No More CDS ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
You read it well. The major labels plan to abandon the CD-format by the end of 2012 (or even earlier) and replace it with download/stream only releases via iTunes and related music services. The only CD-formats that will be left over will be the limited edition ones, which will of course not be available for every artist. The distribution model for these remaining CD releases would be primarily Amazon which is already the biggest CD retailer worldwide anyhow.

3 weeks ago we heard it for the first time and since then we have tried getting some feedback from EMI, Universal and Sony. All declined to comment.

The news doesn't come as a surprise to those who have been working in the business. In a piece that was published in a q&a with the Alfa Matrix people back in June 2011 in the 1st issue of "Matrix Revelations", our chief editor Bernard Van Isacker said the following when asked if a CD would still exist in 5 years: "Yes, but in a different format. Normal CDs will no longer be available because they don't offer enough value, limited editions on the other hand will remain available and in demand for quite a few more years. I for one buy only limited editions because of the added value they offer: a nice design, extra bonus gadgets, etc. The album as we know it now however will be dead within 5 years, if it isn't even sooner. I predict that downloads will have replaced the CD album within the next 2 years. I don't see that as something negative, it just has run its course, let's leave the space to limited editions (including vinyl runs for bigger acts) and downloads instead."

It's a move that makes completely sense. CD's cost money, even when they don't sell because there is stock storage to be paid; a label also pays money to distributors when CDs get returned to the labels when not sold and so on. In short, abandoning the CD-format will make it possible to just focus on the release and the marketing of it and no longer focus on the distribution (since aggregators will do the work as far as dispatching the releases to services worldwide) and - expensive - stock maintenance. In the long run it will most surely mean the end for many music shops worldwide that only stock and sell CD releases. In the UK for instance HMV has problems paying the labels already and more will follow. It makes the distribution of CDs no longer worth it.

Also Amazon will benefit from this as it will surely become the one and only player when it comes to distribution of the remaining CD productions from labels. Packaged next to regular album downloads via its own Amazon MP3 service it will offer a complimentary service.

The next monument to fall? That will be printed magazines as people will want to consume their information online where they also read most of the news.

What are your feelings? is it a move that you like or not?

Read more at ONTD:http://ohnotheydidnt.livejo OHn3luD
No, this shouldn't happen. This would totally kill the music industry. That's why I sometimes hate technology.
That would be completely lame..I hope that's not true..I love being able to physically collect music..I'm sure people don't want everything to revolve around damn screen >_
:rip: Music Industry!!!!

MP3 albums often cost more but have no value to them.........

A move like this would surely be a self-destruction of industry itself.........

CD's do continue to personal belief to the continuing downfall of sales are:
1.) Pirated material is still too easy to obtain and most offenders do not get caught.
2.) Music and Artists do not make an impact on popular culture as they would in the 60's-90's....i.e. nobody wants to dress up like Lady Gaga or comb their hair like Justin Bieber.......and most modern songs are quickly forgotten
3.) Shows like X-Factor has made both music and artists very generic & bland, i.e. little or no variety between types of music, general appearance of artists and even voices of artists often sound too similar.
4.) Almost every new artist is dubbed the "new" MJ or Madonna, Beatles, etc.....and it's not allowing artist to be unique in their own right.
5.) Music labels prefers physical appearance above actual talent when signing up new acts.
All these factors have made people just switch off from the modern music altogether.

But wait a second.........aren't vinyl's still being produced, even though people have been calling them obsolete for the past 25 years (or something like that)..........

+ No official sources?????...........

And to be honest this is just fantasy talk like when people in the old days would say "by 2000 we'll have flying cars"............well we are in 2011 and still no sign of flying cars, and Terminators did not take over the World!!!!!
Another thing is that the download formats like MP3 and AAC (iTunes) are very compressed and they sound much worse than CDs. Many people probably won't notice that if they only listen to their music via handy speakers or with shitty earphones, but if you play those MP3 / AAC songs with good computer speakers or good earphones and compare them with a CD, the difference of the sound quality is extremely noticable.
Isn't it so that mp3 format cuts the quality of sound? I'm not familiar with ITunes: do they sell other formats in full quality like on CD?
For people who have better ear than an average music consumer, mp3 format might not be enough. The full quality can be obtained only on CD/DVD...
Isn't it so that mp3 format cuts the quality of sound? I'm not familiar with ITunes: do they sell other formats in full quality like on CD?
For people who have better ear than an average music consumer, mp3 format might not be enough. The full quality can be obtained only on CD/DVD...

