Nokia Adds Sony Artists (includes Michael Jackson) To New music Service


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
(24-4-2008) Mobile phone manufacturer Nokia has signed a crucial deal with Sony BMG to add the music label's artists to its unlimited music service `Comes With Music`, due to launch later this year. Sony's roster of artists includes Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Bob Dylan, Foo Fighters, and X Factor winners Leon Jackson, Leona Lewis and Shayne Ward.

Tero Ojanperä, executive vice president and head of the Nokia Entertainment and Communities business, said in a statement:

"As one of the leading major music companies in the world, our collaboration with Sony BMG means we can offer a huge range of fantastic music from international and local artists via Comes With Music."

This means Nokia has now signed up two of the world's four music majors - Universal Music and Sony BMG. And the company is confident that it will be able to get EMI and Warner Music on board as well.

Their new service `Comes With Music` is being keenly watched by the mobile phone operators as it may kill demand for their existing mobile music download services. The service will give consumers who buy a special handset the chance to download as much music as they like on their mobile phone and computer during their one-year mobile phone contract. At the end of their contract, users can keep their downloaded tracks and transfer the music to new devices. Existing music services which label their product as unlimited only let consumers keep playing their tracks if they continue to pay a weekly or monthly subscription. Nokia is planning to launch at least three new phones that can access the new music service in the second half of this year.

Thomas Hesse, Sony BMG's head of global digital business, said:

"We think this business model will encourage users to sample a wide range of material, expand their musical tastes, and listen to more music than ever before. In the process, we think it will provide new opportunities to artists from every genre of music, and increase demand for msic overall."

However, the Finnish company, which is the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer, has yet to find a mobile phone operator willing to sign up to a service that could destroy consumer appetite for their existing mobile phone music download stores. Many mobile phone networks see Nokia's move into content as a direct threat to their relationship with their own customers.

:) Sony is finally fully embracing the new era of technology and using it to their advantage. Sony also partnered with ThumbPlay in February, which allowed for Michael's music to be used as many different ringtones and as a result there have been a lot of commercials dedicated to Michael's music for ringtones; a lot of which have been playing on youth networks like Nickelodeon. Cool.
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