New Pics of Michael Jackson & Kids Shopping For Comics

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If Michael jackson doesn't want to be photographed and turned into tv documentary, he has every right to cover up his face. When we have a documentary, comparing the man's baby pictures to his pictures 20 and 30 years later, aided and abetted by dark light and sinister music, I would cover up too.
If the media will not treat the man with respect, they do not deserve to have his pictures.
Strong co-sign! Well-said, Dats:clapping: Also, we gotta consider that he's been photographed almost all his life. Don't you think, if you was Micheal or any celebrity with a shorter career and less exposure, there would be some off-days esp. during a break between albums or movies and you don't wanna get taken pictures?
I love these Pics!:)

Someday i want to shop for comics with MJ too, I love the Jocker Pic:cheeky:
Strong co-sign! Well-said, Dats:clapping: Also, we gotta consider that he's been photographed almost all his life. Don't you think, if you was Micheal or any celebrity with a shorter career and less exposure, there would be some off-days esp. during a break between albums or movies and you don't wanna get taken pictures?

That's exactly why I don't like paparazzi pics! :clapping:
just don't like seeing all covered up.

Well, he is going to be covered up whether you like it or not. You cannot do a thing about it. If you do not like how he looks, then either stop being a fan or get over it. MJ does not have to look "good" to these nobodies that would rather focus on looks that pure talent. That is why there are too many untalented "stars" instead of talented stars. MJ can wear a mask all he want to. I have learn to let things be and you should as well. If MJ cared what people thought about him, he would not have a career.
Well, he is going to be covered up whether you like it or not. You cannot do a thing about it. If you do not like how he looks, then either stop being a fan or get over it. MJ does not have to look "good" to these nobodies that would rather focus on looks that pure talent. That is why there are too many untalented "stars" instead of talented stars. MJ can wear a mask all he want to. I have learn to let things be and you should as well. If MJ cared what people thought about him, he would not have a career.

Great post and totally agree.
There is so much crap out there why are we all trippin' over something so trivial.
Personally Im glad Michael does this cuz its a poke in the eye to the pap's, he doesn't follow nobody's tune 'cept his own.
You carry on and go your own sweet way Michael, cuz it won't stop me being a fan,:D
You know, I should have known better than to read any of the comments on TMZ but it actually gave me the epiphany that even if The beautiful kids looked completely black like Michael there would still be people saying those aren't his biological kids because it's Michael. It all goes back to rumors I won't get get into detail on. They would still be saying "donor this and that". Blanket is a mini Michael and there are still fools claiming he looks too white to be his! Anyone with two eyes can see the kids resemble him in some way. The two Prince's have his eyes, the Jackson Does as I call them. All three have that biracial olive complexion and wavy dark hair. I don't know when brunette became blond. On a more profound note, those jerks say the kids look scared and unhappy, If anyone saw these kids with no clue who the parent was they wouldn't look twice they're so normal looking. All in all they are gorgeous and stylin. I so would have had a crush on Blanket or Prince if I knew them at their age. Michaels also gonna have to look out even more for Paris now, she's a little lady and it looks like she'll be needing her training bras soon. LOL
I completely agree. Looking at the picture makes me realise that time is moving fast though...I think it wasn´t so long ago they were just babies.
You know, I should have known better than to read any of the comments on TMZ but it actually gave me the epiphany that even if The beautiful kids looked completely black like Michael there would still be people saying those aren't his biological kids because it's Michael. It all goes back to rumors I won't get get into detail on. They would still be saying "donor this and that". Blanket is a mini Michael and there are still fools claiming he looks too white to be his! Anyone with two eyes can see the kids resemble him in some way. The two Prince's have his eyes, the Jackson Does as I call them. All three have that biracial olive complexion and wavy dark hair. I don't know when brunette became blond. On a more profound note, those jerks say the kids look scared and unhappy, If anyone saw these kids with no clue who the parent was they wouldn't look twice they're so normal looking. All in all they are gorgeous and stylin. I so would have had a crush on Blanket or Prince if I knew them at their age. Michaels also gonna have to look out even more for Paris now, she's a little lady and it looks like she'll be needing her training bras soon. LOL

