New Millennium era - the 00s


After opening the 80s and the 90s thread, here is the 00s thread. Share the music, movies snippets, and the joy.







The 00s are often criticized for the music, but I quite like a lot of it. Here are a few of my personal favourites from this decade:

80s were the best.
90s were ok.
00s I can't stand.

I really can't stand new millenium musical stuff (except Michael's, of course) although I'm 00s kid and grown up with that. Michael's music were and still is the best. Today there are rap, hip-hop and that kind of stuff which I really don't like at all. Perhaps I'm just old-fashioned.. lol
80's was awesome
90's was awesome
2000-2002 - It was good but not as good as the 80's and 90's
2003 - present - Crap
Still an awesome song :D

ooops....just noticed Bumper already had it posted :lol:

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