Yes, I agree. MP3 format IS shitty in comparison to the sound quality of CDs. Even average music consumer can notice that difference, it's just, like I said, that they don't know at all that CDs sound better. Some time ago, I've sent some friends of mine songs from Michael in lossless format (aka CD quality) and they were surprised how everything, from the musical instruments to his voice, sounded so much crisper and 'fuller'.

And no, iTunes only sells AAC. It's compressed like MP3.
I don't see the big deal. It's the wave of the future and with every new direction the old fuddy duds like ourselves protest but it doesn't help matters. iTunes, mp3's, or whatever else there is out there isn't going to kill the music industry. The music industry is killing the music industry by not keeping up with the times and basically shooting itself in the foot. Not to mention the music isn't very good.
iTunes, mp3's, or whatever else there is out there isn't going to kill the music industry. The music industry is killing the music industry by not keeping up with the times and basically shooting itself in the foot. Not to mention the music isn't very good.

This. But I think it's part of the evolution in the music industry and I don't' think it's gonna happen soon. The music industry as a whole can't die as long as they can make music that the public can consume.
Now if we talk about the quality in music and the formats, that's different. I'll always prefer CDs or Vinyls as long the quality of mp3's is this poor.
I don't see the big deal. It's the wave of the future and with every new direction the old fuddy duds like ourselves protest but it doesn't help matters. iTunes, mp3's, or whatever else there is out there isn't going to kill the music industry. The music industry is killing the music industry by not keeping up with the times and basically shooting itself in the foot. Not to mention the music isn't very good.

Why don't producers and artists aim to make something radically different............

It worked in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's & 90' even worked in the 30's with the introduction of Jazz..........

Music has become bland and boring.........period!!!!

But like I said, Vinyl & CD's will never be abandoned while old music still being sold..........people will never stop buying songs from classic artists/bands/labels (MJ, Madonna, Queen, Motown, Beatles, Pink Floyd, etc)!!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this better not happen
I prefer CDs to downloading. I don't know way but I like being able to have something tangible and flip through album booklets.
I prefer CDs to downloading. I don't know why but I like being able to have something tangible and flip through album booklets.
iTunes has killed music. I can't stand downloads.
This is absolutely ridicilous.
Technology will eat us alive. There is no privacy left. Everything is documented and you leave a trail with everything you buy. Awful.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this better not happen

I really don't think it will happen........

......physical formats still bring in significant profits........

......And anyway, this is all just speculation!!!!
I really don't think it will happen........

......physical formats still bring in significant profits........

......And anyway, this is all just speculation!!!!

I hope so cuz i dont like downloading songs at all. It takes forever to download and cost alot to do it as well
I hope so cuz i dont like downloading songs at all. It takes forever to download and cost alot to do it as well

That's not really true. I guess it depends on your internet connection but I can download entire albums (with artwork) in minutes or less and it's usually cheaper than buying in store.
NO WAY IN FRICKIN' HELL THAT'S GONNA HAPPEN! I know my brother will very angry about that fact. He loves collecting CDs mostly are heavy rock. Now he's gonna freak and I mean in a bad way.
8701girl;3526728 said:
I hope so cuz i dont like downloading songs at all. It takes forever to download and cost alot to do it as well

If you have a good internet connection, downloads will be quick.........

....but I have to agree with you that it is very expensive........
....Digital albums cost £7.99 when CD's on Amazon cost the same or usually much less.....
....And Digital music comes with no booklets or artwork!!!

I also find CD's much more convenient when I want to play music in the car (no need of having to connect the mp3 player to the stereo on every journey) or if a friend wants to borrow my CD (no need for file transferring).....
My brother doesn't really care about dowloading songs off, he told me that he hated iTunes Stores.