*NEW* Hanson!! "GIVE A LITTLE" Music video!!! :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
st.louis missouri
i know i talk about Hanson alot here lol but i do that bc i love them so much and they are to me what Michael means to us all here. they are just amazing and as a fan of these guys i just feel i need to spread the word about them in hopes of maybe making some of you in to fans or at least letting you all know that Hanson is still around and havent fallen of the face of the planet and to also let you guys in to some great music that you just dont hear anymore these days. so with that said Hanson has finally released a new video for their new single off of their new album "shout it out" called "give a little". its a super catchy song and that makes you wanna dance as soon as you hear it! i hope you guys enjoy the song and hopefully look in to hanson and give them a chance because Mmmbop was 13 years ago and they have changed since then and have grown up. so enjoy and if anyone here wants to know anything about Hanson like any music, tours, stuff like that you can ask me or just go to Hanson.net for any and all info about Hanson! hope you like!! :)

Thanks for posting the video - that's a fun song! Over the years, I had heard that Hanson was still out there, making great music. But, I never took the time to actually find some of their songs and listen. I'll definitely be looking into more of their music!
glad u guys enjoyed!!! its a great song and they just did a appearence on the Tonight Show which u can see the video through Hanson's websites or just go to NBC.com to view their performance. and Diana79 im glad to hear your going to look in to Hanson's music! you will surley became a fast fan! or Fanson as us hanson fans are called lol. Ive been a fan of them since 97 and they have been together as a band for 18 years! but its been 13 years since Middle of Nowhere. Hope to you enjoy the rest of Hanson's music!! maybe even get some hanson albums or go to a show on their next tour!! :)
I remember these guys from many years ago when they sang Mmmbop, that was one of my favourite songs when I was little :) They certainly changed a lot, I don't even recognize them anymore! They used to have long hair, that was their trademark. But they look better now lol. I don't really like this song (I don't hate it either, it's OK) but I admire your fandom and your attemps to spread the word about Hanson, mjlovergurl! I am sure they are very grateful to have fans like you who give them this unconditional support, and for so many years already! :)
thanks!! imglad you at least gave the sing a shot. they have a new album out that i mentioned in my 1st post in this thread which is amazing!!! the guys have changed alot since mmmbop and its great to see that you see that and are willing to give them a chance. I do what i can to spread the word about Hanson bc they mean alot to me and not alot of ppl know that they are still around and everytime someone hears the name Hanson they automaticaly think Mmmbop and the fact they had long hair. alot of Hanson fans do what they can to spread the word bc its time Hanson got the respect they have worked so hard to get. what makes them even more amazing is they have gone completly Independent after leaving Island Def Jam. they own have their own label called "3CG records" (stands for 3 car garage which is a album they released in 98 that has some of their earlier song thet recored when they were younger) Thanks again for the support and I hope to not just turn someone here in a new fan but also turn them on to some great music or even help a old fan re-discover hanson who may have lost track of them or just forgot about them. the great thing about these guys is that they actually write, sing, and play their own music. thats pretty rare now days.
*bump* sorry lol just trying to keep this thread up to get more views and comments. hope everyone who is viewing this is enjoying the video and song! :)
Wow, I just saw the video on VH1 and I really like it! The song I mean. The vid is ok, but ya know, it's more of a commercial promotion for the song itself, and I totally love the song now! I knew they were supposed to be great musicians, I guess I just forgot about 'em for awhile.

Far cry from that oooooold first album I got of them when I was....oooh 12 maybe.

And on a side note....the song itself sounds like something Train would write. Very happy-go-lucky sounding. Though I dislike Train...a whole lot! But I like this song, so....hmmm...
awesome! glad u enjoy it. there plenty more music from hanson where that came from! they have another song that came out last year called "thinkin bout' something" that you should also check out. but as of now the new single is give a little and thats the song that fans and hanson themselves are trying to get out there on the radio at the moment. :)

i was at 14 when hanson came out and i was obessed from the moment i herd mmmbop! they are great musicans and i think people need to see that again and realise that Hanson is a great band and to not always see them at kids singing mmmbop. as i stated before its rare now days to see anyone with real talent anymore and to me Hanson is one of the very few that have that talent.
*bump* :) hope everyone who views this enjoys!! as i stated before feel free to ask me about Hanson here or in a PM if your interested in knowing more about them and their music! :)
Personally I think Hanson is over and done with. They've been done for years. They need to move on
how can they move on when they hardly get any respect for what they do?? they are one of the rare talents out there who actually write, sing, and play their own instruments. not to mention run their own record label. if anything the music world needs bands like Hanson. music sucks today and it needs a kick a ass and to allow actaul talent to shine again. so im sorry but strongly disagree with you and you can say and feel what you want i respect that but i dont like the fact that you havent even given the guys a chance. your pretty quick to judge a band you havent even listened to yet. mmmbop is not the only song they have done and this new album is not their only one. alot of ppl said the same thing about Michael and he never stopped making music. so why should Hanson? they love what they do and they love their fans. so why not listen before you start judging. thank you. :)
I like it. Very refreshing from the electro sound that pretty much every artist uses today.
sorry again lol trying to keep this thread going but i also have something to post for ANY fans who live in London are or any surrounding area. Hanson have annouced they are a 5 of 5 concert series.They have done this before on New York last year. what it is for 5 nights they will be performing each one of their albums in FULL. like one night they will play their album middle of nowhere, the second night will be This Time Around, the next will be Underneath, the next will be The Walk, and then the last night they will play their new album Shout it Out. They have pre-orders of tickets on sale now but so far one package is already sold out. the other two are still on sale but for now i believe its fan club only since they get the pre-sales before the non fan club members get them. they are expensive but are soooo worth it!! the fan clun ticx are limited so any that sell out wont worry they will be on sale to the public on March 21st! just check out www.Hanson.Net for all info. i would LOVE to be able to go to this but i live in the states and i cant afford the tickets or travel! sucks but hey at least anyone who lives in that area will get to see Hanson perform finally! plus who knows maybe they will stream it all LIVE on their website! if so i will definetly let you guys know if anyone here is interested!! sorry im get a little annoying but as a hanson fan i need to spread the word for them bc they need all the help from fans they can get since they are a independent band! Thanks and Enjoy!!! :)