New Updates On Jackson Situation: New CD Set For Release With This Is It Footage?

hmmmm..Interesting, thanks for posting. we will have to wait and see.
Thank you for posting this article.

When I read this quote:

Jackson’s death has turned out to be a boon for Sony Music, whose weekly marketshare rose close to 40%, and Epic, which climbed past 12%.

Honestly, my heart just constricted and I shook my head.

But the article did say that Sony has sold and estimated 18 million albums since Michael passed. I am assuming that's all Michael and that number is worldwide.

Also, do you guys think that the stars didn't commit to the concert because the Jackson 4 were headlining and it would just be sacrilegious to perform w/o Michael? Or because they knew that AEG was trying to profit big time over Michael's death. I'm just asking because it seemed that many, many artists would want to do some sort of tribute concert to Michael.

Interesting fact. . . Randy Phillips was Michael's manager for a few days in the 1990s. Article said he was hired and fired within a few days. Also paints Randy as very shifty and not quite a reliable person in the business.
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Will deep-pocketed AEG be named in the wrongful death civil litigation that will probably be filed by the family against Dr. Conrad Murray, in that the company was paying him $150k a month? Many believe that the AEG brass in Denver will willingly sacrifice the high profile, publicity-hungry Phillips in an attempt to settle that litigation. Phillips' present vulnerability is leading many of those he has thrown under the bus to adopt a pilling-on mentality, as the karma train could once again be pulling into the station… Names in the Rumor Mill: Bruce Glatman, Joel Katz, Marcel Avram, Prince, Andy Hewitt, Irving Azoff and Jay Marciano.

finally someone said something about this ish ...

thanks for posting !!
Thank you for posting this article.

When I read this quote:

Honestly, my heart just constricted and I shook my head.

But the article did say that Sony has sold and estimated 18 million albums since Michael passed. I am assuming that's all Michael and that number is worldwide.

Also, do you guys think that the stars didn't commit to the concert because the Jackson 4 were headlining and it would just be sacrilegious to perform w/o Michael? Or because they knew that AEG was trying to profit big time over Michael's death. I'm just asking because it seemed that many, many artists would want to do some sort of tribute concert to Michael.

Interesting fact. . . Randy Phillips was Michael's manager for a few days in the 1990s. Article said he was hired and fired within a few days. Also paints Randy as very shifty and not quite a reliable person in the business.

Mike has NOT sold 18million albums worldwide, so they must be including other artists. It is possible though, that they have SHIPPED 18 million MJ albums because Sony announced on 21st July they had shipped 15.5million MJ albums at that time. I'm surprised they would ship more because according to the best estimates Mike has sold around 9 - 10 million this year and so it wouldn't be necessary to ship more just yet with another 5 - 6 million sitting on shelves.

Also, I find it odd that they couldn't get the involvement of any big stars in a MJ tribute concert. To me that is disgusting. I would certainly expect JT, Beyonce, Kanye, Usher, Ne yo, Chris Brown, R Kelly, Snoop, PCD, P Diddy and many more to jump at the chance. Perhaps August was too short notice for many of them. I hope somebody will do a tribute concert at some point and also a tribute album too!
Mike has NOT sold 18million albums worldwide, so they must be including other artists. It is possible though, that they have SHIPPED 18 million MJ albums because Sony announced on 21st July they had shipped 15.5million MJ albums at that time. I'm surprised they would ship more because according to the best estimates Mike has sold around 9 - 10 million this year and so it wouldn't be necessary to ship more just yet with another 5 - 6 million sitting on shelves.

Also, I find it odd that they couldn't get the involvement of any big stars in a MJ tribute concert. To me that is disgusting. I would certainly expect JT, Beyonce, Kanye, Usher, Ne yo, Chris Brown, R Kelly, Snoop, PCD, P Diddy and many more to jump at the chance. Perhaps August was too short notice for many of them. I hope somebody will do a tribute concert at some point and also a tribute album too!

