NEW Hanson Music Video! "Thinking Bout' Somethin" Featuring Weird Al!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
st.louis missouri
Hanson finally has released their brand new Music video today!! The video pays Homage to the Blues Brothers Movie and features a appearence by Weird Al and Hanson Fans! all teh people in the street are fans who were invited by Hanson to Tulsa to be in the video! Hope you guys Enjoy!

The new single will be available for Download April 22nd on Itunes and the new album is set to be released on June 8th. Tour Dates are also being set to be annouced very soon!!! :)

(the date of the new single has just been changed from the 27th to the 22nd! whihc is not that bad bc its available sooner then planned!)
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It's a fun video, finally a song and a video that just make you smile and sing a long.
And I'm not even a Hanson fan lol. (Although I have two friends that are)
Hansons are making a comeback? I didn't know :lol:

The link doesn't work for me..
lol actaully Hanson never really left. they have been recording music for years and have 3 studio albums out and their new one is being released this summer. they have been touring since 2007 and will be once again in july. :)

heres another link incase the link doesnt work for some of you.
Oh ok didn't know that :)

Thanks for the link, don't really get the song or the video but looks like they're having fun :D The chorus is catchy though.
awsome!! Glad you guys are enjoying the video! Its reached over 500,000 views so far bc Zac Hanson has been incouraging Fans to refreash the page over and over again. he even posted a video giving a long speech and yelling at ppl to do it with everyone in the room on computers lol It was funny! you gotta be a long time hanson fan to understand the craziness of Zac lol anyways Hanson just annouced they will be on David Letterman April 23rd and on April 26th they will be on The Today Show. so set your vcrs, dvrs, of whatever! :)
Hahahah zac is such a dag

I used 2 be a big fan when i was a teenager
lol i know but Zac is great! he really knows how to get a rise of people and make them laugh! He's also a AMAZING painter. The guys have been painting these amazing paintings for these speacial packages they have for the fans to purschase that contain some really amazingly cool stuff except two of the 3 are VERY expensive. the cheapest is 25.00 and the other two are way more expensive. some of the items though might be available seperatly at some point just dont know when. hope you guys enjoy the video and the song!! Hanson is amazing and hoppefully some of you guys will become new Fansons!! :)
the guys have just the new album up for pre-order and every wednesday from june 8th they will have a track from the album available for download for those who pre-order the new album Shout it Out. just though i would pass that along. :)
the guys have just the new album up for pre-order and every wednesday from june 8th they will have a track from the album available for download for those who pre-order the new album Shout it Out. just though i would pass that along. :)
Does this include people who've preordered it from Amazon? I wanted to order from their website but the postage costs too much so I just ordered from Amazon

Do you have the 'Take the Walk' book and EP.. Amazing aren't they!
i dont know if that includes amazon for the pre-order you wou dhave to ask on as for the book and EP no i dont have them :( i planned on getting them at the show i was at last year but i decided not to bc i ended up spending 30 dollars on getting their documentary and their new EP "stand up, stand up" but I will definetly be deciding on them next show i go to this summer. Ive herd the songs on the take the walk ep and they are amazing! The song "Lay you down" had me bawling! its so sad and just beautiful bc its so heartfelt. just amazing! oh and also after all the Refreshing Zac had the fans do for the video and since its reached now over a Million views he has annouced that after the 5 of 5 he will be writting and posting a song called "refresh" for the fans who got the video so high in views. I cant wait to hear it bc its going to hilarouis! only Zac can even come up with such crazy songs lol gotta love him! lol

BTW i forgot to mention and i cant believe i did BUT starting Tommrow During the 5 of 5 shows Hanson will be streaming LIVE each one of their shows. I dont know if they will be streaming the entire shows or just a song or two but eather way Its going to awesome!! you can go to and get a link from there ( I think nothing will be posted until tommrow) or just go to this site where the stream is comming from now last year Hanson did live streams with @Live through i dont know if they are again but you never know. That is linked through They are public streams incase your curouis bc alot of the time they are for fan club members. they will be doing fan club streams but for not the 5 of 5 shows as far as i know unless they decide to stream from the today show or the walk before the the 1st 5 of 5 show. I dont know what time it starts yet but i would just check and see or the livestream site. Enjoy! :)
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