it even if theres nothing happening that day im sure it will be worth it, anyone interested of joining me?

hey, off topic.. but that picture in the middle of ur signature..u know that is e-cas right? an MJ impersonator.. the picture with smooth criminal hat..
just wondering since he's under the headline MICHAEL JACKSON 1958-2009..

yeah didn't they say it was gonna be for his birthday?
I sense someone wants to be startin' something..

ur friend's friend
Dude, this should be in the sub forum :p

sorry guys not trying to create more work for you lot here moving things

The gal still thinks she's got front row tickets anyways dont matter now i guess we just to pray if anything is organised the arena is mainly full of true fans and not the likes of people who are only there for the show as they know the people organising the even

-who else thinks they might do more then the one concert/memorial/b'day party i got the felling they might do a few mainly for the cash,partly to fill the spots o2 has vacant,for mikes memory and also so more fans can be there to see it live?