'New Moon' star Taylor Lautner doing MJ dance on SNL


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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They probably knew it wasn't the exact same 'Beat It jacket' but in the 80's There were all kinds of Beat It inspired jackets with zippers and shirts too. :)

lol no i mean he's dancing to billie jean and wearing a beat jacket with a glove! come on!!!!! haha! how can u not see how wrong that is! :p
I don't get it, the skit that is. I haven't watched SNL in years so I guess this isn't the whole skit, because if it is then it's really random, lol.
tehehe I watched that the other day sooo cute!
His other performances on SNL was soo cute too :p

Just for the record Im not a crazy fan haha
I watched this last Saturday after I recorded it on my DVR. I noticed the jacket didn't go with the song but I guess most people identify MJ with wearing the red jacket?

Did you guys see Taylor do those incredible martial arts kicks and moves in the beginning of the show during the monologue (he's defending cardboard Taylor Swift to cardboard Kanye...heh). Pretty amazing.

SNL has been pretty dull lately. One of the few good cast members is Kristen Wiig.
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I happened to catch this on tv live, and if I'm not mistaken, there was a dig at MJ because there was mention of 'boys and girls'. Bleh. Then again, maybe I'm just being paranoid. Who can blame me though.
^Um, it was a song about Santa Clause bringing "Christmas joy" to "all the girls and boys" in the tune of Billie Jean. It was not a dig and if it was meant to be at all, you know how they would've done it...it would've just been "little boys" or something.

Don't be too overly sensitive guys, it was just a cute sketch and no that isn't the full one, it was actually about 5 minutes and amusing.
IF I were like all the other teenagers I'd gush over Taylor saying he is sooooooo cute and all that shyt, but since I'm not, I'm not even gonna watch, cant stand those New Moon faces.
^Um, it was a song about Santa Clause bringing "Christmas joy" to "all the girls and boys" in the tune of Billie Jean. It was not a dig and if it was meant to be at all, you know how they would've done it...it would've just been "little boys" or something.

Don't be too overly sensitive guys, it was just a cute sketch and no that isn't the full one, it was actually about 5 minutes and amusing.
Ok, sorry about that then; I wasn't really paying that close attention to it at the time because I was doing something else while it was on. Hope I didn't ruin anyone's fun.

I guess I really am paranoid...