New Article: Michael Jackson Wanted To Move To Canada


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Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson May Have Pondered Move To Montreal


MONTREAL–A new book about pop icon Michael Jackson's final years says the singer once considered moving to Montreal because polls indicated Quebecers rejected child abuse allegations made against him.

Unmasked: The Final Years of Michael Jackson, says the megastar behind such hits as "Thriller" and "Bad" spurned the United States after surveys indicated many Americans still thought him guilty even though he was acquitted of child abuse charges in 2005.

Author Ian Halperin, who oddly enough predicted in December 2008 that Jackson would be dead in six months, writes that Jackson's first choices for a new home were Britain and Berlin, followed by Montreal.

Jackson died June 25. The cause of death has not yet been determined.

"Quebec had always held a special affection for Jackson and it happened to be the only jurisdiction in North America where polls showed that the majority of residents firmly rejected the child abuse allegations against him," Halperin writes in the book, released Tuesday in English and French by Montreal's Transit Publishing.

Halperin cites unidentified associates of people who dealt with Jackson as well as "one of the city's leading realtors" for his information on the possible Montreal move.

The realtor told him and a group of people at a June 2007 cocktail party at the Montreal Grand Prix that she was in the process of selling Jackson a house and that he had already been to Montreal twice to look at potential properties.

"He came incognito," Halperin quotes the realtor as saying. ``He even attended a hockey game while he was here."

Although Jackson was shown places in the upscale Westmount and Outremont districts, he didn't see anything that suited his needs. Privacy was paramount to him, the realtor said.

Jackson did like a "swanky mansion once owned by the Bronfman family," although it wasn't for sale.

Halperin also explored other Quebec connections, including negotiations between Jackson's Neverland Entertainment Group and a Montreal film company to start a new film production division.

Despite announcements a deal had been struck, it eventually fell apart because of Jackson's financial problems, Halperin writes.

He also recounts a conversation he had with now-deceased Montreal broadcaster Ted Blackman, who told him of a chat between the singer and a francophone journalist Blackman overheard in the mid-1980s.

"They were discussing whether or not Quebec would be better off being separate from Canada," Halperin quotes Blackman as saying of the backstage encounter at a Jackson show in Montreal.

"Jackson replied, `Oui, oui.' I was amazed. Jackson said he thought Quebec could be another Paris and that Canada was too culturally lame to sustain Quebec."

Blackman reportedly said Jackson ignored anglophone journalists and spoke to French-language media in broken French, accepting a fleur-de-lis key chain from one reporter.

Halperin's book was literally on the printing presses when news of the pop star's sudden death was announced. It was pulled so a brief update could be included.

Halperin says in his conclusion to the book that while he started his investigation believing that Jackson was guilty of child abuse, he couldn't find any evidence to support the allegation.

While he criticizes sensationalist media, he also says Jackson also bears blame for his own misfortune because of behaviour that ``bordered on criminal stupidity."

The author, who says he got his information from friends and associates of Jackson, paints a disheartening picture of the pop star's declining years. He says ill health likely would have prevented Jackson from completing a comeback tour that was scheduled to start recently.
I have visited Canada a few years back and really loved the country. I can understand why MJ wanted to move there. A lot of celebrities moved there because there is a lot of privacy. Maybe MJ wanted to create a new Neverland there?
Never heard any of this talk. Could it be true? Who knows. I do know that Janet loves Vancouver though. Huumm, I wonder if Celine Dion would have an inside scoop. Would have loved to see him here in Canada...but us being lame? *Sigh* we're a melting it or not, belonging to the Queen. Nothing lame about that.
I recall reading an article a while back. Stuart Backerman told fans MJ loved Canada. If I recall correctly Stuart was from there.
I have visited Canada a few years back and really loved the country. I can understand why MJ wanted to move there. A lot of celebrities moved there because there is a lot of privacy. Maybe MJ wanted to create a new Neverland there?

