Nicole Ritche's new baby- the name!

Hey Naytobes, there are so many aussies on here!

I don't like the name - Sparrow is nice - but maybe not for a baby boy. I think a Michael in there somewhere would have been nice!
Yeh, go us Aussies!

I thought maybe she would have put a Michael in there, maybe as a middle name. But maybe she thought people would have used the old "jumping on the band wagon". A lot of people probably didn't know he was her godfather.

I didn't like Harlow at first, now I like it. Maybe Sparrow will grow on me :lol:

And Sparrow is much nicer than Apple and Moses (what were Chris and Gwenie thinking!)
I thought she was going to call her child Michael/Michaela? In memory of MJ?
When I saw the name yesterday it made me think of the song Gladys Knight sang at Michael's funeral last week "Eye On The Sparrow". The words to the song are so touching. Perhaps a remote possibility that Nicole was inspired by that?

The baby's second name is James, perhaps that will be used is certain circumstances. Midnight, who knows, except she did give birth shortly after midnight I believe was reported, or she went into labor around that time, one or the other.

The baby was almost 8lbs, I groaned when I heard that, Nicole is such a tiny thing, ouch! Not sure if it was by C-section, but just her little frame carrying around a what sounds like a full term baby of that size, yikes. I'm 5'1", maybe shorter now that I'm aging, and had an 8lb+ baby, it was like carrying around a whole watermelon in my belly. More power to her.
I love the name Harlow, but not sure about Sparrow! :bugeyed
Another celeb burdening their offspring with a horrible name. Do kids of famous people not get teased on the school playground?

I think the name is awful. But I'm sure he'll go by James so it probably won't matter anyway.
^^^^It's better than Dweezil, Zowie, Moon Unit, or Jermajesty, lol.
So she had a boy then? I had read something before that said she was going to name her baby Michael as well, but it was also from a Tabloid or something so I figured it wasn't true.

Sparrow.... =| I don't know how I feel about that. James is good...Midnight...ehhh what in the world? Your kid is a PERSON not a song or a book that you're titling lol
well...that sure is a name huh.....Oh well I wish for them health,happiness and peace..:yes: