No Communion for Obama Supporters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Illinois USA
I saw this last night on CNN Prime Headline News. I thought it was so ridiculous for a church, a priest to instigate such behavior. :no: He wanted everyone in his congregation who voted for Obama to repent their sins before taking communion.

Later, the Catholic Church authorities stated that this was not something that they condoned and the Priest later apologized for asking the people to do it.

What type of world are we living in? That is a rhetorical question because it is clear that it is not very far from being HELL on EARTH. :angel: God help us all!
Oh wow. I'd love to say that I'm shocked but I'm not. The southern portion of the US is still living in the past....well at least a decent portion of it.

I mean you've got people that still go around saying "The south will rise again"...what kind of shit is that? How about the "US will rise again" in a positive manor? I will never understand some portions of the south. You are an American, if you are proud to be an American like you claim then why not parade the US flag around like you proudly do that stupid Confederate one? Whats even funnier is living up North and having people say "The south will rise" when they know nothing about it and have been living in PA or New York all their lives. :smilerolleyes:

Does it have anything to do with this? No but I felt a need to say it. I just hate when people take their own opinions and parade it around as if it is fact. Personally I would think that people would no longer go to that church but I'm sure people will.
a priest doesnt have this authority he can only suggest it. something like this has to come down from vatican.
Talk about brainwashing :eek: that is so out of order. no one was wrong for voting him! on the contrary, they were right :lol:
....Jesus....that is so.... ridiculous... I'm at loss for words....

Acts like these have made me lose my trust in the Church. (not in God) In fact, all institutions are corrupt these days.

Although, this has not exactly anything to do with this thread, Barbara Walters told President Elect Obama that there has been more threats about his race and being voted President than any other President and there has been a rise in racial crimes.

I didn't know that there had been a rise in the number of racial crimes. But the fact that he is "not of white persuasion" would makes sense about threats toward him as President, since he is the first to ever get voted into the White House.

I hate when they keep referring to President Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy as similar to the Obamas. President Kennedy was assasinated. Though, of course, they are not referring to that aspect, but I just wish they would stop comparing them. They continue to say that Michelle Obama reminds them of Jacqueline and the new name for the family is "Bamelot" like "Camelot" for the Kennedy.
has the catholic church repented for all its sins?
how in the hell is voting for Obama a bad thing though??people these days lol
if these churches followed their teachings then they shouldnt even be getting involved in politics and the like
I am Catholic. Priests are not suppose to outright NAME political elects/presidents... but they are allowed to talk about voting for people who are AGAINST abortion. The Church says that abortion = murder, which is a mortal sin. If someone who is Catholic would vote for Obama is a sin because it promotes and allows Abortion to take place.

But like I said.. a priest is not be allowed to name politicians in particular. Holy Communion to us is very important. It's not just a symbol, but the Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.. So we all must be in the State of Grace to Receive Him. --- Promoting murder is a mortal sin. Or an Accessory (voting for a pro-abortion candidate) is a mortal sin.

1 Corinthians 11:28 "A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup."

So that's my say on that.
^ Lol, you beat me to it :lol:

My English teacher was offering the same argument. (he's a wonderful man, but very religious as well) Saying that he's against Obama for being pro-abortion. I couldn't help asking him: "Can you name me one contemporary president who isn't though ? :huh: " He couldn't answer, of course, yet he maintained his position.

I can see why some would be against the idea of abortion (whether they are religious or not), but I find using this against Obama.....a weak excuse. Considering the society we live in today, it would be a complete disaster to ban abortion. Women not wanting to have a child would end up attempting an abortion using very unsafe means (and thus, putting their own lives in danger), and those who can't afford to raise a child would be forced to provide them with a life of hardships, if not poverty. It's not like these problems don't exist already, but still they are well-kept under control. I really doubt the world needs to be more chaotic than it already is :doh:

I know that was off-topic, yet I have to wonder - were we to analyze all the crimes politicians commit, would there be anyone worthy of being voted left?
I know that was off-topic, yet I have to wonder - were we to analyze all the crimes politicians commit, would there be anyone worthy of being voted left?
on such a broad level, tripping on one candidate for aspects of 'evil policies' is just a front to hide other agendas against them. politics will always head more towards the direction of dystopia; what may be good for one population will be disastrous for another.

yin and yang.
on such a broad level, tripping on one candidate for aspects of 'evil policies' is just a front to hide other agendas against them.

Precisely. And for the obvious reasons, Obama is right now the most targeted politician of all. What lies ahead of him is gonna be tough as hell, so he'd better be ready for everything both mind and spirit-wise. (actually, I'm pretty sure he knows what he got himself into, lol)
the comparison w/ jfk is that he was catholic...and that was a big deal back then....

as for the church getting involved...according to people i know, they say there'sa great mass conspiracy that when pastors and priests talk about gay marriage and gay people in general, they can be arrested for hate speech....woooooooow.....yeah when u say that something should happento them b/c they're gay, sorry but that's called promoting violence

i find it funny a priest instigated this....y not call up all his fellow priests and ask them if they've sinned about pot calling the kettle