No Goodbye


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think the thing that hurts the most is we never got a goodbye - everything was so sudden (of course I understand this was not possible and i'm not being selfish)

Why are all the greats taken from us at such a young age?

Love you Mike x
I know..! I wish we could have said goodbye to him... :(

Love you too Mike!
Maybe in the future we will hear some of what he had been working on and somehow it will be closure for us. To aid in the healing.
maybe... When Michael made the announcement for the o2 concerts and it was labeled This is it.. maybe it was Gods way of letting us fans know that this was it.. maybe god let all us fans have our last goodbye to Michael that way. I dont know but It helps my mind which is so bent right now.
^ awww nice written mane i think that was his way of saying goodbye

I cant describe how much IRONIC that title is.
this is IT.
maybe michael didn't know.. but god knew. and this was really IT.
his final pose infront of a live audience .he showed strength!

Im so sad he never got to finish it

maybe... When Michael made the announcement for the o2 concerts and it was labeled This is it.. maybe it was Gods way of letting us fans know that this was it.. maybe god let all us fans have our last goodbye to Michael that way. I dont know but It helps my mind which is so bent right now.

That's what I'm thinking
I think he had given a short time to enjoy the excitement and feel our love again. Even though we didn't say goodbye, we showed our support.
And at the conference Michael said something along the lines of "I love you. You have to know that. I mean that," or something like that.

So just take that line with you for the rest of your life as you listen to Michael's music. That's what I'm doing.
Yall mj did say goodbye to us......that whole press conference that was his way

mj we love you buddy
Not sure if anyone saw it...Smokey Robinson yesterday was being interviewed and was asked what song he would sing at the service, and he replied "Never Can Say Goodbye," and he broke out into song...I think the interview was with Don Lemon of CNN. Smokey said that he couldn't and won't say goodbye to Michael. I just thought that was very sweet...and so it isn't "goodbye,"...I'll see you when I get there.