Neyo paying tribute to MJ during his concert :)


Proud Member
Mar 6, 2008
The Netherlands
I was at a Neyo concert in Amsterdam last friday and I was surprised to see how much Neyo made MJ a part of his show.

I recorded two videos that show him paying tribute:

A huge wall with pictures of Michael and his music playing ( in the middle of the concert)

Neyo singing "Off the wall" and his Michael inspired track "Nobody"

Also he gave a little speech saying that anyone that is a fan of his probably knows that his biggest inspiration is Michael and that the world lost an incredible human being. ( It was longer but I forgot his other exact words)

Anyway I just thought it was very nice of him to do so.
(I have to say though there were two girls behind me that were saying things like: Let it go already, he died almost a year a go and things like that, which I thought was just dumb )
I went to see him in London last Wednesday and he did the same! It was awesome, like a Michael tribute show lol. Thanks for the vids :)