You know, I don't find artists not getting involved with the MJ tribute disgusting at all.I would never, and I think any respectable artist would never, make or generate money or get involved with something that eventually is about making money in this horrible situation. The industry has lost its biggest star and MJ was respected by all the artists that could have potentially been there. We all know how the industry took advantage of would be a shame to continue it and I am glad there are are artists who see that and are clever enough. They are sticking up for MJ and rightly so!

I also know Sony has made bucketloads of money on MJs death...few million here and there does not really matter.

I am personally so happy that there is not going to be another MJ tribute show....taking advantage of fans and how they feel at the moment and Michaels memory to pay off debts that really ought to be paid by these leaches...they got what they deserved and I hope they really suffer! What goes around comes around!

I just feel so guilty of believing all what AEG said about MJ being well and happy to do the 50 was too good to be true and when things are too good to be true there is something rotten behind it...MJ said he wanted to do 10 shows...Maybe that is not the main concern here any more now that we know so much more about what went behind but it is so sad....
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my understanding from different articles i read is that it will likely be a live album to co-incide with the movie release. apparently there is be a high definition release on blu-ray too as they were able to record the very last rehearsal in its entirety with hd equipment
I still cannot get over AEG even hiring Dr. Murray with all his financial problems he was having prior to working for Michael. A very poor business investment if you ask me. Dr. Murray's financial issues/debt troubles should of raised red flags for them NOT to hire him. Only though this feeds the conspiracy even more.

article on yesterdays msnbc about his financial issues:

and did you know that Dr. Murray's father had his medical license suspended by the board in 1994 for prescribing "controlled substances and substances with addictive potential" to two patients for "extended periods of time without adequate indication." After he complied with all the provisions, the restrictions on Murray's fathers license were lifted completely in 1999.
You know, I don't find artists not getting involved with the MJ tribute disgusting at all.I would never, and I think any respectable artist would never, make or generate money or get involved with something that eventually is about making money in this horrible situation. The industry has lost its biggest star and MJ was respected by all the artists that could have potentially been there. We all know how the industry took advantage of would be a shame to continue it and I am glad there are are artists who see that and are clever enough. They are sticking up for MJ and rightly so!

I also know Sony has made bucketloads of money on MJs death...few million here and there does not really matter.

I am personally so happy that there is not going to be another MJ tribute show....taking advantage of fans and how they feel at the moment and Michaels memory to pay off debts that really ought to be paid by these leaches...they got what they deserved and I hope they really suffer! What goes around comes around!

I just feel so guilty of believing all what AEG said about MJ being well and happy to do the 50 was too good to be true and when things are too good to be true there is something rotten behind it...MJ said he wanted to do 10 shows...Maybe that is not the main concern here any more now that we know so much more about what went behind but it is so sad....

Hello! Personally don't want to see anyone singing his songs.. because that CAN'T!!! It's done. There will NEVER be another and as far as I'm concerned someone singing MJ's song at some kind of so-called tribute concert would be nothing but a HOT MESS. I think it's such a shame that everybody and their mama is coming out of the woodwork trying to make money off of this man's death. Books, CDs, Movies, freaking tribute concerts, unauthorized merchandise.. it's like MJ overkill. I can't stand it.
You know, I don't find artists not getting involved with the MJ tribute disgusting at all.I would never, and I think any respectable artist would never, make or generate money or get involved with something that eventually is about making money in this horrible situation. The industry has lost its biggest star and MJ was respected by all the artists that could have potentially been there. We all know how the industry took advantage of would be a shame to continue it and I am glad there are are artists who see that and are clever enough. They are sticking up for MJ and rightly so!

I also know Sony has made bucketloads of money on MJs death...few million here and there does not really matter.

I am personally so happy that there is not going to be another MJ tribute show....taking advantage of fans and how they feel at the moment and Michaels memory to pay off debts that really ought to be paid by these leaches...they got what they deserved and I hope they really suffer! What goes around comes around!

