No More Drama


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know
We drifted far.

I'm not an expert here. I don't know Mr. Jackson personally, but I do think that the greatest respect that one can show an artist is to not only hear the messages they send out, but To listen to them and try to follow the example that is being set forth by that artist. Michael talks about Healing the world and about loving one another. Unity. Respect for yourself and for other people. To have compassion for other people.

The internet is a huge place. There is room enough for as many Michael Jackson fan clubs as there needs to be. There is plenty of room for all the message boards and web sites that people wish to make. However, There is no room for name calling, bashing, ego tripping, jealousy, degrading comments back and forth between those fan clubs and message boards.
If people were really truthful with themselves and with others, They'd realize they ALL want to be close to Michael Jackson. They'd ALL wish to have his approval in some manner, and They ALL would like to have the most people come and enjoy what their creativity comes up with. There is no need for jealousy or the bickering back and forth. It's senseless and crazy between people who should be striving more for unity and caring for others in a world filled with hate and bitterness.

I think of coming onto a message board or internet site as being a guest in someone's house. When you are an invited guest in someone else's house, You do not go in there actin' like a fool. You respect their rules, and You treat them with respect. Even if, on a personal level, you don't agree with how they run their house,and You wouldn't run your house in the same manner.. You STILL show respect because you are a guest there. If you don't show respect in that house, What do you think the owner of that house would do? They'd tell you to leave. Same thing on these boards, You break the rules. You get warned and then banned.

And If you go runnin' your mouth about that house and the people in it in other places... and It gets back to the owner of the house that you were warned in, What do you think they would do? They would never invite you to their house again because they are being disrespected. It makes common sense to me that it goes this way.

Am I wrong in feeling this way about it?

Either way it goes.. There is still no need for the name calling and insults.. There's no need for any of it,really. It's not supposed to be going on in the first place.
What brought this on, Tiffany?
What made you 'go there'?

Did something happen while I was away?

To answer: I agree.
Yes, I know. Too short. Need. More. Time. Sorry. ;)
Hi Coy :)

To answer your question.. A few things happened that made me feel sad for the Michael Jackson internet community as a whole. There's so much negativity going on ,and I really wish it would stop. It serves no purpose except to give us all a bad name.

I know one post on a message board isn't going to change things around. I just had to vent a little bit about all the negativity,and explain how I view myself when I visit the various web sites and messages boards that I go to :lol:

And Yes.. Your answer is much too short. :lol: Where did you go.. If I may ask? :lol:
I noticed you were gone.. :lol: I thought about sending you a PM or something cause you went POOF... :lol:

I hope it was a great time for you :) Welcome back :)
Hi Coy :)

To answer your question.. A few things happened that made me feel sad for the Michael Jackson internet community as a whole. There's so much negativity going on ,and I really wish it would stop. It serves no purpose except to give us all a bad name.

Its been going on for years now and its not going to change. You just have to learn how to deal with it. You have to Walk Away sometimes.
I don't understand it either, Tiffany. I'm a member of another MJ board (which I won't name), and I was absolutely shocked at some of the posts on that forum, not only at how disrespectful they were toward each other, but even towards Michael. I haven't been back since.

I think a lot of fans are currently frustrated, because our fandom is in limbo (with the new album being worked on and no news coming out of it's progress), but that still doesn't give fans the right to post hateful messages on a fan forum. I guess the internet is a lot more free when it comes to hate messages (you always have the option of hiding behind a computer monitor.) It's not right, but that's usually the way it is.
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I agree we should all constantly work on ourselves and strive for the better.

I also think sometimes the drama is most existing longer cuz of ppl discussing it.

Humans do exist beside others on the dimension between evil and good.
We have to make our choices and sometimes those are not really making life nice for eachother or even everybody, several motives possible 'needing attention', 'boredom', 'jealousy', 'having not enough intelligence', 'having no life' etc. ... but that's human and not exclusive for MJJ fans.