North Korean leader Kim Jong Il dies


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il dies

By The Associated Press
SEOUL, South Korea -- Kim Jong Il, North Korea's mercurial and enigmatic leader, has died. He was 69.

Kim's death was announced Monday by state television from the North Korean capital, Pyongyang.

Kim is believed to have suffered a stroke in 2008 but appeared relatively vigorous in photos and video from recent trips to China and Russia and in numerous trips around the country carefully documented by state media.

The leader, reputed to have had a taste for cigars, cognac and gourmet cuisine, was believed to have had diabetes and heart disease.

The news came as North Korea prepared for a hereditary succession. Kim Jong Il inherited power after his father, revered North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, died in 1994.

In September 2010, Kim Jong Il unveiled his third son, the twenty-something Kim Jong Un, as his successor, putting him in high-ranking posts.

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The announcement

We will see if it's good or even worse for the North Korean people. His son may be just like him or even worse.
One of his sons will just replace him, and from the little I've read about them, they aren't exactly a winning family. The corruption in North Korea will likely just continue for many years to come unfortunately.
It's like the year where all the dictators are dying. Although sadly he'll be replaced by his even crazier son.
his other son who did a runner so he could visit disneyland sounds a better choice lol north korea and kim are like something out of james bond film. it would be laughable if the ppl didnt suffer so much. who would have thought you would have such a bizarre state in the 21st century
I'm surprised ppl are crying over his death. How come? They should be celebrating.
I'm surprised ppl are crying over his death. How come? They should be celebrating.

When you grow up with a propaganda like these people did you become brainwashed. Some of them might truly believe Kim Jong-il was a great leader.

And then there are those who can see what's going on, but even so they don't dare to go against the system. If you don't cry you become suspect. And if you become suspect it's not only your life in danger but also the lives of your family.

The most effective way of intimidation in NK is that if someone does something that is perceived to go against the system it's not only him who will be taken to a concentration camp where he would be tortured beyond belief but also ALL of his family! Including children. That's why nobody dares to go against this regime.
bin laden, gadaffi and this idiot all dead in one year? Sweet.

sorry but i can't stop laughin' :rollin:
sorry again if i hurt somebody's feelings i don't mean that!

As a person who grew up in former totalitarian state i'm watching news and recalling times of my childhood when our leaders was passing one by one. I can't believe the way we was living and i don't understand how people still can live the same way. This hamming up and crying women and all that jazz
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Michael from 2:16

We don´t know what´s going to happen, but I remember when the wall fell in Berlin, I remember Soviet Union

&#8220;In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.&#8221;MJ
I'm surprised ppl are crying over his death. How come? They should be celebrating.

Today on tv here in Brazil said that no one knows why but probably why they were being filmed and to show the world how much they were suffering for his death. :smilerolleyes: :fear: And who said this was a Brazilian journalist who was there. :eek: :fear:
So far these people have no reason to rejoice. Nothing will change for them : his son will succeed him, and the same nightmare will go on, if not worse.