We do try to keep gossip to a minimum. I went ot Vegas in 2005 and a few of the fans asked me if we had a lot of gossip mags in Canada etc...I simply siad, no, I mean we have 'Hello,' but that's our British connection. I guess it's different for each country pertaining to what the journalists want to write. But yeah, we try to maintain a peaceful image. Life's to short not to appreciate what's out there. It's not every day that you get to see some amazing entertainers.
That is true I noticed that when I visited Canada. There is no gossip mags like here in the US. I love Canada and the people there. Very beautiful and peaceful place to live. I recall reading a magazine and it mentioned the artist Prince moved there because he had a lot of privacy. Prince named Canada the best place to live.
I wish Michael could have lived out his dreams. MJ was only 50; he had a whole life ahead of him.
I go to Canada (Toronto) every year because I have a lot of family and friends up there. Sometimes I go more than once a year. It's a lovely place. I wouldn't mind living there at all, so I see why MJ might have considered moving there (If this is in fact true).
I think he would have had a peaceful life there. I found a few different articles online and it looks like he was there a lot. I found articles for 2003 and 2007.


On Wednesday, September 10, 2003 at 8:45 am, Michael Jackson granted KIIS FM personality Rick Dees an exclusive on-air interview. He phoned in to the Los Angeles based radio station from Toronto, Canada to discuss his charity event and after party, both being held at his Neverland Valley Ranch on September 13, 2003.

The after party, which is being hosted and broadcast live by Klub Kiss (KIIS FM 102.7), will follow Michael’s charity event and run from 7:00 pm to 2:00 am. KISS FM awarded 12 lucky winners free tickets to the party. Other party-goers paid $2500 for a ticket for four guests, or $725 per individual ticket. A portion of the proceeds from this event will go to the 'Make a Wish Foundation.'

Rick: Michael, it's Rick Dees!

Michael: Rick, how are you?

Rick: How are you?

Michael: How you been doin'?

Rick: Couldn't be better, sir. And you're in Toronto now?

Michael: Yes, I'm in Toronto. I just decided to come up here and write music.

Rick: You know who else is living in Toronto now? Prince. Prince decided to move from Minneapolis to Toronto.

Michael: The singer?

Rick: Yes, Prince the singer.

Michael: You're kidding!

Rick: And he and his fact, Jimmy Jam told me they're living there now.

Michael: Jimmy Jam is so nice.

Rick: Isn't he the best?

Michael: Yeah...

Rick: I wanna thank you for what you're doing on Saturday. Everybody is so incredibly jazzed. Now I have seen your wonderful, beautiful ranch. But most people just fantasize about what it would be like to just walk the grounds...and now we're going to get a chance. Now will you be there?

Michael: Uh...yes, I will be there.

Rick: Alright!

Girl in background: That's what we wanted to hear.

Michael: Yep, I will be there.

Rick: Commander Chuck Street said that he really enjoyed taking you up in the helicopter.

Michael: Aww, that guy is so nice. He’s wonderful.

Rick: He had 20,000 hours and he said that it was just a wonderful experience and that you had wanted to see the ranch from a mountain, like in the back where the forest is.

Michael: Right, Mount Katherine.

Rick: He said that Mount Katherine is almost 29,000 feet...No, no, I'm just saying...but uh, how tall is she?

Michael: Personally, I don't know...really tall...

Rick: It’s know when I was there, Sophia Loren's sons were there that afternoon...

Michael: They were riding quads.

Rick: Yes, we were riding quads and that was the first time anybody ever saw an ATV. And it was wonderful but um, at the same time I didn't want to leave...that's probably how you feel when you leave, isn't it?

Michael: Aaw, God Bless you. Thank you. Well, you know you're always welcome. You know that.

Rick: What a nice thing to say Michael. And you know Saturday is very special too because I don't think that people understand that there are different ways to raise money for great causes, but for you to open your home for Make A Wish and other foundations is really special to us.

Michael: Aw, God Bless you. Thank you so much.

Rick: Can you catch us up to speed, now, over the last few months. First of all, how are the kids, are they doing alright?

Michael: All the children are fine.

Rick: They were... um... in the helicopter the other night and Chuck Street said that they were just absolutely so well behaved and the nicest...but at the same time of the last 6 or 7 months or so, how busy have you been?

Michael: I'm always busy. I never stop. I'm a workaholic. I love working.