I just feel so guilty of believing all what AEG said about MJ being well and happy to do the 50 was too good to be true and when things are too good to be true there is something rotten behind it...MJ said he wanted to do 10 shows...Maybe that is not the main concern here any more now that we know so much more about what went behind but it is so sad....
I believe Michael was happy and well enough to do the shows. Were not talking about your typical 50 year old fat man who's never excercised a day in his life. Were talking about the best dancer of all time. For insurance reasons he was checked out by a lot of doctors who said he was ready to go. Lou Ferrigno said he was in excellent shape.

I'm sure he was getting in shape long before he decided to do the tour. And it was made clear that 50 shows was the plan all along. But they were planning to announce ten at a time and if they were successful than they would announce another 10. When the first 10 sold out in record time, they skipped the whole announcing 10 at a time thing and just put all 40 up because it was clear they would sell out.

The work didn't kill Michael. I think his doctors did.
A tribute does not have to include artists singing Michael Jackson songs. They can sing whatever songs they like, but the Concert can still be a celebration of Mike's life. They can do dedications can show video clips etc.

I think a hugely successful tribute concert is perfect and hope they do one in the future and personally wouldn't mind at all if people sing MJ songs. If you get the right artist singing the right song it could work very well.
Thank you for posting this article.

When I read this quote:

Honestly, my heart just constricted and I shook my head.

But the article did say that Sony has sold and estimated 18 million albums since Michael passed. I am assuming that's all Michael and that number is worldwide.

Also, do you guys think that the stars didn't commit to the concert because the Jackson 4 were headlining and it would just be sacrilegious to perform w/o Michael? Or because they knew that AEG was trying to profit big time over Michael's death. I'm just asking because it seemed that many, many artists would want to do some sort of tribute concert to Michael.

Interesting fact. . . Randy Phillips was Michael's manager for a few days in the 1990s. Article said he was hired and fired within a few days. Also paints Randy as very shifty and not quite a reliable person in the business.
Right now 8 albums in the top 10 is MJ albums in the Global track chart...
A tribute does not have to include artists singing Michael Jackson songs. They can sing whatever songs they like, but the Concert can still be a celebration of Mike's life. They can do dedications can show video clips etc.

I think a hugely successful tribute concert is perfect and hope they do one in the future and personally wouldn't mind at all if people sing MJ songs. If you get the right artist singing the right song it could work very well.

Didn't AEG want to do the 'This Is It' concert with other artists as a tribute.....or was that something else they were thinking of doing?
yea they wanted to do it. they wanted artists to perform on the dates mj was gonna do.

im glad it's not working out for them. cuz it's not likely the money will go to the kids.
Makes me sick to think of the extra money Sony is making out of Michael since he died... and to see Mottola on tv talking about Michael :( Don't even get me started on Randy Phillips and AEG... its all so messy. Yes I'm glad the tribute gig doesn't seem to be happening, lots of artists seem to have some sense.
I was thinking it's going to be kind of wierd watching Michael's concert in theatres. Because usually fans are jumping up and down screaming their lungs out, crying and fainting.

But now, we're seeing This Is It in theatres (I hope) and It's going to be so wierd to have to sit through the whole thing and be quiet and not scream like crazy for Michael...
I believe Michael was happy and well enough to do the shows. Were not talking about your typical 50 year old fat man who's never excercised a day in his life. Were talking about the best dancer of all time. For insurance reasons he was checked out by a lot of doctors who said he was ready to go. Lou Ferrigno said he was in excellent shape.

I'm sure he was getting in shape long before he decided to do the tour. And it was made clear that 50 shows was the plan all along. But they were planning to announce ten at a time and if they were successful than they would announce another 10. When the first 10 sold out in record time, they skipped the whole announcing 10 at a time thing and just put all 40 up because it was clear they would sell out.

The work didn't kill Michael. I think his doctors did.

I really hope MJ wanted to do the shows and that he was happy seeing the fans again. I already feel so guilty. I feel fans should have made it more clear to MJ that no matter what, we would always love him...regardless of him not doing the moonwalk or a perfect spin...
I did try. Some reporter asked me at the o2 arena press conference what I wanted to hear MJ performing and I said it does not matter as long as he was there....Oh well. I don't know.