New years resolution...


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Well, we always have a new years resolution every year, well I do, and Most of the time I never really go through with it...:smilerolleyes:

But this year I'm determined to go on through with it. My New years resolution is to do more volunteer works no matter what the work is and try to help people. *hopefully i make it happen...* And my other one is to memorize all Michael dance moves on The concert DVD(Bucharest Romania) :lol: now thats a sight to see...:p

So what is your New Year's Resolution?

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What Is Yours Resolutions?

i'll go frist my is loss weight :yes: & learn how to sing out loud front of people :yes: :smilerolleyes: i'm shy and afriad

What Is Yours Resolutions?

Cute resolutions, guys. :lol: Best of luck!

Some of my resolutions:

* Stop being such a chicken and drive more.
* Learn to read more Chinese.
* Get a friggin full time job.
Get a better job or secure my teacher training place and to continue Mike's legacy. They're my only two.
-work hard at school
- dance more to michael :p
- and keep michaeling!
Re: What Is Yours Resolutions?

& learn how to sing out loud front of people :yes: :smilerolleyes: i'm shy and afriad
That's a good one! I have that too! Ah well, I'm not that good at singing anyway... :D

Mine's are to find my motivation again for training my horses and doing competitions with them again. And trying to be a better person in general. And doing everything to help keeping Michael's Legacy alive!
* Try and help people, try to heal the world, .. in the small way that I can to make it a better place. (Thank you, Michael)
* Find a place to live of my own
* Lose some weight and be as happy as I can be
* Live my own life
* Only consume free range animal products/less animal products
To be a better person, and to get back into dancing.
I don't usually do resolutions, but this time I have two things I should do..

do some tone up :D
make new friends

And also to be a better person in general, and get a place in college.
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awwe guys these are all such great ones...

I too am going to try to volunteer more and get out and help people who are in need. I also want to continue to promote Michael Legacy in the ways that I can.

For myself - I am going to try and be more confident in my abilities..

Happy New Years everyone!
Keep the weight off that I've lost (107 pounds!).
Continue my volunteer work helping an animal rescue group.
Keep up the exercise (walking)
To be the best person I can be.
My new year's resolution is to stop the tears and bring back the smiles :) I'm going to try and be fun stuff, and keep Michael in my heart without being uber-sad! :yes:

I'm starting with MJJC; I had a black avatar eversince June 25th, which I have removed, and I changed my dark-ish signature into a light colored one. :lol:

Yeay for me ;)

Oh....and I want to lose some weight :mello:
Give up Booze
Get a girlfriend
Go to the Gym
Get a job
Well I guess mine is to lose weight. But that is going to be hard for me now. Especially since my misery, sadness, and depression is so bad for me now. That food is now my drug of choice to find some sort of comfort in now. Well I can always go back and do what I was doing in the summer. Where I had just totally stopped eating. I had lost over 30 or 40 pounds in one month.
My new year's resolution is to stop the tears and bring back the smiles :) I'm going to try and be fun stuff, and keep Michael in my heart without being uber-sad! :yes:

I'm starting with MJJC; I had a black avatar eversince June 25th, which I have removed, and I changed my dark-ish signature into a light colored one. :lol:

Yeay for me ;)

Oh....and I want to lose some weight :mello:

That's one of mine too, to be more positive and live life the way Michael would want us too. :yes:
I want to try to be a better friend again!

2009 was a very hard year for me and I had to struggle to survive it... it was my family and friends who made me... and I want to give back again.