New Job (MJ Related)


Proud Member
Feb 3, 2006
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Hi all,

Not been on here in a while (logged in anyway) so first off, I hope everyone is well. Second, I have a new job; in fact, I now have my first step in the door of the Film and TV industry working as an Ingest Operator for ITN. I will explain why this is MJ related in just a second.

My job is to take ITN News archive tapes from 1984-1995(ish) and make those tapes into a brand spanking new digital file that can be stored more efficiently at ITN.. NOW HERE IS THE MJ BIT.

So far I have seen about 5-10 clips of Michael Jackson that I can almost 100% guarantee have not been seen before/only been seen once back when the footage was broadcast (1984-1995) this included Dangerous Tour performances and clips, Michael visiting hospitals, interview clips.. Literally anything that ITN had filmed or got their hands on.

Here is the link -
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That was really great if you could do that but don't risk your job, no footage in the world is worth that it affects your life in such a way.
For sure Moonwalker91 - I wouldn't put my job at risk over it. Maybe just make a shotlist and get everyone jealous? Haha - I wouldn't do that to y'all.

Uhm - it's fine to take some external (mobile phone footage).. Better than nothing at all.
It's really nice of you to offer to do this, but be careful! Make sure that you understand your company's policies before you take any photos or anything like like that. Nobody would want you to lose your job over some footage of Michael. Hopefully you will eventually get promoted and have some power to release that footage!
Certainly interested.

You could always just ask if you could have a few copies of old news footage just for your personal collection, I don't see how it would be an issue.

sounds good

be careful, but lookin forward to seeing the list!
Sounds awesome Foxy! I'm really jealous of you..I wish I had a job like that , Like everyone is saying make sure you know the rules first ;)
First of all foxy, thanks and ((hugs)) for dropping by, always great to hear from the 'good old fans' who helped make this place what it is- a true home for all of Michael's loyal, loving fans from across the world! Hope you'll continue visiting here :) Congratulations also for your new job! We would LOVE to see the list and so hope we can get to see the footage and clips too. Be careful and all the best!
great job you got :D just make sure you give us anything you CAN get, don't make anything stupid that would make you unemployed. But maybe you can get another job.... kidding :p
good luck!
P.S: if you have a fight with your boss, bring everything to us!!!
Just a little update.. I have seen so much! It's all news footage from the Dangerous to Blood on the Dancefloor era.

I have ingested a lot of material and it's impossible for me to get the footage for free but there is some up on the ITN source website available to buy. I will see what else comes along and if there is anything of real interest I will see what I can do.. Discounts etc.
Just a little update.. I have seen so much! It's all news footage from the Dangerous to Blood on the Dancefloor era.

I have ingested a lot of material and it's impossible for me to get the footage for free but there is some up on the ITN source website available to buy. I will see what else comes along and if there is anything of real interest I will see what I can do.. Discounts etc.

WOW! :eek:

Great! I hope you have news soon. :timer: Your job is very interesting. :wild:
congratulations on your new job and thank you that you think of us:)

These are all the MJ clips I have come across so far at work. Hope you enjoy them. A lot is anti MJ because it's british media but you will come across some gems.


Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!! :huggy: You've no idea how happy you made me :') See, I did find my own personal gem. Clip 36/62: Michael visiting London in 2001. I was there at the Lanesborough hotel and that's the only MJ-trip I ever made. I flew all the way from Finland to see him at the hotel and at the 10th Annual MJ Day. I've never been to a concert or seen Michael anywhere else, but I was there in London and that will forever be my most precious memory.

I've been looking for videos like this but couldn't find them anywhere. I could actually spot myself in the footage :wild:
First of all, congrats on your new job!:clapping:
How cool is that you have that MJ-related job as an MJ fan!!!
That is a lot of clips! I'll have to bookmark that link and watch them sometime. Do you write the descriptions for the clips? I saw one that mentioned MJ's "too-short trousers and white socks." LOL It's clip #4, with Princess Diana.
Re: New Job (MJ Related - Link in 1st post)

That is a lot of clips! I'll have to bookmark that link and watch them sometime. Do you write the descriptions for the clips? I saw one that mentioned MJ's "too-short trousers and white socks." LOL It's clip #4, with Princess Diana.

Haha no! That's all done back when the operator filmed the clip. Those descriptions are then just copied into the description from the notes on the tape/clip.

I'll put the link into the first post for others to find too.
Wow, that is AMAZING!!!!! Well in the end, I reckon they will end up throwing it away.
Awesome man, now make sure also ITN doesn't call Mike freaking ***** anymore.

You know what I mean, ends with o and begins with j.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!! :huggy: You've no idea how happy you made me :') See, I did find my own personal gem. Clip 36/62: Michael visiting London in 2001. I was there at the Lanesborough hotel and that's the only MJ-trip I ever made. I flew all the way from Finland to see him at the hotel and at the 10th Annual MJ Day. I've never been to a concert or seen Michael anywhere else, but I was there in London and that will forever be my most precious memory.

I've been looking for videos like this but couldn't find them anywhere. I could actually spot myself in the footage :wild:


There will be more to come :)

