Now retired NHL star tells all about his dark past


Proud Member
May 25, 2008
This week a new autobiography "Play With Fire" written by a now retired NHL superstar Theoren Fleury, he's been on "The Hour" interview on CBC and he'll be on TSN's OTR tommorow regarding his book that talks about during his time in the NHL, his life has a living hell from drinking problems due to the dark heartbreaking past from sexual abuse by Graham James since he was 16 years old. Fleury's antics has been well known during his time with the NY Rangers, like having an altercation with a San Jose Sharks mascot, flipping off a "Stone Cold" to the NY Islanders fans by booing him off and he has been banned from the NHL for violating the substance abuse program. Fleury spent some time playing in Belfast after his ban from the NHL and some time being sober and he also spent a couple of games on a baseball game in Calgary. Fleury was reinstated from NHL last month to take one more shot by playing with the Calgary Flame, which Fleury was orginally drafted and spent most the his career before traded to Colorado Avalance in 1999. Unfortunately, he was released from training camp with the Flames in which gives him a best opprotunity to retire from the NHL.