New years resolutions


Proud Member
Jan 28, 2004
What are yours? :D

Mine are....

1) Quit smoking :puke:
2) Spend more time with friends, Call them more and visit them more :)
3) Learn something new. I've always wanted to learn Piano so that's what I hope to do :yes:
1. Stop worrying so much about things in my life
2. Smile and laugh more. I've been too depressed lately.
3. Call or get back in contact with old friends, and hang out with them.
4. Spend more time with my animals. I've been neglecting them lately.
5. Get a job.
6. Get back on a regular sleep schedule. I've been really tired lately because I've been going to bed and getting up at different times of the day.
7. Work on a new demo cd. I've been writing some new songs, and I'd love to complete another album.
8. Relax.
9. Go see some new movies. I saw the Dark Knight, but that was the only movie I've seen in the theatres in 10 years. I really need to make some me time.
10.Learn a sport, or take up a new hobby.
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like the goals so far:)

1. Be happy and strong and dont get too much Anxiety
2. Exercise!! take care of my body.
3. Take singing lessons to strengthen my voice more
4. Go after a true goal and do it this coming year. its time for a change. and not the same boring life.
5. Go out more..even if your friends are busy. meet more new people
1. Lose about 10 to 20 pounds
2. eat better
3. get myself out of credit card debt
4. spend more time with my family
5. take a trip back home to Michigan
Get a better health :rollingpeace:
Stop smoking :(
Meet Michael :pleased:
Stop wondering so much about what other ppl think about me ..
I'll just do everything to make everyone around and myself happy... at least as much as possible lol!
Never to take anything in life for granted including life itself.
1. Stop worrying so much about things in my life
2. Smile and laugh more. I've been too depressed lately.
3. Call or get back in contact with old friends, and hang out with them.
4. Spend more time with my animals. I've been neglecting them lately.
5. Get a job.
6. Get back on a regular sleep schedule. I've been really tired lately because I've been going to bed and getting up at different times of the day.
7. Work on a new demo cd. I've been writing some new songs, and I'd love to complete another album.
8. Relax.
9. Go see some new movies.
10.Learn a sport, or take up a new hobby.

All except #7 I will replace with Making New DESIGNS and DRAWING more....

your resolutions sound just like mine! Woah...
my is: peace on earth & lose weight :yes: & learn how to sing but i know how to sing but i'm shy to sing front of people :yes:
Another new years resolution is to stop spending so much money, and save more.