No More Sightings


Proud Member
Jul 28, 2011
Watervliet NY
I now know what i am missing . The sighting . There would be a sighting of him and we would all rush on to the site with our comment. On Paris birthday we would always have a sighting , this year nothing. No Paris , No Michael I miss him.
This is something I miss so much... I remember all the excitement when new pic arrived in internet.It was so sweet when we all were going to one place and chat, comment every single detail in it... Ohh I will miss those days.:(
Imagine what it would be like on the other side where any time you go out, your pics are on the net in minutes and thousands of people are studying every details of how you dressed, what you did, what you bought, what your kids look like, all the in between shots when you talk or smile that make you look crazy when your not etc etc.
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I miss that too... so much.

But D.I. has a point. Painful, but true. Now they don't harass him any more ... it's a shame he never got his privacy. I hope things will be at least a bit different for his children.

...but I still miss the sightings.
I miss that too... so much.

But D.I. has a point. Painful, but true. Now they don't harass him any more ... it's a shame he never got his privacy. I hope things will be at least a bit different for his children.

...but I still miss the sightings.

I know. But he was so damn cute. The miss-matched outfits with dangerous shoulder pads, the smiles, the victory sign, the umbrella, the patience, the respect he had for everyone, the kids trailing behind... :cry: I'm making myself depressed talking about this.

Oh Michael :sigh: I wish you knew how much we all miss you :weeping:
I know, he had the best fashion style too....

:boohoo: I miss him so much!
ain't no sunshine when he's gone !

i miss these days , i once said to my self i should not save all these pics of him going to the clinc , i need some space in my pic's file of my computer for the tour pics, and all his sightings in London ... life is strange .
I have a guilty admission of looking forward to pics, some of which Michael most likely would not encourage. Sometimes when I thought he didn't look at his healthiest as well as those when he was obviously enjoying the moment. It was a curse for him that he could not escape at times, and a confirmation of his incredible interest to his fans (and tabloids) as well. A double-edged sword.

Somehow JFK's children managed to stay reasonably out of the radar in the U.S. after his death and for years, to some degree. I don't forsee that happening with Michael's children, although I hope I am wrong.

Still struggling here, but having lived through deaths in my own immediate family, major other personal influences in my life, be it both personal and world wide known, and now Michael, I just don't know how I would feel personally to see pics of the children as they grow. Would it be out of curiosity, care and concern, or a combination of both. If a tabloid has pics of the children as they grow, can I walk away from looking at it? Is it disrespectful to "look"?

For me it's similar to when JFK died, when Dianna died. If their children's pics appeared somewhere, did I look? Yes, I did. How does one stop the interest and still show respect? So sad any way you look at it. :(
tell why i was thinking about this earlier and i broke down badly just missing him shuting down a mall or TMZ camera following him as he does his poses for the camera even his swagger at age 50 was serious the way he dress down so crazy i miss him waving hi to the fans and throwing up the peace sign he just one of a kind you just can find too many artist like him he will sign a autograph in a heart beat. Just love u Mikey rest in peace fam
God... its so weird... i miss him :( i miss the "sightings"
Michael going to a book store .... all those trips that would catch a glimpse of him with his kids :(

i miss his PRESENCE...
I also miss the sightings..

Michael you brought so much joy all over the world! You touched so many lives..
You where a truly good soul, and I love you..
No more new pics just old unseen ones :cry:

The excitin things we'd have this year are: Mchael's new album and watchin that murderer goin to jail.

Missin YOU MORE EVERY DAY MICHAEL! :give_rose: :sad:
It is something I have been thinking about on and off ever since that horrible June day. I really crying now just thinking about it. And that is just one of the things that just really hurts the most. I would give anything in this world right now just to new picture of Michael. And knowing that is something I am never going to see again just really hurts so much. Just knowing that I am never going to hear about new sightings of him. Is one of the reasons why I am still crying over him every single day. :sad: :boohoo:
I miss him so much :cry:

But I know he's happy, blessed and loved in heaven; where injustice doesn't exist. Rest in peace my beautiful baby. :cry:
:( I remember the last text I got from my mj friend before he died was 'OMG Becca we havn't had new mj pics for a week :O Where are you michael!' ... then the next one :(
Omg :/
Even if he was covered head to toe and we only had a few new pictures, that would make our week. It was his aura.. no other celebrity can excite me the way he did..
Sometimes I'm waiting for pics of the kids to come out (I know I'm sorry but idk I try to find comfort) but there is always someone missing that someone is Michael. We already have April on April 29, 2009 Michael went Ed HArdy shopping with his kids. I still remember how happy and hyped I was when those pics were released, I was living for pics of him until June 25, even on June 25 I was waiting to get some pics as we had seen him last time on June 17 (I believe) the last time. I don't get it nothing seems real nothing makes sense.
I concur with all you guys and one thing is for sure, even though some people try to characterize MJ fans as crazy, we loved Michael and that cannot be denied.

Michael was an angel walking on earth.
It kills me that there will be no more sightings. I remember getting so excited when new pictures came out, when I was going through the papers or surfing the net or on forums. He could be covered in head to toe but I would know Michael anywhere. Its heartbreaking that there will be no more sightings of him, his kids with him, or anything. And now the paps are chasing a 13, 12 and 8 year old going to karate lessons.
i miss the sightings too...he would get me upset sometimes in the way he was dresses and other times he would make me laugh with his funny trips...anyway I miss him very much...i would just want to see him smile!
Say what you want (I'm speaking to those who laughed at him), but he had one brave, rebellious soul beneath the shyness. He wore what he wanted to wear. He didn't give a f***, had no time to care about all them people. Plus, he looked sexy in all kinds of the clothes, be it in pj's, a suit, or plain black jeans, etc.:yes:
I miss that too... so much.

But D.I. has a point. Painful, but true. Now they don't harass him any more ... it's a shame he never got his privacy. I hope things will be at least a bit different for his children.

...but I still miss the sightings.
Yeah...Whenever a new pic came up, I felt excited to see him AND worried about his privacy at the same time. I can never deny either of the 2 emotions.

God... its so weird... i miss him :( i miss the "sightings"
Michael going to a book store .... all those trips that would catch a glimpse of him with his kids :(

i miss his PRESENCE...
:(.......You nailed it...No other artist who passed away can make me feel this way. I really don't think about what kind of music he would put out if he was alive. His presence, that's all that matters to me.
I'm not going to pretend I was around here for that long time, but reading the threads from previous years, I really feel for you guys. I have a hard time going through MJGallery knowing that there's a final date and year on the picture's and that nothing will come after that. I can only imagine how you the MJJC faithful may feel, sorry guys. :(
there were times when I would be in a meeting or something and a friend of mine would text me "there are new pics!" then I would smile and nobody would understand why... good times...