No Foul Play


Proud Member
Jan 27, 2009
This from MTV Australia

The LA County Coroner, who has just held a press conference to announce the completion of MJs autopsy, claimed there was evidence the super star had been taking prescription medicines, while adding there was no trauma to Michael’s body or “indication of foul play”. The official cause of Michael’s death will not be announced for another 4 weeks, until more testing is carried out which includes a toxicology report.
This from MTV Australia

The LA County Coroner, who has just held a press conference to announce the completion of MJs autopsy, claimed there was evidence the super star had been taking prescription medicines, while adding there was no trauma to Michael’s body or “indication of foul play”. The official cause of Michael’s death will not be announced for another 4 weeks, until more testing is carried out which includes a toxicology report.

It's reliefing to hear that theres no signs of "foul play"..
i was thinking there was but i am releived to hear it,s not the case,but the bottom line is that the people who worked for michael his doctor mainly should have been monitering him better,and for that i will never ever forgive them,michael would still be here,
I hope this is true. I dearly hope it will emerge as a freak heart defect or something that no-one could have predicted of solved. Just so that we won't all be left forever wondering 'what if...'
By 'foul play' they mean that someone dd not deliberately try and kill Michael, like a gunshot etc.

There is still the issue of the Doctor and any drugs that he mgiht or might not have given him that may or may not have contributed to Michael's passing.
I basically blame the doctor for this. He let Michael get this way.
I am highly suspicious of the Doctor especailly as he supposedly ran away. However, it could be that he found Michael already collapsed. But then I think why was an ambulance not called straight away? If the reports are true and he was given 45 minutes of CPR before an ambulance was called, surely Michael would have already been beyond saving at that point. If you founc somene collapsed you would call an ambulance as soon as humanly possible.

I honestly believe that Michael died at home.
This is not the first time this sort of thing has happened to a celebrity. It's dare i say, quite common actually in Hollywood. Big stars will have bogus doctors on their payroll to give them prescription drugs when they don't really need them. And these doctors will give them whatever they want pretty much aslong the money keep coming their way. When the doctors say "No, I won't give you anymore of this drug because your addicted and its dangerous for you", the star will fire the doctor and get another doctor who will do it. And the reason they waited so long before calling an ambulance is likely because the doctor knew he could get serious jail time for what he has been giving Michael and so they panic and try to do the resusatation themselves. Leaving the call of 911 as a last resort. Obviously by then it was too late.

A very similar thing happened to Bruce Lee when he was found uncauntous in the flat of a woman he was allegedly having an afair with. They didn't want to have an ambulance brought to the flat because then the story would get out that he was having an afair and his wife couldn't know. So they tried slapping him around the face and called a private regular doctor instead of phoning for an ambulance of paramedics. They waited 10 mins atleast before they finally called an ambulance.
Its all because they want to protect the celebrities image.
I really DO believe they killed him. And it doesnt have to be with a gun you see...