o.k magazine makes me cry everytime i see it


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
everywhere i go i see the cover of o.k magazine i what to buy it but i pick up and i startin to cry again so i gave to put it back cause make me cry everyday i see it :yes: :cry: i what to buy it before it's gone cause i just what to remember him what happen to him :yes: but this magazine makes me cry :yes: so much :yes:
so i what in chapters stores today i saw it and i just startin to cry again with big tears i was hold it so close to my heart :yes:
a gril person came up to me i'm o.k then my worker came up to me and she take the o.k magazine and she put it back cause she say it's to much it's too much for me she say so she hug me so colse and she walk me out of store and she wip my tears and she trun MJ music very loud to make me feel better and she buy me ice cream :yes:
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they had no class for putting that photo of his last moments on there...you should buy a beautiful tribute with an amazing cover of michael alive and full of life, in his KING OF POP glory. Don't get the one that will always remind you of the tragedy, babe, get one that celebrates his amazing life :hug:
they had no class for putting that photo of his last moments on there...you should buy a beautiful tribute with an amazing cover of michael alive and full of life, in his KING OF POP glory. Don't get the one that will always remind you of the tragedy, babe, get one that celebrates his amazing life :hug:

Exactly. U don't need that one it's the tabloid trash MJ never wanted us to buy into so don't. They put that horrible picture on the cover so they can make money that's all... so don't give them any of your money..
I cannot believe they did this. this is just so wrong. This has made me cry. the realization hit me seeing this picture. Yes you should buy a magazine with Michael on the cover that is full of life not this one they are exploiting Michael right till the end
it's so odd though, he looks beautiful, even there. He doesn't look like now though, he looks like he did in the BAD video I just watched. At the end of the video where he puts up his fist and says who's bad, that is exactly how he looks here, just with eyes closed.
I CAN take care when I see this picture without crying or something... :S
Okay first time I Saw it I cried, but not since.
But it doesnt look like he is dead there? Its like he is alive and crying

Sorry if my english is bad -.- I Hope you understand what I mean ;)
I CAN take care when I see this picture without crying or something... :S
Okay first time I Saw it I cried, but not since.
But it doesnt look like he is dead there? Its like he is alive and crying

Sorry if my english is bad -.- I Hope you understand what I mean ;)

at least he wasn't in pain. cardiac arrest kills painlessly..he simply slipped into a coma and slept into eternity. if that is any comfort, so he didn't even need to cry
yea...i had bought this O.K magazine too.
It makes me so sad and i startin' to cry~~
I can't control it and stop it...
my tears was automicty to drop down.
so i can feel how you're feeling><
but i don't think he was died, he was still living in our heart and his ghost will alive in this world forever~~
I hope you can feel more better...
but you know??? i think the girl was very kind, and i think she was MJ fans too,right???
i really what to buy it :yes: to remember what happen to him :yes: :(

but my mom told me i shouldn't buy it cause is too much for me to see it cause makes me cry and my heart goes creazy when i see the picture of him so my mom say to me that i just keep on looking for more tribute magazine i think that is butter for you

but i was thinking to get it cause that is last picture of him in this world of sad :yes:
Jesus,what kind of sick disrespectful journalism is that??? How could they put that picture on the cover! That so insensitive, makes me angry and sad at the same time..:(
He was already gone there, ohh i got chills now...*cries*
He looks beautiful, look at his black eyebrows, reminds me to little Blanket..
I hate that they put that photo on the cover :mat: did they not think of how this would effect his children and his family? This is so insensitive :no:
i agree i understand how you feel :yes; :mat: everyday when i see it i startin to cry :yes: i really what to buy it cause is last picture of him :yes: but my worker maggie say to me that is sad heartful picture of him don't buy it wait next week we'll find better magazine
i agree i understand how you feel :yes; :mat: everyday when i see it i startin to cry :yes: i really what to buy it cause is last picture of him :yes: but my worker maggie say to me that is sad heartful picture of him don't buy it wait next week we'll find better magazine

I agree with your coworker :yes: . My heart breaks whenever I see this picture :(.
I say don't buy it because they probably don't have any important details nor any new information in it concerning MJ's death. I also agree that MJ looks like he did from the BAD era.
I agree with your coworker :yes: . My heart breaks whenever I see this picture :(.

