Nice, sad experience from yesterday

Michelle MC

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
I was watching TV yesterday, and you know how before another season(like Summer, fall, etc) comes, the commercials start coming on for products to use for that season? Well it's almost going to be fall now.
Anyway, there was a commerical on that endorsed a product to use on the grill . I was half alseep, mind you. So I hear "This Summer spray(whatever the product was)on your grill." So I got thinking "this is almost fall, why have that on now". THEN I was still half asleep. I thought. No it's not even Summer yet. Not even June 21. Wow this was all a nightmare and Michael Jackson is still alive! All that went through my head until I got more awake. I'm sure many of you know how good that must feel even though it was false. So it was a nice experience because I sensed relief(even though it was false which made this experience sad at the same time).
aww wow i understand how you feel! i have dreamt many times that it was like june 19th, and that i had to go to LA to find michael and tell him that he would die soon if he didnt do something and stuff. it was really emotional dreams, beacuse as you said it feels good that june 25th hadnt happened, but then when you wake up and realise that it is september now really breakes you heart. i think we all want to turn back time, and i'd do anything to try to get michael back.
I know what you mean. I would give anything in the entire world. To go back in time just a couple of days or so before June 25th. And to really try to warn Michael practically pleading with him to get rid of Murray now before it is too late. And if he didn't I will really make Michael listen to me of what will happen to him if he didn't. I do know time traveling could be possible according to Einstein. I just wish they would make it more of a reality though. That way I can really go and save Michael.
I know what you mean. I would give anything in the entire world. To go back in time just a couple of days or so before June 25th. And to really try to warn Michael practically pleading with him to get rid of Murray now before it is too late. And if he didn't I will really make Michael listen to me of what will happen to him if he didn't. I do know time traveling could be possible according to Einstein. I just wish they would make it more of a reality though. That way I can really go and save Michael.

I would give anything in the entire world too. I feel so useless now... :no:
oh yeah
i understand
me too
i had a dreams that michael died and when i wake up i was about to scream
but then remembered that he's really dead
and i cried
I know what you mean. I would give anything in the entire world. To go back in time just a couple of days or so before June 25th. And to really try to warn Michael practically pleading with him to get rid of Murray now before it is too late. And if he didn't I will really make Michael listen to me of what will happen to him if he didn't. I do know time traveling could be possible according to Einstein. I just wish they would make it more of a reality though. That way I can really go and save Michael.

me too.. I would give anything :cry: