New Video (Press Conference) on

I was also going to ask if somebody could upload this to Youtube or create a link to download it. The vid on michaeljacksonlive is going VERY slow, and I cant view the entire thing.
I want to hear from MJ not these guys. Its not my fault they didn't plan well. I'm still angry.
does this make everyone happy now? The best interest was YOU not to give you fits or make inconvenience for you. But to make the Show something you will remember for YEARS to come. I hope this makes you all happy. I hope you all have cooled off.

I still might not have a ticket but i have been burned by concerts so dont think i dont know where you are coming from.
Kenny Ortega stutters and errrsss and errrmmmsss a lot haha
i think they have reason enough, its a going to be a massive production there gonna need a few more days to set everything up and test it (so the five extra days actually would make a big difference) its just a shame that we've been moved to march and have to wait so long, surely they could fit us in in october or something
i feel fo those fans the re scheduled to march that is so not fair, they booked july for a reason
its funny, just because these too men tells us why the dates are changed dosent make me less angry about it :(
No, they said there are always some possibilities, that show (not only Michael's) could be reshceduled - health or something else out of conrtol of everyone. But they expressed several times that due to this production reason there will be NO more resheduling.
seriously guys im thinking the whole lot could be rescheduled for march 2010 - onwards
This has really made me feel a lot better about the whole residency and I'm really excited again now!

However, I just can't trust Randy Phillips. I think he's been a shady character since the first press conference and I still feel that way.
This has really made me feel a lot better about the whole residency and I'm really excited again now!

However, I just can't trust Randy Phillips. I think he's been a shady character since the first press conference and I still feel that way.

I have felt that way too. Something about Randy just makes me uncomfortable. But I hope I'm just being silly. I really do. Time will tell. But until then I'm guarded.
Randy Philips seems like a nice guy, it was Michael and Kenny that requested AEG to reschedule.
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I fully understand. It was crazy talk from the start to think that one night of rehersa in the O2 before the opening night was accptable. I always had my suspicians about this. If I was in charge, I would have postponed the dates aswell.
im still confused as to why they wud sell tickets when the shows werent even conceived yet lol