New very nice video's:

o my god,thank you for posting this..videos are great,poor chicken lol
that girl in zoo, is so lucky,I'm
the girl says "am i in a dream?" ... i really like how loving he is to the girl. he helps her to relax and is so kind to her, really impressive to me. thanks for the videos :)
thankyou so much for posting.such a beautiful gentle man,the way he was caressing that girl fan because she was nervous about meeting him,i found it funny when he was hugging the girl and the gorilla was watching them,michael loved the gorillas.
He was so sweet to the girl at the zoo. What language was she speaking in???
Are you trying to kill me?! :cry:

OMG, I'm sooooooooo jealous of that girl.. I wish it was me. :cry:
I'm in tears now. :cry:

Can someone PLEASE upload this video?????????????????????
MJ was looking at the baby alligator and thinking "He would make a nice coat in the future", jump to Japan (2006?) Black gator skin coat.. lol
Thanks for much for this.
For some reason, I started crying at the second video with the girl. So sweet.

Great videos.
The video of the him and that fan is just gorgeous. MJ's so gentle... LOL @ the sad chicken comment :lol:
Loved the videos, thanks for sharing! I loved how he was concerned and asked the girl if she was ok. So compassionate!
Thanks for posting.These videos are good.
i'm so jealous to that girl, i wish i was she on that time.
She was so lucky, right??????
And Michael was so sweet and kind to her,
OMG......i want to die now, bye to the world~~~~~~

RIP Michael
Can't wait to see more footage of Michael's camera crew....................
aww.the way he was caressing that girl make me cry out of jealousy and simultaneously trigger my tears coz he behaved like a mixture of a loving father and a gentle lover ,i would die for a moment like this .tho i can never ever have the chance coz he is gone .