New Interview with Chris Apostle about Michael Jackson, Idol, Tommy Mottola, More


Proud Member
Aug 2, 2011
Hey everyone! Hope you're doing well. Many of you might recall my one hour interview with Chris Apostle and Cory Rooney that was posted on this forum. I brought Chris Apostle back recently for another interview to talk about the death of Michael Jackson today and how many months later it has affected the music industry. We also discussed many other music insider topics and American Idol.

You can read and listen to the interview at
Thank you!

CA: “To be honest, I feel that Michael Jackson, he’s not forgotten but it’s just over. It’s almost like he’s kind of gone. As sad as that is, I feel somewhat sadder that we’re not even up on a year on this thing and people have just sort of put it aside. Sales, of course sales have improved for Sony. With the family, all you read now about is the doctor on trial and the family squabbling over money and stuff like that. And once again it’s gone back to all the side issues, not the music.”

This is very sad to read :(
I don't agree with this, the fact that there are still news on murray and the fam, clearly shows that the whole Michael story is not over and forgotten. As far as MJ being gone, unfortunately he was not in the public eye in the last 12 years of his life, with all the probs, and becomeing kind of a hasbeen. So Sad stuff started happening long before he was physicly gone.
I don't really agree with what he said. It's not over, nor is Michael forgotten.
That is a sad thought and I don't want to accept it but I really don't think it's true.
And Sony sucks.. lol. Right? Tommy Mottola .. yikes.
I don't really agree with what he said. It's not over, nor is Michael forgotten.
That is a sad thought and I don't want to accept it but I really don't think it's true.
And Sony sucks.. lol. Right? Tommy Mottola .. yikes.
Your right, when I first read that interview, I too immeaditley found something wrong with that statment, and it actually bothered me for a little while afterward. But, then I thought about all of the tributes that are STILL being done around the world for him, and all of the tributes still coming in the next months and I know it aint over. It won't be over for a long time.
I hope you're right Mist ( beautiful aka btw.)

I hope you're right.

Michael is still being outrageuoulsy and grossly maligned in the media - see Access Hollwood latest, and no-one in the media - with notable exceptions, is publicly saying this is unacceptable.

We live in ugly times.
Your right, when I first read that interview, I too immeaditley found something wrong with that statment, and it actually bothered me for a little while afterward. But, then I thought about all of the tributes that are STILL being done around the world for him, and all of the tributes still coming in the next months and I know it aint over. It won't be over for a long time.

I think he means what is being reported. All of the negative things are getting reported, they quickly 'mention' the positive, the album sales and all other things but give hour long segments on how they think the children are coping and how they 'think' the family is coping. Most of what i see on tv is Negative, they hardly discuss the most important thing, HIS music. And the way these tributes are being handled are not mesmorizing.

but i see what you guys are saying.
I wonder how can they say MJ is forgotten when it is because of the name Michael Jackson
that makes murray and the family a news item to begin with??
It kind of depends on wether its about being forgotten in the media, or in peoples hearts and minds. I visited my brother a few weeks ago,and my eigth year old niese wanted to teach me to moonwalk! She was not aware of me being a fan, as I don`t push this too mutch on them. Point is: when it comes to Michael he has taken his place asone of the greatest of all times and he will never be irrelevant or forgotten simply because his art speaks for itself. People will continue to be fascinated, intrigued, entertained and touched by him. First by the music and the entertainment, the dance and the showmanship. And then many will discover everything else. I bet that in time people will start to see the relevance of his thougths, and his philosphy, his view on life,and love.