Rick: You really do love it, don't you?

Michael: Yes, I love it.

Rick: So you've been in Toronto...have you written any songs?

Michael: Yes, very much.

Rick: I'd like you to meet Ellen Kaye who just walked in...

Ellen Kaye: I was waiting for my formal introduction.

Rick: Michael, this is Ellen Kaye...

Michael: Hello, Ellen, how are you?

Ellen Kaye: Hi, Michael, it's nice to meet you, finally.

Michael: You too.

Ellen Kaye: I hope one day you can come in the studio cuz we'd love to around you. And bring the kids.

Michael: Oh, I'd love that, that'll be cool, I love this's wonderful.

Rick: The last we talked, you said you keep in shape solely by dancing. And when I saw the shot of you...I think it was about 2 or 3 weeks're still in really good shape. It's still just dance that keeps you in shape?

Michael: I just like to dance around to music that I like.

Rick: Hmm.

Ellen Kaye: And chasing two kids, that'll keep you in shape.

Michael: Yes, running after the children.

Ellen Kaye: I have 2 toddlers myself and once they get those tennis shoes on, there's no slowing down.

Michael: I's mainly that I enjoy dancing....and I walk around the lake at Neverland.

Rick: And I'd like to point out ...the lake at Neverland, is absolutely, it's right in the very front, at least one of them...and you just wanna dive in. It really is.

Michael: Thank you.

Rick: Now Prince and Paris, how are they different? What are their likes and dislikes? What can you tell, as a parent, you know, 'Prince likes this, Paris likes this'.

Michael: Well they like, in truth, they like the same things. Prince, he doesn't like girl toys. I always wanted a daughter, and through all the years I've toured, I bought all these dolls, and I filled the whole room up full of dolls for when I have a daughter....and that would be her bedroom. And the first time I brought her in there, when she was old enough to walk, she just walked right passed it. (laughs)...she likes boy! toys. ! She likes trucks, cars...whatever prince wants, she wants.

Rick: You're kidding! And there's a whole room of dolls and she just walks right through them?

Michael: Yeah...(laughs)

Rick: The first time I met Michael, Ellen, it was um, not in a, well first of all we we saw each other on a tv show, but the first time we got a chance to socialize it was at a place called "Robbies’ Hobbies" and we both got into little, uh, they’re radio controlled cars...

Ellen Kaye: I like those too.

Michael: Yeah....

Rick: And they were so much fun.

Michael: You have a great memory.

Rick: Well, thank you. So I had a jeep made up for Michael. And he would take it on tour. And he would hide behind like a curtain or something, and this car would just show up at someone's feet. And it would stop, and they would jump around, and he'd bring the car back to him. They never knew it was Mike behind the controls! (laughs)

Michael: (laughs)

Rick: Great. So it was fun!

Ellen Kaye: That’s cool.

Michael: Great fun.

Rick: So now Michael, we're gonna have a huge party, do you mind...obviously we're not gonna tear up the house or anything but what rules should we put down?

Michael: Just to be kind to one another, and have a great time. I'll be kinda watching from a distance and enjoying it. I hope I can get to say hi to you.

Rick: Oh, absolutely. When you go back to your bedroom, like really late?

Michael: Yes

Rick: I'll be in your closet. (laughter)

Michael: Okay. (laughs)

Ellen Kaye: Oh, stop it! You don't have to take that Michael! (laughs)

Rick: Again, on behalf of Make A Wish and all the people too, Michael thank you so much.

Michael: God bless you and say hi to your wonderful family.

Rick: Oh, I certainly will. Julie says 'Hi', too.

Michael: Aaww! Tell her I said 'Hi'!

Rick: She knows so many little stories about Mike...they're buddies.

Michael: Yeah...she's a sweet person.

Ellen Kaye: I can't wait to see your animals on the ranch, cuz I'm a huge animal lover so.

Michael: Oh, there are lots of animals.

Ellen Kaye: Yeah, cool.

Rick: You still have the trampoline?

Michael: Yes...we found the rattlesnake. (laughs)

Rick: Kevin Dees was asking about that.

Michael: We found that snake, remember?

