O.M.G... has this ever happened to you?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So i am a Child Care Giver. And i watch this young couples 2 kids a 5 yr old and a 2 yr old. Now i went to school with this woman and the first time i EVER met her husband was when i first started to watch the 5 yr old. Well i just started watching her kids again and i must say that i find her husband attractive. Not just attractive but down right hot as hell. I'm asking now what do i do about it? I cant look at the man for fear of blushing. I thought "Crushes" stopped at a sertin point. Have any of you ever had this happen to you? If so what did you do about it?:mello:
you keep telling yourself that his wife is your friend...and that you ARE NOT attracted to this man because he is your friends husband. If this does not work ....then stop watching the kids..:lmao:.....but....still dont have anything to do with him because either way he is still married...Good luck..:)
god hes so sexy! the first time i ever started working she asked me if i thought he was cute! I hate it when my friends do that with their bf or husband. Makes me feel all weird and stuff.