Not MJ related but how tragic is this :|


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Madonna worker dies in stage horror
One worker died and six were injured yesterday as part of a stage being constructed for a Madonna concert collapsed.
Two of those injured, including a British man, were said to be in a critical condition after the accident at the 60,000-seat Velodrome football stadium in Marseille.

It is thought a lighting gantry that was being suspended high above the stage fell on to the workers.
The identity of the dead man, who was 53 and French, has not been released. Sunday's sell-out gig, part of the Madonna's Sticky and Sweet tour, was immediately cancelled.
Madonna heard the news in Udine, Italy. In a statement, she said: "I am devastated by this tragic news. My sympathy goes to everyone affected."
A stadium spokesman said: "Two survivors are in particularly bad way."

imagine if somthing like this had happend at one of michaels shows :|
The picture they picked for the article is very inappropriate. Seriously, someone died and others are heavily injured and they put a picture of Madonna showing the finger!?
It's the first thing I noticed. I don't know but it feels wrong and disrespectful. :/
Sometimes I'm really wondering what is going on in people's minds...