Rick: Oh man! We went out in the woods, and this is way away from his home so don't be afraid, but Michael and I found a baby rattlesnake.

Ellen Kaye: Ooooh, now those are really potent, cuz their poison is even stronger cuz it's more concentrated.

Rick: So Mike is walking up to the snake and about four guys jump in front of him and say, "What? Are you crazy?? Not with your CD just released!"

Michael: (laughs)

Ellen Kaye: (laughs) Yeah, cause people will take a bite for him.

Rick: So a couple of guys took a hit lik! (punching noises)..."It didn't hurt Michael" (punching noises)

Michael: Yeah, that was something. It was fun!

Rick: That was something else. They called him "Rattlin' Rick". Hey Mike, we'll see ya on Saturday, okay?

Michael: Okay, Rick. God bless you.

Rick: God bless you.

Michael: And say "Hi" to everybody.

Rick: My best to Prince and Paris, too.

Michael: Oh, God bless you, thank you!

Rick: Michael Jackson. Rick Dees in the morning. That's what it's all about. The world exclusive interview - he'll only do one - and thank you for choosing us Michael.
Rick: I'll be in your closet. (laughter)

Michael: Okay. (laughs)

haha, oh Michael, I love you.

Yeah... I'm from Montreal, and these reports have been floating around since like, Wednesday. Everyone's talking about it. Westmount (the supposed area he was scouting) has some INCREDIBLE mansions and houses.... I mean, really really insane. There's a circle you can drive up which leads to a secluded area with all these really upscale fancy homes, and they're honestly breathtaking. I can see why Michael might have enjoyed that. Though I don't know if I 100% believe the story. Halperin rubs me the wrong way and seeing as though he's from Montreal, it wouldn't surprise me if he mocked up the story to bring attention to his city :rolleyes2:

Still though, the thought of Michael having potentially lived near me makes me feel somewhat bittersweet.
I'd rather he'd moved there and been happy and relaxed with the children then sign up to 50 gigs to please people. Not much use thinking that now I know! :(
I'd rather he'd moved there and been happy and relaxed with the children then sign up to 50 gigs to please people. Not much use thinking that now I know! :(

yeah I wish he would have stayed in Ireland too.. then none of this would have happened. He didnt have to do those concerts but he did it because he loves us :cry:
The residential area shown in the above YouTube video looks like Beverly Hills except in Canada.
That is true I noticed that when I visited Canada. There is no gossip mags like here in the US. I love Canada and the people there. Very beautiful and peaceful place to live. I recall reading a magazine and it mentioned the artist Prince moved there because he had a lot of privacy. Prince named Canada the best place to live.

Wow thanks.

Yeah, I know Prince and his wife lived in Toronto for a few years. Sadly they divorced and I think he lives back in L.A or Vegas.

There are a lot of stars who live here, or at least have cottages here; in fact, Dan Akroyd has his cottage on a lake 15 mins from where I live. My brother did some duct work at this house, said he was extremely friendly and down to earth. Privacy is a big issue for everyone. Tom Cruise and Kate were checking out property here a few years ago.

Mel Gibson stayed with the Akroyds for a while, and seeing the yaut (sp) they had parked downtown was something else. Really down to earth guy though. You do get star struck though when you run into them at the beer store or Timmy, Starbucks lol.
Ya I was just reading that Prince (wife) was from Canada.

I remember a few years back when I visited Canada I heard the big buzz about the coffee at Timmys. I wish we had a Timmys here; I LOVE TIMMYS COFFEE. Timmys coffee is way better. No comparison to Starbucks.
Why is Ian's article here? Do we forget the trash he's spewed?
I doubt this is true, but if Michael ever did consider moving to Canada it would have been a great move for him. Canada is a beautiful country!
I think it is true. From reading different articles online - it looks like Michael visited Canada a lot over the past few years. I think it would have been a great place for him. Canada is a very beautiful country.
^If it is indeed true, makes me so much sadder than I was oh so close...
Why is Ian's article here? Do we forget the trash he's spewed?

Exactly! This man wrote some really nasty lies about Michael in that verry same book and I would'nt try to convince true fans to read any of it!