Not sure if this is a sign but it made me smile


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009
So on Saturday, I was driving in the car with my brother and this song came on about "saying goodbye" to someone or something along those lines. I started thinking about Michael and the first time I saw Thriller and how when I was little I used to get the videos for Thriller and Beat It mixed up. Then I started crying for about 2 minutes and I looked up in the sky and I saw a cloud that looked like it was in the form of an angel flying across the sky. It was small too. I don't know if it was just my mind playing tricks on me to comfort myself or what. But I told my brother and he said he saw it too. I don't know if he was just saying that though. Either way, it really made me smile whether this was a "sign" or not.

Just thought I'd share since I've read some really nice stories on here. I wish I had more experiences like that though. It's so comforting.
Me too! Someone talked on a different thread about laying out under the stars at night and listening to MJ Music. I might give it a try tonight. It sounds really comforting =]

Aw man...that would be a wonderful and definitely emotional experience listening to his music under the stars. Just thinking about that I can feel the "openness" it would bring to connecting with his spirit too. Dang, if we didn't have mosquitoes out here like crazy I would do that tonight...
Aw man...that would be a wonderful and definitely emotional experience listening to his music under the stars. Just thinking about that I can feel the "openness" it would bring to connecting with his spirit too. Dang, if we didn't have mosquitoes out here like crazy I would do that tonight...

Oh we have mosquitoes like crazy here too, and its like 95 degrees haha but I am still going to do it. I have to for atlleast like, 10 minutes. LOL
Me too! Someone talked on a different thread about laying out under the stars at night and listening to MJ Music. I might give it a try tonight. It sounds really comforting =]

i've done that, and its really comforting and peaceful. i was at my boyfriends cottage one night and there was only a big full moon and one shiny star. i knew that was michael and it was really touching and i cried. now i can see my hero everytime i look up in the sky, it really gives me comfort.