New review of the Dangerous album

"Dangerous" has always without any doubt what so ever been Michael's best album, in my opinion that is.

It has everything you could ask for.
That's the beauty of Michael's music. All of his albums could be cited as a favorite depending on who you ask. There's no single album that stands above the others because Michael's music was consistently excellent. Invincible is my favorite.
Dangerous has been playing on repeat in my car for the past 3-4 weeks. I can't get enough of 'Dangerous', 'In The Closet' and most recently BoW.. *sigh*
I know its late but atleast people who would never have are now listening to his music nd finally getting what the rest of us did that Mike's music was amazing and hopfully these people will help continue his legacy by buying the stuff that could get released and slowly the whole world will know the true michael and love him
I been playing Dangerous a lot lately also. And Jam is constantly on repeat. I don't know what it is about that song. The lyrics are killer. And Black or White is my latest video obsession.
I sent the gentleman an email in thanks. What he said is so interesting because a lot of friends have started to really listen to Michael again since his death and are recognising his genius and his message.

And with that recognition of the magnitude of what the world has lost, they have been crying.

This is a powerful thing that has happened. Michael Jackson was a powerful and magnificent man.
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Dangerous is my favourite album. I love that CD.

And my favourite song is''who is it''
Dangerous is amazing! second only to HIStory in my book
Yes, Dangerous is also my fave MJ album :) never understood why people could not see how great an album it is...
Love "Who is it?" It is one of the most Michaelish songs there is.
good review, think its wierd they didnt mention who is it or give into me which are two of the best songs though
I have always loved Dangerous. I've thought it could be my favorite, but then I remember how great his other ones are, and I'm like :scratch: I don't know which is my favorite. Even with Invincible that people talk about so badly, it has Butterflies, Whatever Happens, Don't Walk Away, You rock my World, Speechless, etc. on it. I think people all need to listen to all of his CDs again.
Bad and Dangerous when some time has passed could pass 40 million sold.

I wouldn't mind if MJ had the worlds 3 largest selling albums of all time.

Even though his legacy is focused on his talent, what will keep his legacy going for decades even centuries is the fact that HE has sold more records then anyone, and nobody will sell that much ever again. That fact will remain in history for a loooooong time. The haters can go to hell, they can't touch him.
I do wonder why they didn't review Give in to me and Who is it though. Wow, those songs are beyond words. As soon as Give in to me starts, I just feel it inside. And I've heard it over and over again.
I know everyone would always talk about Thriller and how it was his best album and that's great...but Dangerous has always been my favorite MJ album. I was like 12 when it came out and really it was the soundtrack to my teen years. IMO every single song on Dangerous was good enough to be a number 1 single. It was versatile and had a wide range of styles, great lyrics that actually meant something....
I never understood why it didn't get more attention.
I do wonder why they didn't review Give in to me and Who is it though. Wow, those songs are beyond words. As soon as Give in to me starts, I just feel it inside. And I've heard it over and over again.

I agree. Both are so powerful to my body and my mind. I cannot help but sway.
This is a great review! Over the past week and a half, I've been doing a lot of watching MJ videos and listening to MJ music on youtube. And, I just discovered how good the Dangerous album is.

In the past, I just associated this album with songs like Jam and Dangerous, which didn't do much for me, so I never bought it. But, after I listened to In the Closet, Who Is It, and Give In to Me, I knew that I have to order this album.
Great, great, Great review! Dangerous is still my favorite album of his! So many classics got on that album. So many that don't get recognized! I hope soon enough that people start to re-review his catalog without the biased opinions and controversy. Dangerous, HIStory and Invincible were all seriously overlooked and under-recognized.

Ironically, there is one type of song style that is missing in this album that is surprising to me. It's the romantic ballad! There is no romantic-type ballad on this record, but you know doesn't need it!

It's a very dynamic and developing album that Michael has successfully done. I miss that I will never get to hear the new creations he could have possibly made for us. Even if he never performed, created a video, or made an appearance again, I know he would have still created music to the day he left us. Releasing new music somehow for his fans.

.........God I miss him!
Dangerous has always been my favourite. It is the album which I have played the most often - it's just got every possible shade and genre of song and mood on it. It's always been overshadowed by all the hype around Thriller, but although Thriller has the immortal Beat It and Billie Jean, I reckon Dangerous is a more solid and mature album.