Now here's a good report. Blanket's Godfather comments on Michael

can u post the actual article instead of links thanks
Mark Lester seems to be a genuinely nice guy.. He has always been very supportive, and as much as I hate the media, I am really happy that articles like this still keep coming in this sea of negativity and ridiculousness.
I feel for him and his family..
Great story! I think people are also forgetting that Michael has a ton of godchildren including: Michael Gibb son of Barry Gibb, Nicole Richie daughter of Lionel Richie, and Miko Brando's daughter.
marks a true friend and im thankful mj had ppl like that.and he was always nice to us crazy fans sat outside mikes hotels. he waved bye to us all in march when he and hisfamily left the hotel just after mj left to go back home. if only we knew then