No nominations for TII at the Oscars :(

In all fairness, that's good. I want Mike to win awards because they are justified not because he's no longer with us which this would have been. As much as I adored This Is It, Oscar-worthy it isn't.
In all fairness, that's good. I want Mike to win awards because they are justified not because he's no longer with us which this would have been. As much as I adored This Is It, Oscar-worthy it isn't.
Hi, Tony! :clapping:
In my art critical backgound, I tend to agree with you. I mean, as a professional, I admit he is no longer here at his peaks, and more so, he did not even had control on the final shape ("the final cut") of this motion picture.
Michael at his best is here with us in all the songs he had the chance to smooth up to perfection, like you make good points in your reviews. BTW, I really would like to talk again now, in this light after june, about his songs.
But my soul is willing for even a nomination... let's remember Heath Ledger, I really appreciate him as an actor, and even so his Jocker role was not at his best power. And still the artistic world considered fair to award him for this role, after... :no:
Positive reactions of people who saw this film are more worth than this cold statue!
In all fairness, that's good. I want Mike to win awards because they are justified not because he's no longer with us which this would have been. As much as I adored This Is It, Oscar-worthy it isn't.

I agree.
Neither are movies like "The Blind Side" and snub "Invictus" or "District 9", and how unfair is it that UP gets both a best animated picture nomination and picture period? If they were going to nominate them "Star Trek" should have been included. Just goes to show the oscars are more a popularity contest than merit just like the Grammy's and every other awards show. This is It should have gotten something, at the very least director for Kenny.
Why would Kenny be nominated for best director?

Kenny didn't even direct anything. The footage was already shot before he ever got his hands on it.

At most, Kenny is a jumped up editor.
all suck like avatar nominate but really great documentary movie didn't nominate :(

I might be wrong, but I remember back in early November, when this talk started, they said it was not possible to nominate it as best documentary due to the timing it had been released... but I just don't understand that, since Avatar has arrived to cinemas recently... so?

ANyway, I love this movie. I don't know if that is the right title, but I love it and I have read/seen/heard nothing but very good comments about it, fans and no fans agree on that.
This Is It missed the deadline for Best Documentary, where it would've had a better chance getting in instead of Best Picture which has too many stronger nominees. So TII's absence was expected.
I might be wrong, but I remember back in early November, when this talk started, they said it was not possible to nominate it as best documentary due to the timing it had been released... but I just don't understand that, since Avatar has arrived to cinemas recently... so?

ANyway, I love this movie. I don't know if that is the right title, but I love it and I have read/seen/heard nothing but very good comments about it, fans and no fans agree on that.

Yes, the deadline was in August, making This Is It ineligible. It was still eligible for Best Picture however, but I don't think Sony submitted it.

By several Oscar and film critics, yes. If This Is It had been released over the summer before the deadline, I personally believe it would have an Oscar nomination for Best Documentary, based on all the critical acclaim it got.
So if it missed this deadline........

Can it be submitted for next years Oscars?????
Honestly this missed deadline is bull, even if it hadn't missed the deadline the Oscar's wouldn't have nominated it. That award show is crap and one of the most boring one anyway.
i would've loved it if This Is It was nominated..I hope it gets nominated next year!
In all fairness, that's good. I want Mike to win awards because they are justified not because he's no longer with us which this would have been. As much as I adored This Is It, Oscar-worthy it isn't.

I agree with you. I would have love Michael alive to win this not deceased and no longer with us. :cry:

Since the Oscars are My favorate award show (I like Acting Award shows more than Music ones), I'll let this pass.

And speaking of Michael Jackson and Oscars, one of my fave clips:
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This Is It missed the deadline for Best Documentary, where it would've had a better chance getting in instead of Best Picture which has too many stronger nominees. So TII's absence was expected.

Well that's understandable. What are the chances for next year? Or will that be far too late for anything?
This Is It missed the deadline for Best Documentary, where it would've had a better chance getting in instead of Best Picture which has too many stronger nominees. So TII's absence was expected.

I think that this is the category that It would win in most. Best Pic is has to many strong movies for it. :)
And the Oscar snub goes to ...

Are we done unpacking the films that earned Oscar nominations? Good. Then let's talk about who and what didn't get nominated on Tuesday morning.

For starters, none of the cast of Avatar got tapped -- not in all their transmogrified powder-blue glory. Geekworld was loudly gunning for Zoe Saldana (less so for Sam Worthington), but the Academy is clearly not in a place, just yet, where they consider a motion-captured performance as the real deal. Some day. Just not Tuesday.

Geekworld was also rooting for Star Trek in the Best Picture category. (As a longtime Trekkie myself, I say: As if!)

Second: The Michael Jackson doc This Is It failed to moonwalk its way into the Documentary Feature category. Hangover didn't make it anywhere, but, well ... am I alone in thinking it wasn't all that funny? (Okay, so the initial wake-up scene was hilarious. And everything with the tiger. And maybe the bed.) Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs got bumped from the race for Animated Feature, but that one gave me a stomach ache, so I don't mind.

Third: The Road was conspicuously missing from every major category. As much as I liked the film, this didn't especially surprise me, as most of the movie-going populace is up to its greasy forehead in dystopian post-apocalyptic landscapes -- no matter how many times we mutter aloud, "Cormac McCarthy is our greatest living writer." True dat.

Fourth: Invictus was also absent from the Best Picture category, teaching all the world that Clint Eastwood can, in fact, make a movie that's merely good. And (500) Days of Summer didn't get any attention in the original screenplay category, a bit of a disappointment for fans of sweet-natured non-linear not-quite-romances.

What else? Tobey Maguire didn't get a nod for Brothers, Christian McKay didn't get one for Me and Orson Welles and Saoirse Ronan didn't get one for The Lovely Bones, but she's far too young and far too talented to mourn for long. Inglourious Basterds' Diane Kruger failed to materialize in the Supporting Actress category.

Finally, the Academy nominated Stanley Tucci for the wrong role. He got the nod for his icky-sticky murderer in The Lovely Bones. He deserved it, instead, for playing Julia Child's adorably supportive husband in Julie & Julia.
Re: And the Oscar snub goes to ...

This Is It got robbed

I know it didnt make it in time for best documenatry....but it made it time for film of the year and I'm sorry he needed to be nominated.
Honestly this missed deadline is bull, even if it hadn't missed the deadline the Oscar's wouldn't have nominated it. That award show is crap and one of the most boring one anyway.
Do you really think a movie just showing concert rehersals should be nominated for best picture?
Do you really think a movie just showing concert rehersals should be nominated for best picture?

I agree. TIT was good for what it was but its no where near "Oscar Material". The Oscars are full of politics and they really havent been all that prestigeous like they use to be.