i agree that picture is sad so sad that is so deep in are soul so deep that hurt us :yes:
:yes: my worker is good person she understand how i feel she understand who i'm :yes:
I almost ripped up the issue I saw in my local WH Smiths I was that insensed! But I managed to control it because I didn't want to be thrown out.
is so hard for all of us it'll end soon :yes: i know in my heart cause right know everything is about the doctor :yes:
it's so odd though, he looks beautiful, even there. He doesn't look like now though, he looks like he did in the BAD video I just watched. At the end of the video where he puts up his fist and says who's bad, that is exactly how he looks here, just with eyes closed.

I agree! Exactly what I was thinking. I was hoping that I wasn't the only one who thought he looked like he did in the "Bad" era. Beautiful! I too, thought he looked absolutely amazing in the "Bad" era, although, he still looked very, shall I say, dashingly handsome in the other era's also.
I agree! Exactly what I was thinking. I was hoping that I wasn't the only one who thought he looked like he did in the "Bad" era. Beautiful! I too, thought he looked absolutely amazing in the "Bad" era, although, he still looked very, shall I say, dashingly handsome in the other era's also.

he was certainly at his peak fineness from like 87-92. great era, GREAT era. I liked his look still up to near INVINCIBLE, then it just all went horribly wrong to me for like a decade. got himself back together by his death though
he was certainly at his peak fineness from like 87-92. great era, GREAT era. I liked his look still up to near INVINCIBLE, then it just all went horribly wrong to me for like a decade. got himself back together by his death though

I agree, but I don't find the "Invincible" era to be that bad. I didn't mind the way he looked up until the earlier months of 2002. After that, I wasn't too fond of the way he looked. Although, I still loved him all the same. I am not saying he wasn't good looking after 2002 though. I am in no way saying that! There are many pictures from 2003 to 2009 where Michael looked gorgeous, you just had to look for the right shots. I agree with the last sentence you posted. He had his curly hair back and everything. It is immensely sad that he died at that time. I think the show would have been amazing and he would have surprised us all! May he R.I.P. Although, I am secretly hoping he'll somehow come back to life:p
I agree, but I don't find the "Invincible" era to be that bad. I didn't mind the way he looked up until the earlier months of 2002. After that, I wasn't too fond of the way he looked. Although, I still loved him all the same. I am not saying he wasn't good looking after 2002 though. I am in no way saying that! There are many pictures from 2003 to 2009 where Michael looked gorgeous, you just had to look for the right shots. I agree with the last sentence you posted. He had his curly hair back and everything. It is immensely sad that he died at that time. I think the show would have been amazing and he would have surprised us all! May he R.I.P. Although, I am secretly hoping he'll somehow come back to life:p

I'm holding out hope that he only hasn't risen again because he hasn't been buried ;) even Jesus was laid to rest first, THEN rose. I kid, I kid...but it would be nice to have him back, but I'm glad he's not in any pain anymore.
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You made me giggle out loud, which is very difficult to do! Lol. I must say, you've definitely haven't gotten good shots at all, but I don't find the first one bad at all. Maybe I'm just a freak. Ha! I would find some pics to post but it's 2am where I live and I don't feel like searching through dozens of pictures. Though, I do think he looked somewhat sexy at the "Invincible" album signing at the VMS.
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You know that photo is banned from this forum... just because you're posting a magazine cover does not make it ok. Did you buy this magazine? If so - shame on you!
You know that photo is banned from this forum... just because you're posting a magazine cover does not make it ok. Did you buy this magazine? If so - shame on you!

:no: i don't buy it :no: i just post it to tell you how i feel everytime i saw it in store :yes:
i'm not tryying to make anyone upset i'm upset too i just telling you all how i feel when i sat tat Maggazine :yes: :(
He doesn't look like now though, he looks like he did in the BAD video I just watched. At the end of the video where he puts up his fist and says who's bad, that is exactly how he looks here, just with eyes closed.

I thought the same thing. He's at peace but o.k. is not o.k. for exploiting the tragic moment.