Not only did Paris Jackson break the world's heart..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
..she also shut up all the Michael Jackson haters with just a few simple words. Over the years people (In the media mostly) have tried to potray Michael has this nut case who was an unfit parent but when his own daughter came out and said ''He was the best father you could imagine'' not only was that emotional but it was also a big F you to all the people who ever doubted Michael

God bless you Paris Jackson
she certainly did, she made everyone proud including the one person who meant the most in her life, her daddy! We love you more Michael!
Yes, I have thought of that as well. Anyone daring to say ANYTHING bad about Michael as a father will make a damn fool of themselves right now.

She was wonderful, words cannot express all my emotions when I saw and heard her. She was just perfect.

God bless you, Paris Jackson, you are worthy of all the applause and respect!
Yeah - OMG, Paris was soooo awesome. I think she was so brave to do that.
Yes paris bella, we all are proud of you and im sure daddy will be looking down on you from heaven full of pride! Remember daddy loves you and your brothers very very much, always has and always will :)
Miss Paris . :huggy: we are all so very very proud of you too
dear blanket and prince we are proud of you :huggy::huggy:
and we love you all very much .:huggy: and i dont kno what else to type im tearing up once more .:cry: :flowers:
I remember it was years ago...right after LWMJ or during the trial when someone (one of Michael's friends) said we just had to wait for the day Michael's children were old enough to speak about their father.
I didn't think it'd be this soon but I'm so glad it has happened. Those few words by Paris were so much more powerful than pages written by fans to the haters.
Anyone could tell that Paris really felt she needed to tell the world what she did about her Dad.
..she also shut up all the Michael Jackson haters with just a few simple words. Over the years people (In the media mostly) have tried to potray Michael has this nut case who was an unfit parent but when his own daughter came out and said ''He was the best father you could imagine'' not only was that emotional but it was also a big F you to all the people who ever doubted Michael

God bless you Paris Jackson
You're absolutely right! Esp. to those haters, the name Michael Jackson has been something to make up disgusting jokes about, but to Paris, he is a wonderful Daddy. They must feel guilty for what they did when they see Paris speaking on Michael.

I remember it was years ago...right after LWMJ or during the trial when someone (one of Michael's friends) said we just had to wait for the day Michael's children were old enough to speak about their father.
I didn't think it'd be this soon but I'm so glad it has happened. Those few words by Paris were so much more powerful than pages written by fans to the haters.
Anyone could tell that Paris really felt she needed to tell the world what she did about her Dad.
Yeah I feel that too. She's amazingly strong. Michael musta been proud of her and missed her watching her from heaven...
She showed great strength today, her daddy would have been proud. I pray for her and her brothers. I can't imagine the pain they must be feeling. Poor babies :cry: Did you see Blanket clinging onto that MJ doll? Poor little guy :weeping:
I found it extremely hard to watch that...and yet this young girl of 11 went up there and poured her heart in a few simple words...well done to Paris Katherine. We love you.
May Allah Bless Paris & her brothers, she was beautiful & pure & I was crying so hard at that moment (((((HUGS For Paris)))))
i was so proud of this sweet little girl-she is like her father "a tought cookie"
Yes, that little girl took each person's heart in the world, including the haters, and rang it out. My father and I burst into tears as we watched, it was truly a moment when you knew the human side of Michael, the father. It brought everyone at a stand still. It still is riviting to watch. My heart aches everytime I see it. I hope that haters can see it, and think of all the damage they've done, if not to Michael then to those three beautiful childern.
knowing those kids are gonna keep mj's legacy alive and seeing him through them is the only thing keeping me going at the mo
Ohh, I'm crying now :( Paris was beatufuil - what an angel. Prince & Blanket too. Just angels. Michael is sooooooooooo proud of his babies, I know...and sending them soooooooooo much love right now.
I cant stop crying now :(
Paris is such a beautiful, sweet and brave girl.
I think Michael would be proud of her.
She is so noble and I'm also under the impression that she's really intelligent.
I'm so proud of Michael for raising such lovely and incredible kids.
knowing those kids are gonna keep mj's legacy alive and seeing him through them is the only thing keeping me going at the mo

I know what you mean. Michael Jackson may no longer be with us anymore, but he's still lives on through his 3 beautiful children who are Michael's greatest creations. I can see Michael in all 3 of his children, but Blanket really looks like Michael with his big brown eyes and black hair.
I am curious as to how much affect her speaking might have on public opinion. I've already seen some people say they think she was put up to it. Some people will always see what they want to see and won't give Michael any credit. You'd think the kids' own words would be the one argument they can't refute, but sadly no. I don't get it. If you weren't moved by Paris' emotional statement, then you must not have a heart...
was put up to it???? I swear, some people are just running from reality!!! It was so obvious that it was spontaneous and brothers and sisters were shocked that she decided to take a word and made sure that she was ok with it!
was put up to it???? I swear, some people are just running from reality!!! It was so obvious that it was spontaneous and brothers and sisters were shocked that she decided to take a word and made sure that she was ok with it!

I know, but some people are determined to believe the worst about Michael and his family. :-(
was put up to it???? I swear, some people are just running from reality!!! !

I know anit that the truth!
Like mike said though " ppl can say what they wanna say, it doesnt bother me''
And we shouldnt let it bother us..we all know paris was speaking from her heart- and that is all that matters :)
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She sealed the deal and kicked the haters! Michael is now known as the greatest dad and the greatest entertainer; something we knew all along. These things make you smile even in sadness. Michael song "SMILE" has deep meaning. They all are :)