New Jazzy Jeff mixtape: "He's the King, I'm the D.J."


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

DJ Jazzy Jeff has teamed up with the clothing company Undrcwn to release a new mixtape honoring the late great King Of Pop, Michael Jackson. Known in his early days for working with Will Smith, Jazzy Jeff playfully titled the new mixtape "He's The King, I'm The DJ," a reference to his 1988 album with Will Smith, "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper."

The new mixtape is current free for download on Undrcwn's website [or directly here] and features many of Michael Jackson's clasics as well as rare songs and new remixes. In addition Undrcwn, who has collaborated with Asher Roth and Mos Def before, is selling a limited edition t-shirt promoting the project. In related DJ Jazzy Jeff news, the Philly turntablist is featured on the upcoming DJ Hero video game (which hits stores on the 27th) as a playable character.
In my opinion Jazz was the funniest character on The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
(From where Jazz is staying at the Banks's house)

Jazz - ''Come on Mr. Banks i'll earn my keep. I'll do what ever Geoffery does''
Uncle Phil - ''Geoffery bathes''
Jazz - ''I can learn''

I wish that he would have been in more episodes
Only download or can we buy the mixtapes in the shop???
In my opinion Jazz was the funniest character on The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
(From where Jazz is staying at the Banks's house)

Jazz - ''Come on Mr. Banks i'll earn my keep. I'll do what ever Geoffery does''
Uncle Phil - ''Geoffery bathes''
Jazz - ''I can learn''

I wish that he would have been in more episodes
I like the Jazz & Jewel wedding.
I remember that. That was the episode where Jazz teaches Ashley how to play drums and Uncle Phil didn't like it, lol.

LOL the best part in that episode is when Jazz first comes into the room, turn his head up to the ceiling with amazement and says "Man you're loooaded" which Phil in response says "Hi I'm Mr. Banks", then tries to shake Jazz's hand and Jazz just slaps it while saying "You got that right" :hysterical:


Hehe I got all the episodes, I usually watch an episode each day - I never get tired of them :lol:
it is really an amazing album...all the right songs in the right order with the right "sracthings" and "touch ups" all in a nice mix you can blast out and have fun to it album for an MJ themed house party...brilliant!