

Proud Member
Dec 7, 2009
Just a question..

Do ye think Neverland will ever be open to the public like Graceland.. I know it's only been 6months but Jermaine said recently that he is working with the administrators to turn Neverland back to what is was?? I personally would love it as it would be somewhere to celebrate Michael and feel closer to him..
I have mixed feelings about it--I want a place that was special to Michael to be turned into a place to honor him, where everyone can go, and Neverland seems like a perfect place. But--it just wouldn't feel right because everything is gone and it would be impossible to recreate it. :(

I was at Neverland last night, though, and noticed that the big circular flowered sign is gone from the gates(I believe it was there last time I was there, in July) that makes me think that nothing is going to be done.
this is a issue that has been discussed so many times and honestly who knows whats going to happen with Neverland. I dont think the estate is gonna let it just sit there and become nothing. Neverland is a speacial place that Michael did love. I know alot of fans and even people close to Michael continue to say that he hated Neverland after what happened but i refuse to believe that he wanted to let it go for good. It was Michael's home where he raised his children and he build in his vision and shared with children who were sick and who didnt get to a childhood like him so he allowed them to enjoy his home.

After what happpend yeah Michael did leave it and never came back but we can blame a piece of land for that. The people who raided it did that. IF Michael hated the place he would have let it be auctioned off or sold it 1st chance he got. we all know that he would have. But he didnt. He continued to save it from being sold for a reason. He still loved it and he didnt want to see it be destroyed or sold to someone who wasnt going to love it like he did. The condishion its in now is very heartbreaking and sad to even look at bc the magic is gone but its still a place michael loved and i want to see it be turned in to a musueam or a graceland. But thats up to his estate and knowing just how much can be made off of Neverland theres no question it will be. plus chances are the money will go to charities and to michael's children so why not keep his memory alive by doing that? I think Michael would be happy to see that happen and know that something good can come out of something bad. It would break my heart to see Neverland rot away and not be the place that Michael made so magical. No one person here would want to see that happen. at least i hope not. besides like its been said before If Elvis fans can have graceland then us Michael fans should have Neverland.
something will be done as there to much money to be made out of it whether by creating something or just selling the land off but imo its not a priority at this stage. its still gonna be there in a year or two
I'd like to see a source for where and when Jermaine said that. Then again it does sound like him... unfortunately.

Neverland doesn't exist anymore.

It's Sycamore Valley Ranch.

Nobody knows who owns which part in it. But as it was renamed to Sycamore Valley Ranch I guess the main stake in it is with Colonly Capital.

If Jermaine and/or Tom Barrack think they can recreate the magic Michael once gave to this place... well I can only say good luck but I personally don't think they can.

I don't think it will be sold too soon also as estate prices are only going lower and lower still.

Also I feel with the ppl living in the valley who just don't want to see it stamped down by tourist floodings. That's why Los Alamos/St. Ynez Valley officials didn't even give permission for the memorial or whatever was planned there according to Jermaine probably?

I also feel with the fans but Michael is not there anymore.

Where there is love there he'll be! ;)

L.O.V.E. is much different from money making business!
(... just in case someone has problems to comprehend... oh jeh I'm just waiting for someone again to tell me this place and ppl paying to see it is needed to keep Michaels legacy blaaaaaaaaaaahhhh will make my stomach acting up again only... how stupid do ppl think fans are uh???)
Nobody knows who owns which part in it. But as it was renamed to Sycamore Valley Ranch I guess the main stake in it is with Colonly Capital.
according to reports at the time of the deal it said mj was majority owner. they were giving away neverland 09 merch within weeks of the 25th. so if it gets turned back into anything than obviously it will be known as neverland

imo it should be recreated so charities can use the place as they did b4. that would be honuring mj in the best way. and on select days of the year it is opened to the public in order to raise the money to run it
according to reports at the time of the deal it said mj was majority owner. they were giving away neverland 09 merch within weeks of the 25th. so if it gets turned back into anything than obviously it will be known as neverland

imo it should be recreated so charities can use the place as they did b4. that would be honuring mj in the best way. and on select days of the year it is opened to the public in order to raise the money to run it

I'd like to see these reports.

As far as I know the stakes different sides had in Sycamore Valley Ranch were always remained private yet... probably for some reason.

My bet is Colony Capital LLC owns at least 51% if not more and although the estate has a share in that company it's not a major part.

There must have a been a reason why Michael kind of hurried that everything... and really everything was removed from that property almost in a glimpse and also why he wanted the ranch to be renamed to it's former title.

this might be informative for some:
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I'd like to see these reports.

As far as I know the stakes different sides had in Sycamore Valley Ranch were always remained private yet... probably for some reason.
of course the docs are private. we can only go on what was reported on in the media at the time and for once the articles were pro mj interms of him staying majority owner.they arent one for making up postive news on mj, and in a business sense u would expect he wanted to stay majority owner so he had a say in any decisions on the place. i dont thnk it was hurried from what i remember we didnt find out about the deal for a good while after it happened. and the the auction stuff started up after that
of course the docs are private. we can only go on what was reported on in the media at the time and for once the articles were pro mj interms of him staying majority owner.they arent one for making up postive news on mj, and in a business sense u would expect he wanted to stay majority owner so he had a say in any decisions on the place. i dont thnk it was hurried from what i remember we didnt find out about the deal for a good while after it happened. and the the auction stuff started up after that

so fact is we do not know who's majority owner still!

Wanna take my bet, I stick with betting on Colony Capital/Tom Barrack.

If Michael would have been still majority owner then why moving everything out and even everything from the outside away to then probably paying horrible bills for storages somewhere? We all know it was a he** lot of stuff standing around on Neverland.
Sounds not very logical to me honestly.