:clap: Bravo, you nailed it! if only other fans got it, Mike could have had kids with the prettiest brown sista and there would always be folks saying he can't father kids for warped and hateful reasons. Your posts says it all, thank you :flowers:
mj has never heard of a pull list shoot there are plenty of comic stores that do mail order that way he could get his comics and not have to deal with this crap. being handicap i cant always get to the shop so i got a pull list and a family member picks them up ofr me. it bothers me that he cant just go to the comic store its not like alot of michaels fans are gonna hang at th shop geez.
All three have that biracial olive complexion and wavy dark hair. I don't know when brunette became blond. On a more profound note, those jerks say the kids look scared and unhappy

Exactly. The children "looked" "scared" and "unhappy" because damn cameras are in their face like it was a crime scene. I mean, come on. That would bother ANYONE. What does it have to do with with Michael? This is why you people need to let the ignorant people be. I mean, people think that Obama is a terrorist or supports them because of his middle name. That is how stupid and pathetic some people are. Why even waste your eyes reading pure stupidity? This man doesn't owe these clowns anything. Once this man made his money and made something of himself, these clowns that trash him remember that they gave him that lifestyle and start getting all angry once MJ does what he wants to do. It is the way of the world. Look at OJ - he was BELOVED. Once he was accused, tried and vindicated for murder, those nobodies started hating big time. Couldn't even give this man a chance to be. Now, these clowns got him where they want him - in jail. They wanted to do that to Michael, but MJ is not gonna let them do it. So, they get him through these websites like and shitty and trash him on there. Fans should not be bothered by these people. These people are lost souls who let the media control their thinking patterns. Hell, they take Sarah Palin seriously. LOL.
^ I do not know. I live in the east coast. Heck, where was MJ when these pics were taken? L.A. or Vegas?

BTW, someone mentioned that Prince Michael was in Christian Audigier's website - I didn't see him. Just saying.
^ I do not know. I live in the east coast. Heck, where was MJ when these pics were taken? L.A. or Vegas?

BTW, someone mentioned that Prince Michael was in Christian Audigier's website - I didn't see him. Just saying.
I believe he was at the MELROSE location in Los Angeles.

Also, I saw the picture of Prince on the Ed Hardy site. Shoot, they must have broken a record when they put that picture on their site. LOL! It was that quick!
I do appreciate MJJC for not posting pics of these innocent children other supposed MJ boards have fans fighting and in an uproar and rude and it's so unfair to MJ and to his children.
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Prince is already like an icon for cool, without even trying, lol.


I think you may be right.

It reminds me of my son saying to me the other day (he's close to Prince in age) "I know I'm not "cool," I'm not the type...I'm okay with being a nerd." (he's a computer geek)

I guess he sees that if ya "got it" ya "got it" and if ya don't, ya don't.

(but I think Prince just might) :lol:
wow...this is super simple...STOP POSTING THELINK TO THE ED HARDY SITE THAT SHOWS JR....also simple...stop talking about how u can't see him if u were 'fortunate' to catch the link...if u want to see thepics that badly, go elsewhere...

stop assuming about the man's health, stop talking about the mask like it's something new, and please...just be glad u got new pics...

we whine when we don't see him...we whine when we do....honestly..hobbies...ANYONE?

The Golden Apple has 2 great Southern California locations, one in the middle of LA on Melrose Ave and in the San Fernando Valley near the CSUN campus.
soso def;1641083 stop assuming about the man's health said:
We as fan's should be discussing what we want, even if it mean's that we sometime's need to be objective, something half this forum can't seem to be able to do.
We as fan's should be discussing what we want, even if it mean's that we sometime's need to be objective, something half this forum can't seem to be able to do.

IRISH_JR you as a member have every right to give your opinion, but only to a certain degree. We have rules as you have may not noticed and we here at MJJC strive to give Michael Jackson as much privacy as possible, because that is what he wants. If you have not read the rules then I suggest you do. Keep in mind also you need to adhere to what the mods tell you or take it up with the admin here of this board.
Being objective is hardly invading Michael's privacy.

I see that you are a new poster, and might not know the rules. Please familiarize yourself with them? Bottom line here is respect. I understand about being objective, but we don't discuss Michael's children or health. There are other boards that don't have those restrictions, so feel free to go there for those sorts of discussions.

Thanks, and peace,

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