New Year's Resolutions


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
MJ's home state of Indiana!
It's getting close to that time of year!!! Have anything you hope to do?

I ACTUALLY hope to exercise more and eat a bit better this next year, since my dorm has exercise equipment. I want to become more confident. I want to boost my self-esteem!
Great thread, I love making New Year's Resolutions!

I second the eating better part! I recently starting running again, so I'll make it my goal to keep that up, as well, and increase my weekly mileage.

I also want to make it a goal to try to overcome some of my social anxiety. I especially have trouble making phone calls, which makes it pretty difficult now that I'm an adult and have to make appointments and things like that.

As a writer aspiring to publish a book eventually, I also want to make it a goal to write for a certain number of hours every day. I always waste a lot of time that I could be using productively, and then look back and wish I would have used it for writing.
love it, lol

. get a part time job
. finsh college
. get in to the travel industry (yn)
. become more confident
. spend less money
. Get fit and healthy :)
i cant say i have ever stuck to my resaloutions tbh.
I guess the only "resolution" would be to find a full time job ; Hopefully with benefits. but thats not realy a 'resolution' as much as a neccessity.
I have a couple resolutions

* improve my failing marriage
* continue to lose weight (I lost almost 40 lbs this year but I'm starting to gain some of it back)
* continue improving at work
I had such a bad year this year I don't care about anything anymore...and everyone can go to hell
I also want to make it a goal to try to overcome some of my social anxiety. I especially have trouble making phone calls, which makes it pretty difficult now that I'm an adult and have to make appointments and things like that.

I had really bad social anxiety for 10 years (I had the same thing with making phone calls, hell, even answering phone calls would leave me a wreck). Hang in there, it can get better, I swear. :better:

Some of my New Year resolutions are to take dance classes, improv classes, and take singing lessons again (why did I stop?). Oh, and get organized (HA, not likely happening).

I hope everyone at MJJC succeeds with their resolutions in the coming year. Whatever you do, remember to do it with L.O.V.E.