Oh and the stuff was moved out by Juliens who thought they were allowed to put it on auction... hmmm someone must have misinformed them.
Michael stoping the auction in the last moment himself.
Doesn't all sound too well organized to me.

Btw I wouldn't have wondered also if it would have been Tom Barrack (or of cuz one of his companies) buying the most stuff on that auction.
so fact is we do not know who's majority owner still!

Wanna take my bet, I stick with betting on Colony Capital/Tom Barrack.

If Michael would have been still majority owner then why moving everything out and even everything from the outside away to then probably paying horrible bills for storages somewhere? We all know it was a he** lot of stuff standing around on Neverland.
Sounds not very logical to me honestly.

Oh and the stuff was moved out by Juliens who thought they were allowed to put it on auction... hmmm someone must have misinformed them.
Michael stoping the auction in the last moment himself.
Doesn't all sound too well organized to me.

Btw I wouldn't have wondered also if it would have been Tom Barrack (or of cuz one of his companies) buying the most stuff on that auction.

All the items from inside and around the house was moved before the events of 2007-2008 when he was still the sole owner. So, that really does not prove anything.

As for why the rides were removed, I think it had more to do with the fact it was cheaper to store that stuff than to keep paying people to keep it up. Also, his people were not paying his bills which is why he got in trouble to begin with.

I did read articles that clearly stated that Michael was still the majority holder with Colony Capital holding some stake. Which is why no one can legally do anything with Neverland without the estate's approval. So, Jermaine or the family has no say what happens to Neverland.

On topic, the reason why Michael never sold Neverland has more to do with it money value over any feelings Michael had over it. Neverland is a piece of property that is worth millions and Michael most likely saw it like all his investments and didn't want to sell it. What he had plan for it, we will never know. Also, he most likely kept it to keep other people from buying it and making money off of it in his name.

However, I think fans wishing for another Graceland is very wishful thinking. It is not in a good location for heavy traffic and unlike Graceland, Michael is not bury there. Also, the 'magic' was lost the minute those cops raided the place. Michael felt it and that is why he left. Any attempt to recreate it is doom to failure.

Most likely, Neverland will sit there until the kids come of age and they can decide what to do with it.
All the items from inside and around the house was moved before the events of 2007-2008 when he was still the sole owner. So, that really does not prove anything.

As for why the rides were removed, I think it had more to do with the fact it was cheaper to store that stuff than to keep paying people to keep it up. Also, his people were not paying his bills which is why he got in trouble to begin with.

I did read articles that clearly stated that Michael was still the majority holder with Colony Capital holding some stake. Which is why no one can legally do anything with Neverland without the estate's approval. So, Jermaine or the family has no say what happens to Neverland.

On topic, the reason why Michael never sold Neverland has more to do with it money value over any feelings Michael had over it. Neverland is a piece of property that is worth millions and Michael most likely saw it like all his investments and didn't want to sell it. What he had plan for it, we will never know. Also, he most likely kept it to keep other people from buying it and making money off of it in his name.

However, I think fans wishing for another Graceland is very wishful thinking. It is not in a good location for heavy traffic and unlike Graceland, Michael is not bury there. Also, the 'magic' was lost the minute those cops raided the place. Michael felt it and that is why he left. Any attempt to recreate it is doom to failure.

Most likely, Neverland will sit there until the kids come of age and they can decide what to do with it.

The most rides were sold (those they were able to sell). Those weren't put into storage.
Ppl have told they did rides somewhere else and have shown pictures here on the forums.

However, I've not found one article saying Michael or now the estate is still majority owner. I'd be very interested in reading these.

We agree on the rest.
The link I provided is telling about what ppl in the valley give permissions for and what not and what ppl, owners of land in the valley, have in their plans for the valley and why.
I don't think 'another graceland' will ever get permission there and I honestly have some understanding for it and the reasons.
In reality there is no more Neverland really only memories of what was once a place of peace. It was a dream one day that his home should be a place to remember Michael by, but no longer. We can only hope that one day someone will build a place for us to remember Michael by, but I doubt it seriously.
For some of us, it won't be the same thing ever. It should have been his home, where he walked, played, laughed, and enjoyed life. All were left with now is memories of him.

Elvis has his fanbase and his home for fans to go to. We on the other hand well, we just have to wait and see what we will have in the months to follow. It's just so depressing...I rather have Michael with us...

I'm sorry I'm not on much ...It's been hard to deal with. :angel:
o fact is we do not know who's majority owner still!
of course. as normal we can only go with media reports and seeing as the media hate mj when a report comes out that supports mj im more inclined to believe it as they have no reason to make up a positive peice as they do a negative

However, I've not found one article saying Michael or now the estate is still majority owner. I'd be very interested in reading these.
there were lots of articles at the time stating this. i guess google news should bring some up. i did find it intresting that within weeks of the 25th barrack was inviting local big wigs to the ranch and giving them neverland 09 hats etc. one complained it looked like barrack was buttering up those in power. also the court docs they filed which they then pulled pretty quick about registaring merch. and turning the ranch into hotel resorts etc. they listed everything going interms of neverland toys etc really tacky elvis type things.who knowswhat will happen but theres obviously alot of money to be made oneway or the other out of that place. and barrack has shown some colours interms of what hes already done. time will tell as thats all we have got left *sigh*

Oh and the stuff was moved out by Juliens who thought they were allowed to put it on auction... hmmm someone must have misinformed them.
Michael stoping the auction in the last moment himself.
Doesn't all sound too well organized to me.
yeah thome fecked it up and mj told him he created the mess he can clean it up.thome connected to colony aswell as we know. all dodgy
I greatly miss Neverland! :( Beautiful Place That Michael had every right to build.. I do hope for something beautiful to come out of it in respect to Michael.